CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

        October 15, 2011


A. In Attendance:

1. Board members: Howard Chen, John Cintolo, Joseph Chiu, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary), David Tran, Wensong Pan, Ruike Wang (Chair of BoD).


2. Invitees: Caleb Chang (Pastor), Jack Hung (Elder)


3. Not Present: , T.C. Chi, Emily Cheng (maternity leave), Paul Huang, Loren Shih.

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:  Head Deacon Ruike led us to have a opening prayer in 9:36 AM.

  1. Pastoral Sharing (Pastor Caleb)
  1. Leadership should be faithful as well as insightful to our church ministry.
  2. Any decision making process could result at something good or bad.
  1. Board of Elders Briefing (Elder Jack)
  1. Please refer to BOE meeting minutes of October for details.
  2. Elder Jack briefed us the slide for 42nd annual meeting.
  1. Financial Report (John)
  1. General Fund - In September we have income of $118,301and our expenses are $95,543, the surplus is $22,758 and the cumulative surplus at end of September is $50,495.
  2. Mission Fund  -  In September we have income of $16,039 and our expenses are $26,515 , the deficit  is $10,515   and the cumulative surplus at end of September is $130,472.
  3. Capital Fund - In September we have income of $275 and our expenses are $0, the surplus is $275 and the cumulative surplus at end of September is $149,323.
  4. Church Building Expansion Fund (CBET) - In September we have income of $2,815 and our expenses are $0, and the cumulative surplus at end of September is $169,694.
  5. SCM Fund - In September we have income of $2,787 and our expenses are $1,609, the surplus is $1,177 and the cumulative surplus at end of September is $44,165.
  6. BMWBC Bond Interest Fund - In September we have income of $2,112 and our expenses are $0, and the cumulative surplus at end of September is $4,853.
  1. Church Facility Policy Review (Ruike)
  1. AFC (Ambassadors for Christ, Inc.) event should be considered, according to church facility usage guideline, to be paid at Christian institution’s own expense.
  2. CES (China Evangelical Seminary N.A.) should also be considered at the same category.
  1. ARE Solar System Project (Ruike)
  1. Project Research Team rejected the idea to construct car ports in the parking lot.
  2. Possible alternative of adding solar panel at church office roof and west detention pond (9,600 sf) area, which should be subject to the approval by Lexington Town as well.
  1. Stewardship Report (Joe)
  1. There are two requests of upgrades for two old vans.
  2. Deacon board needs to know the cost for any combination figures.
  1. Elder Jack led us all to have a closing prayer @12:25pm

D. Translation in Chinese




A. 與會者:

  1. 出席執事: 陳國榮, 沈約翰, 邱德肇, 李新宇, 林有洧 (書),  陳祥光, 潘文嵩, 王瑞珂 (執事會主席)
  2. 受邀列席: 章開第 (牧師), 洪榮宗 (長老)
  3. 缺席執事: 季宗近 (財務), 劉安玲 (產假) , 黃俊文, 施志寧

B. 地點:


C. 會議議程及記錄: 主席王瑞珂帶領大家在上午9點36分作會議開始前的禱告。

  1. 教牧分享(章開第牧師)
  1. 教會領袖應該對教會事工忠心良善並有見地。
  2. 任何決策過程中,都可能會導致好或壞的結果。
  1. 長老團簡報(洪榮宗長老)
  1. 有關詳細信息,請參考10月份長老團會議紀錄。
  2. 長老介紹給執事們有關第42屆年度會友大會會議的幻燈片。
  1. 九月份財務報告(沈約翰)
  1. 普通基金 - 9月份的收入是$118,301美元,開支是$95,543美元,盈餘是$22,758元,至九月底的累積盈餘為$50,495。
  2. 差傳基金 - 9月份的收入是$16,039美元,開支是$26,515美元,赤字為 $10,515,至九月底的累積盈餘為 $130,472美元。
  3. 資產基金(原建堂基金) - 9月份的收入是$275美元,開支是$0​​美元,盈餘為$275美元,至九月底的累積盈餘為 $149,323美元。
  4. 教會擴建基金 - 9月份的收入是$2,815元,開支是$0美元,盈餘為$2,815美元,至九月底的累積盈餘為$169,694美元。
  5. 社會關懷基金 - 9月份的收入是$2,787元,開支是$1,609美元,盈餘是$1,177美元,至九月底的累積盈餘為$44,165美元。
  6. 波士頓西區聖經教會債券利息基金 - 9月份的收入是$2,112美元,開支是$0美元,盈餘為$2,112美元,至九月底的累積盈餘為$4,853美元。
  1. 教會設施政策檢討(王瑞珂)
  1. 考慮『使者』主辦的活動,根據本教會設施的使用綱要,需要此基督教機構來自行支付費用。
  2. 『北美華人神學院』在本教會所主辦的活動,也應考慮歸在同一類。
  1. 太陽能系統研究案(王瑞珂)
  1. 此專案研究小組,拒絕興建在停車場設立停車的棚子,並在其上架設太陽能電池板的想法。
  2. 但提出將太陽能電池板裝設在教會辦公室屋頂和西側滯洪池(9,600呎)的面積,這應該是需要依造地方政府(鎮)批准才可施行的方案。
  1. 理事會報告(邱德肇)
  1. 兩部老舊箱型客車有升級的要求。
  2. 執事會需要知道的各種可能的組合的成本。
  1. 洪長老帶領大家在下午12點25分作一個結束禱告。