CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

        November 19, 2011


A. In Attendance:

1. Board members: Howard Chen, Emily Cheng,  John Cintolo, Paul Huang, T.C. Chi, Joseph Chiu, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary), Loren Shih, David Tran, Wensong Pan, Ruike Wang (Chair of BoD).


2. Invitees: Caleb Chang (Pastor), K.C. Chu (Elder)

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:  Head Deacon Ruike led us to have a opening prayer in 9:40 AM.

  1. Pastoral Sharing (Pastor Caleb)
  1. Contemplation of the linkage in between branches and vine tree.
  2. Feedback of being this position for more than a half year.
  1. Board of Elders Briefing (Elder K.C.)
  1. Please refer to BOE meeting minutes of November for details.
  1. Financial Report (Deacon T.C.)
  1. General Fund - In October we have income of $132,100 and our expenses are $99,650, the surplus is $32,449 and the cumulative surplus at end of October is $82,956.
  2. Mission Fund  -  In October we have income of $20,046 and our expenses are $27,095 , the deficits  are $7,049   and the cumulative surplus at end of October is $123,422.
  3. Capital Fund - In October we have income of $225 and our expenses are $5,274, the deficits are $5,049 and the cumulative surplus at end of October is $144,274.
  4. Church Building Expansion Fund (CBET) - In October we have income of $6,119 and our expense is $0, and the cumulative surplus at end of October is  $175,813.
  5. SCM Fund - In October we have income of $1,200 and our expenses are $2,000, the deficits are $800 and the cumulative surplus at end of October is $43,365.
  6. BMWBC Bond Interest Fund - In October we have income of $2,170 and our expenses are $5477, and the cumulative surplus at end of October is $1,546.
  7. Benevolence Fund - In October we have income of $300 and our expense is $0, the cumulative surplus at end of October is $44,356.
  8. Class Balance Report show we have $946,908 in bank. That include Sunday Dinning $37,318 and Zion Fellowship $4,178 which are not owned by the church.
  9. In General fund for the first four months our income increase 28% and expense increase 13% than last year's first four months.
  10. Account holders should follow “Expense Approval Procedure” to handle all kinds of expenditures more wisely and carefully. Expenses should not be done over the budget at all.
  11. We need to consolidate all items into few account holders to take on responsibility of spending.
  1. ARE Solar System Project (Deacon Ruike)
  1. Project Research Team recommended to NOT proceed with this plan due to the CBE interference, insufficient cost saving, and uncertainty about long-term impact.
  2. All deacons are in favor of this recommendation.
  1. Transportation Service Report (Brother Wan Dai)
  1. Present all the current church shuttle routes and estimate all possible plans to the deacon board.
  2. Purchasing requests for new vans, human resources demands to recruit new drivers, building up garage to keep vans in a better condition.
  1. Stewardship Ministry Report & Discussion (Deacon Joseph)
  1. All deacons agree to purchase a new van by the end of this December.
  2. Re-roofing church buildings, and building up van garage issues are both tabled, which should be consider altogether with CBE project.
  3. Cleaning services - asking each cleaning company to do a job once just for demo.
  4. Criteria and policy of planning church bus route is needed. All existing routes should also be reviewed to keep a good balance in between possible resources and pragmatic demands.
  1. Recycling & Environmental Awareness
  1. We may recruit people to establish the green committee for our church.
  1. Mission conference feedback
  1. Pastor Caleb suggested to establish a committee to incorporate more people from both EM & CM for special events.
  1. Ruike led us all remnants to have a closing prayer @1:05pm

D. Translation in Chinese




A. 與會者:

  1. 出席執事: 陳國榮, 劉安玲, 沈約翰, 黃俊文, 邱德肇, 季宗近, 李新宇, 林有洧 (書), 施志寧,  陳祥光, 潘文嵩, 王瑞珂 (執事會主席)
  2. 受邀列席: 章開第 (牧師), 洪榮宗 (長老)

B. 地點:


C. 會議議程及記錄: 主席王瑞珂帶領大家在上午9點40分作會議開始前的禱告。

  1. 教牧分享(章開第牧師)
  1. 深思何為葡萄樹與枝子之間的連結。
  2. 超過半年在主任牧師的角色扮演。
  1. 長老團簡報(朱克潔長老)
  1. 有關詳細信息,請參考11月份長老團會議紀錄。
  1. 十月份財務報告(季宗近執事)
  1. 普通基金 - 本月份收入是$132,100美元,開支是$99,650美元,盈餘是$32,449元,至本月底的累積盈餘為$82,956。
  2. 差傳基金 - 本月份收入是$20,046美元,開支是$27,095美元,赤字為 $7,049,至本月底的累積盈餘為 $123,422美元。
  3. 資產基金(原建堂基金) - 本月份收入是$275美元,開支是$5,274​​美元,盈餘為$5,049美元,至本月底的累積盈餘為 $144,274美元。
  4. 教會擴建基金 - 本月份的收入是$6,119元,開支是$0美元,盈餘為$6,119美元,至本月底的累積盈餘為$175,813美元。
  5. 社會關懷基金 - 本月份的收入是$1,200元,開支是$2,000美元,赤字是$800美元,至本月底的累積盈餘為$43,365美元。
  6. 波士頓西區聖經教會債券利息基金 - 本月份的收入是$2,170美元,開支是$5,477美元,赤字為$3,307美元,至本月底的累積盈餘為$1,546美元。
  7. 慈惠基金 - 本月份的收入是$300美元,開支是$0美元,盈餘為$300美元,至本月底的累積盈餘為$44,356美元。
  8. 收支賬目平衡表顯示,我們有$946,908美元儲蓄在銀行裡,這比款項包括了地下室餐廳的收入$37,318美元,和錫安團契的$4,178美元。這些款項不屬於教會的常費。
  9. 教會的常費(普通基金),在這會計年度的前四個月份(7~10月)的收入,與去年同期比較,增加了28%,開支增加了13%。
  10. 各個事工帳戶的負責同工,應確實遵循“費用審批程序”,更明智和謹慎地處理各種款項的支出。所有超過預算的開銷是不合格的,也不被允許的。若有需要改變預算,須有執事會重新審核。執事會將研討如何整合開支審核項目的負責同工群範圍。
  1. 太陽能系統研究案(王瑞珂執事)
  1. 此專案研究小組,建議不要進行這一計劃。原因在於教會擴建計劃的影響,此計劃可能節省的成本不足,和各種不確定性所造成的長期的負面影響。
  2. 所有執事都一致地贊成此一建議。
  1. 交通組特別報告(戴灣弟兄)
  1. 向執事會簡報目前所有的教會交通班車路線和所有可能的計劃路線。
  2. 請求與需要:購買新的箱型客車,用以替換目前不堪用的舊車輛;招聘新的司機,要求人力資源的輪替與幫補;興建車庫來保養車輛。
  1. 理事會事工報告與討論(邱德肇執事)
  1. 所有執事同意在今年底以前可以購買一部新的箱型客車
  2. 教會屋頂翻修,和興建車庫的問題暫緩實施,應考慮與教堂擴建計劃的項目共同整合建設。
  3. 教會清潔,可以請清潔公司到教會實際清潔一次,作為審核與選擇的參考。
  4. 提供教會交通車的路線規劃的政策與標準是有必要的,並且應檢討現行的路線,配合可行的交通組的人力與資源,和實際的需求來作衡量。
  1. 資源回收和環保意識
  1. 可以為教會延請人才,建立綠化委員會。
  1. 差傳年會檢討
  1. 章牧師建議籌建跨中英文會眾的委員會,來研究如何推動全教會的特別聚會。
  1. 王瑞珂帶領大家在下午1點05分作一個結束禱告。