CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

        December 10, 2011


A. In Attendance:

1. Board members: Howard Chen, Emily Cheng,  John Cintolo, Paul Huang, T.C. Chi, Joseph Chiu, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary), Loren Shih, David Tran, Wensong Pan, Ruike Wang (Chair of BoD).


2. Invitees: Jiyong (Deacon elect)

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:  Head Deacon Ruike led us to start this meeting after lunch in 1:18 PM.

  1. Appreciation & farewell speech (Deacon T.C.)
  1. Appreciation is given to T.C. for his long term services at the deacon board.
  2. He will shift focus to serve at MetroSouth church planting ministry.
  1. Welcome back to this board (Deacon elect Jiyong)
  2. Officer Election:
  1. Head deacon: Ruike
  2. Secretary: Patrick
  3. Treasurer: Jiyong
  4. Stewardship: Howard
  1. Ministry coworker/liaison matrix:
  1. Discussed whether deacons may/should be liaisons with each one of important ministry.
  2. Tabled deacon duties among church ministry item as an important agenda for next meeting.
  3. Historically, deacons take on some important ministry coordinator roles.
  1. Review and sharing of this year
  1. It is important that we create agenda realistic and keep our meeting schedule to be ended on time. How to improve our meetings by defining the scope and having better discipline in time spending and control should be exercised diligently.
  2. We should encourage one another to come on time and stay focused upon agenda to ensure all deacon board business to be taken good care. It should also be acceptable for those people who must leave, if in case we need to run overtime.
  3. High light financial report upon those items need attention in advance, and provide visible charts for us to easy comprehend overall situation.
  4. Voted on starting time at 9:00am and ending time at 12:00pm for deacon board next year.
  1. Discussion on CBE project and BoE’s advocation
  2. Ruike led us all to have a closing prayer @3:30pm

D. Translation in Chinese




A. 與會者:

  1. 出席執事: 陳國榮, 劉安玲, 沈約翰, 黃俊文, 邱德肇, 季宗近, 李新宇, 林有洧 (書), 施志寧,  陳祥光, 潘文嵩, 王瑞珂 (執事會主席)
  2. 受邀列席: 王繼勇(選舉已認可的下個任期執事)

B. 地點:


C. 會議議程及記錄: 主席王瑞珂帶領大家在上午9點40分作會議開始前的禱告。

  1. 感謝與告別演說(執事宗近
  1. 感謝宗近長期的在執事會忠心事奉。
  2. 他將轉移事奉的重點到南區植堂事工。
  1. 歡迎回到執事會(王繼勇
  2. 執事會選舉:
  1. 會長:瑞珂
  2. 書記:有洧
  3. 財務:繼勇
  4. 產物:國榮
  1. 教會事工同工分工負責矩陣:
  1. 討論是否執事可能應該成為與教會每一個重要事工之間的聯絡角色。
  2. 暫時擱置執事在教會事工中所該扮演的角色與職責的議題,徑自提交成下次會議的重要議程。
  3. 從我們教會的歷史上看,執事一直都是扮演著教會一些重要事工之間協調與負責的角色。
  1. 今年的回顧和分享
  1. 我們提出的議程必須要考慮現實問題,使得會議議程可以完成並按時結束。如何提高我們的會議的果效,並將所探討的範圍確立,且應更加節制努力,行使更好的的紀律來掌控時間。
  2. 我們應該互相鼓勵準時與會和專注重點。如果萬一我們需要延長議程,需要準時離開的人是應該被容許接受才是。
  3. 有關財務報告的項目,需要提前告知,所以我們可以在會議前先行溝通,若可能提供了易見的圖表,對於理解全局會大有助益。
  4. 明年執事會開會時間付諸表決:上午9:00開始和在下午12:00結束。
  1. 深入討論教會擴建計劃和長老團的主張。
  2. 瑞珂帶領大家在下午3:30作結束禱告。