Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

        December 8, 2012


A. In Attendance:

  1. Presentees: Howard Chen, Emily Cheng, Joseph Chiu, John Cintolo, Paul Huang, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary), Wensong Pan, Loren Shih, Jiyong Wang (Treasurer), Ruike Wang (Head Deacon).
  2. Invitees:  Joshua Chang (elect), Chunyi Hu (elect), Lance Pan (elect), XinWen Wang (elect).
  3. Absentees: David Tran, Philip Sailer (elect)

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building.


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:

  1. Collective Prayers - All participants, the newer and the current,  pray around the table at 1:45 pm, started from Ruike and ended by Patrick.

  1. Manage Projects with Sounding Financial Procedure
  1. Explore how to better prioritize projects and manage capital funds carefully.
  2. Make sure to clarify project scope and its associated items with certain level of details prior to any further discussion.
  3. Consider to establish a proposal submission process for complicate projects in the future.
  4. Emphasize to exercise discipline by following church’s “Expense Approval Procedure”.

  1. Church Facility Usage Policy Amendment Approved
  1. Partnership with church: This amendment is focusing on affirming that the Board of Elders preserves the authority to designate and incorporate outside organizations as our church partners in the ministry of the gospel.
  2. Outreach event rate: This amendment is also defining the qualification of having the outreach event with the “category 4” rate, which should be considered by the characteristic and content of each event that falls within usage guidelines, even though, organizations may have been incorporated as a CBCGB partner.

  1. Personal Sharing & Family Time...

  1. Establishment: Current standing board members along with newly elected members jointly nominate 4 positions of the Board of Deacons for the year of 2013 according to the church bylaws. Only board members who are going to serve for the next year can vote. The official outcome is as below,
  1. Head Deacon: Loran Shih
  2. Secretary: Emily Cheng
  3. Treasurer: Jiyong Wang
  4. Stewardship: Howard Chen

  1. Meeting is ended around 5 pm.

D. Translation in Chinese



A. 與會者:

  1. 出席執事:陳國榮,劉安玲,邱德肇,沈約翰,黃俊文,李新宇,林有洧 (書記),潘文嵩,施志寧,王繼勇(財務),王瑞珂 (執事會主席)。
  2. 受邀列席(已確認明年度執事): 張子剛,胡中義,潘瀾,汪新文。
  3. 缺席執事: 陳祥光,Philip Sailer (已確認明年度執事)

B. 地點:


C. 會議議程及記錄:

  1. 集體祈禱 - 全體與會者,包括現任與下任執事,在下午1時45分左右圍著會議桌禱告,由王瑞珂開始,林有洧結束。

  1. 管理專案需要有適當正確的財務政策程序
  1. 探討如何更好地設立確定專案的優先次序,和謹慎小心地使用教會資本基金。
  2. 先明確專案的範圍和其相關的項目,有一定程度的細節,再作審議的工作。
  3. 考慮在未來建立一個針對複雜專案的的提交與審議程序。
  4. 強調執行教會的“費用審批程序”的紀律。

  1. 通過教會設施使用辦法修訂案
  1. 與教會的夥伴關係:此修訂的重點是在肯定長老團保留有審核權,來決定教會以外的機構是否得以被接納,成為我們教會在福音事工上的夥伴關係。
  2. 使用教會場地的福音性活動費率:此修訂也定義了“第4類”費率的使用標準,即使此機構可能已經被納入作為教會在福音事工上的合作夥伴,理事會仍應按照每個活動的本質和特點,來考慮活動本身福音性的資格作為收費的決定。

  1. 個人分享與家庭時間...

  1. 新執事會結構的成立:由目前現任的以及新當選的執事會成員共同互相提名,依照章程所規定的2013年度的執事會結構的人選,但僅允許明年的執事會成員才可以投票。經由彼此互相推選的正式結果名單如下:
  1. 主席:施志寧
  2. 書記:劉安玲
  3. 財務:王繼勇
  4. 理事:陳國榮

  1. 下午5時左右散會

波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

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