CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

January 15, 2011


A. In Attendance:

1. BoD members: John Cintolo, Emily Cheng, TC Chi (Treasurer), Joseph Chiu, Chun-Wen Huang, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary),  Wensong Pan, Loren Shih, David Tran, & Ruike Wang (Chair),


2. Invited: King-Fai Choi (pastor), Chaw-Bing Chang (elder)


3. Not Present: none


B. Location:            

Conference room of the church office building


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:


  1. Meeting started at 9:08 am with an opening prayer by Ruike Wang.
  2. BoE Briefing by elder Chaw-Bing Chang. (Please refer to BoE meeting minutes for details.)
  1. According to the BoE meeting, Jennifer’s informal visit as youth minister candidate will be discussed in BoD for the possible financial plan.
  2. Two more events, ordination for minister Jiang & installation for pastor Caleb, to invite BoD to participate.
  1. Pastoral Sharing by pastor King-Fai.
  1. Finished 20 of 27 books of NT Bible translation.
  2. Visited 20 churches among different denominations around Boston area.
  3. April 17 will be the first official Sunday for pastor Caleb to be on board.
  4. Pastor King-Fai has been in contact with pastor Caleb to work out preaching plan in advance.
  5. CM worship ministry will incorporate more community perception into worship services.
  1. Welcome new deacon members: Joe, Loren, & Chun-Wen
  2. Go over 2011 ministry matrix
  1. Need to find a liaison among BoD for children ministry?
  2. No way for BoD to cover all ministries across the board.
  3. We need to revisit the bylaw which defines the function of this board.
  4. Need to find better communication for children’s ministry stewardship needs.
  5. Recommend to BOE to find a new deacon to fulfill stewardship need.
  1. Financial Report (T.C.)
  1. $130, 816.70 end of year balance in general fund compared to $70K from last year because of ministries reducing expenses and MetroWest expenses removed from budget. NOTE - Ministries are NOT expending up to budget.
  2. After removing MetroWest income, the net income has stayed the same (-0.2%)
  3. Changing name of “Building Fund” to “Capital Fund” in January 2011 per previous motion.
  4. Keep Chinese Orphanage Fund separate from SCM because it is a church-sponsored short-term event.
  5. Keep Flower Fund separate from all other funds.
  1. Stewardship Report (Joe)
  1. Office renovation project is almost finished.
  2. Ruth will go furniture shopping for office furniture.  Joe & TC will talk to determine where the money will come from.
  1. Discussion
  1. Budget Amendment - Treasurer needs to bring budget amendment to CC for approval. Two items proposed to be amended are listed here:
  1. Pastoral search expense needs to be adjusted due to the visit of youth minister candidate.
  2. Furniture for new church office needs.
  1. 149 Building - First Floor Kids’ Small Classrooms - Joe would like to request a wish list regarding these stewardship issues from Xin-Yu, Emily, & children’s ministry leaders.
  2. Pastoral staff - can we provide for an intern position? We have enough budget to invite 2 interns to serve our Lord together for this fiscal year.


D. Translation in Chinese



出席:沈約翰、劉安玲、季宗近 (財務) 、邱德肇、黃俊文、李新宇、林有洧 (秘書) 、潘文嵩、施志寧、陳祥光、及王瑞珂 (主席)。

受邀列席:蔡景輝 (牧師)、張召斌 (長老) 。




  1. 會議開始於上午9時8分,由王瑞珂作會前禱告。
  2. 長老團會議簡報:張召斌 (詳情請參照長老團會議紀錄) 。
  1. 根據長老團會議,執事會將討論青少年傳道候選人Jennifer的非正式會面,與可行的面談所需的財務計畫。
  2. 另外兩件事:韋江傳道按立及章開第牧師就任,長老團邀請執事會的參與。
  1. 教牧分享:蔡景輝牧師
  1. 完成27本書中20本的新約聖經翻譯。
  2. 拜訪觀摩大波士頓地區20所不同教派的教會。
  3. 章開第牧師正式到任的第一個星期日預計是4月17日。
  4. 蔡景輝牧師已事先與章牧師聯繫有關中文部講道的安排。
  5. 中文部敬拜事工將融入更多的肢體的交通互動。
  1. 歡迎新任執事:邱德肇、施志寧、及黃俊文。
  2. 概覽2011年事工同工分工表:
  1. 需要為兒童事工找一名與執事會之間的聯絡人嗎?
  2. 執事會不可能全然涵蓋負責所有教會的事工。
  3. 我們需要重新調閱教會憲章,來界定本會的功能。
  4. 但需要為兒童事工的照顧與服務,找到較佳的溝通方式。
  5. 可建議長老團另覓一名新執事,來處理理事會事務的需要。
  1. 財務報告 (宗近)
  1. 年終的經常費結餘為13萬8百16.7元,相較於去年同期的7萬元,是由於事工縮減開支,和西區植堂的開支已從預算中移除。(事工開支應以不超過預算為原則。)
  2. 將西區的奉獻移除後,奉獻的總數並沒有太大的改變 (-02.%) 。
  3. 上一次動議,在2011年1月起,將『教堂建設基金』更名為『主要投資基金』。
  4. 將『中國孤兒基金』與『社會關懷基金』分開,因為那是教會支持的短期事項。
  5. 將『鮮花基金』與其他所有的基金分開。
  1. 產物管理報告 (德肇):
  1. 辦公室的維修工作近乎完工。
  2. 路得將採購辦公室傢俱,德肇和宗近將商討決定財源出處。
  1. 討論:
  1. 預算修正案:司庫需要把預算修正案帶到教牧長執聯會取得同意。兩項預算修正案如下:
  1. 因為青少年傳道候選人會面,牧師傳道薦聘開支需要調整。
  2. 新教會辦公室傢俱需要。
  1. 149號建築:一樓的兒童小教室 -- 德肇計畫從新宇、安玲、與兒童事工核心同工等,搜尋有關產物管理問題的理想方案。
  2. 教牧人員:我們能提供一個實習員的職位嗎?今年會計年度,我們有足夠的預算,可邀請兩位實習生來教會與神同工。