CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

        January 21, 2012


A. In Attendance:

1. Presentees: Howard Chen, Emily Cheng,  John Cintolo, Paul Huang, Joseph Chiu, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary), Loren Shih, David Tran, Wensong Pan, Jiyong Wang (Treasurer), Ruike Wang (Head Deacon).


2. Invitees: Caleb Chang (Sr. Pastor), Ming Tsai (Elder)

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building.


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:  Sr. Pastor Caleb led us to start this meeting in 9:20 AM.

  1. Pastoral Sharing (Caleb) - Servant hood, Encouraging us all to serve God’s people as good examples.
  2. Board of Elders Briefing (Ming) - Please refer to January BoE meeting minutes for details.
  3. Financial Report (Jiyong):
  1. General Fund - In December we have income of $249,644 and our expense is $133,252, the surplus is $116,391  and cumulative surplus at December 31 is $258,366.
  2. Mission Fund - In December we have income of $76,015 and our expense is $29,898 the surplus is $46,117 and the total cumulative surplus at December 31 is $170,338.
  3. Capital Fund - In December we have income of $202 and our expense is $0, the cumulative surplus at December 31 is $148,790.
  4. Church Building Expansion Fund (CBET) - In December we have income of $7,505 and our expense is $0, the cumulative surplus at December 31 is $186,233.
  5. SCM Fund -  In December we have income of $4,600 and our expense is $3927, the surplus is $672  and the total cumulative surplus at December 31 is $42,378.
  6. BMWBC Bond Interest Fund -  In December we have income of $1,420 and our expense is $0 and the total cumulative surplus at December 31 is $3,406.
  7. For the budget summary - in the first 6 month of this fiscal year, our total expense is at 41%, and our total income is 59% of the total budget.
  1. Expense Approval Procedure
  1. Financial committee, with the supervision from our church council, should be the governing body for this newly established “Expense Approval Procedure” policy.
  2. All budget category owners should inform ministry coworkers about this policy.
  3. No contingency plan should be implemented, but a justified reason could be given in order to get council’s approval for any overly spent items.
  4. All board members voted to pass this policy.
  1. Stewardship Update (Howard)
  1. Committee established - There is a 7-member team to form the Stewardship committee today.
  2. Cleaning services - Making a decision to go through a try-out period from one company first and then reevaluate whole situations to determine whether another company should be invited.
  3. Restroom renovation - an integrated plan with budget quote is needed to renovate all our restrooms.
  4. Transportation services - still working on purchasing one new minivan.
  5. Worship services - a new projector is needed to be installed. Two different opinions were proposed without precise quotes yet. BoD members will vote for this item once detailed information can be provided. One proposal is to have a drop-down poll from ceiling; while the other is to have a truss beam installed. The truss beam will have potential to enhance our lighting situation at sanctuary.
  6. Security surveillance system - a proposal will be sent from BoD to BoE for all the subject matters.
  7. BOD review “Church Facility Usage Policy” issued 2011, it should remain standing.
  1. Xinyu led us all to have a closing prayer @1:00pm

D. Translation in Chinese




A. 與會者:

  1. 出席執事: 陳國榮, 劉安玲, 沈約翰, 黃俊文, 邱德肇, 王繼勇(財務), 李新宇, 林有洧 (書), 施志寧,  陳祥光, 潘文嵩, 王瑞珂 (執事會主席)
  2. 受邀列席: 章開第牧師,蔡明哲長老

B. 地點:


C. 會議議程及記錄: 

  1. 教牧分享(章開第牧師)- 鼓勵我們所有的教會領袖學習耶穌的榜樣作弟兄姐妹的好僕人。
  2. 長老團簡報(蔡明哲長老)- 詳情請參閱一月份長老團會議紀錄。
  3. 十二月份財務報告(王繼勇):
  1. 普通基金 - 去年十二月份收入是$249,644美元,開支是$133,252美元,盈餘是$116,391元,至月底的累積盈餘為$258,366。
  2. 差傳基金 - 去年十二月份收入是$76,015美元,開支是$29,898美元,盈餘是 $46,117,至月底的累積盈餘為 $170,338美元。
  3. 資產基金(原建堂基金) - 去年十二月份收入是$202美元,開支是$0​​美元,盈餘是$202美元,至月底的累積盈餘為 $148,790美元。
  4. 教會擴建基金 - 去年十二月份的收入是$7,505元,開支是$0美元,盈餘是$7,505美元,至月底的累積盈餘為$186,233美元。
  5. 社會關懷基金 - 去年十二月份的收入是$4,600元,開支是$3927美元,盈餘是$672美元,至月底的累積盈餘為$42,378.美元。
  6. 波士頓西區聖經教會債券利息基金 - 去年十二月份的收入是$1,420美元,開支是$0美元,盈餘是$1,420美元,至月底的累積盈餘為$3,406美元。
  7. 在本財務會計年度的前6個月的預算概要總結 - 我們的總支出是是總預算的41%,我們的總收入是總預算的59%。
  1. 費用審批程序
  1. 財務委員會,在教會教牧長執聯會的監督下,將是此新設立的《費用審批程序》的政策維護與治理的機制。
  2. 所有預算類別的負責同工,應當宣導通知有關這項政策的內容給各個事工部的同工。
  3. 任何過度花費的項目,不應當實施緊急應急計劃按比例放寬額度;但可以事前給予正當理由,以得到聯會的個案特別批准,再行購買。
  4. 所有執事會成員投票通過這項政策。
  1. 理事會更新(陳國榮)
  1. 委員會成立 - 在今日早晨,有7名委員組成的團隊,形成理事會。
  2. 清潔服務 - 決定嘗試適用第一家清潔公司,然後重新評估,以確定是否應邀請另一家公司參與評估,再衡量整體情況作出最後決定。
  3. 衛生間裝修 - 需要提出綜合計劃與預算報價,藉以裝修維護我們教會所有的廁所。
  4. 交通車運輸服務 - 購買一輛新的箱型車的細節仍在進行。
  5. 崇 拜部 - 需要安​​裝新的投影機。已經提出了兩種不同的意見,但還沒有精確的報價。一旦有了詳細資料,執事會會成員將會在週間對此一項目進行投票。其中一個建議 是,靠講台前的天花板垂直下拉電線與懸吊支柱,而另一種是有安裝水平桁梁鋼架。第二種裝置將有力於提高在大堂台前的照明情況。
  6. 安全監控系統 - 正式建議與所有考量細節將會發送至長老團,請長老團定奪。
  7. 執事會檢討2011年所修訂的《教會設施使用政策》,決定不做修改,並且應該持續適用。
  1. 李新宇帶領大家在下午1點作結束禱告

波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org  |  Web: www.cbcgb.org