Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

        April 20, 2013


A. In Attendance:

  1. Attendees: Joshua Chang, Howard Chen, Emily Cheng (Secretary), Chunyi Hu, Xinyu Li, Lance Pan, Wensong Pan, Loren Shih (Head Deacon), Philip Sailer, Ji-yong Wang (Treasurer), Ruike Wang, Xinwen Wang.
  2. Invitees:
  1. BoE members: Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Liqin Chen (Board of Elder).
  1. Absentees: None.

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building.


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes

  1. Meeting started at 9:04 am
  2. Opening Prayer - Pastor Caleb Chang & round table prayer.
  3. Pastoral Sharing (Pastor Caleb Chang) - Pastor Caleb’s voice is back - thanks for prayers, Tim Lo’s ordination, Future Good Friday planning, Mandarin PM service will end in April,
  4. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Liqin Chen)
  1. Recap of BoE April Meeting - CBE Project status on schedule, Children’s Ministry review, Mandarin PM service discontinued, Project Joshua website update, review of 2013 Good Friday service/evangelistic event, no Chinese Ministry or church wide off-campus revival meeting for 2014, Church Council will have off-site retreat in June 2013, BoE request for a church document repository system, BoE request for LCD project in church lobby, “Town Hall” style information session in Chinese on June 16th.
  2. Discussion regarding 2013 Good Friday service & evangelistic event - BoE requests that BoD plan for A/V, Medical, and Fire team for all special events in the future with special attention to evangelistic meetings.
  3. Discussion regarding LCD project proposal
  1. BoE would like BoD & Stewardship to implement LCD project in church lobby
  2. BoD would like BoE to clarify the purpose and problems that need to be solved and BoD will investigate and propose a solution.
  1. For details, refer to the April 2013 BoE meeting minutes.
  1. Proposal for BoD Discussion Procedures, Part #2 (Loren)
  1. Reviewed draft #2 of “Board of Deacon Procedures”
  2. Discussion regarding the procedures around motions, time limits for discussions, whether the procedures need to be formally accepted, making the procedures non-binding, members using concise language during discussions, how to change or lengthen meeting end time.
  3. Recommendation to have a motion to adjourn BoD meetings.
  4. Motion to accept “Board of Deacons Procedures, Draft #2” written by Loren Shih (Head Deacon) as non-binding procedures for 2013 by Wensong Pan.  Motion seconded by Xinyu Li.  Motion passed.
  1. Gas Heating Option for Church Office (Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. Presentation of current heating and natural gas vs. oil vs. electricity options.  Proposal to request National Grid to install gas lines to church property.  It is urgent to update church office boiler or burner before winter 2013.
  2. Questions - Should this be an effort spearheaded by BoD/Stewardship or Church Building Expansion Team (“CBET”)?  What is the total package cost including gas line installation, boiler, update to heating system, etc?
  3. Action Item - Philip Sailer and Ruike Wang (BoD CBET representatives) will coordinate a feasibility study with Stewardship regarding the gas heating option.  Philip and Ruike will also facilitate long-term coordination of stewardship issues with CBET committee.
  1. Medical Reimbursement Vaccination Policy for Staff (Jiyong)
  1. This issue should be referred to chair of BoE and Head of Human Resource Committee, Brother Weichen.
  1. Financial Report, March 2013 (Ji-yong)































  1. Capital Fund Note* - If the children and adult bathroom renovation and church main building re-roofing budget is subtracted from the available Capital Fund, the cumulation amount will be approximately $37,000 on March 31, 2013.
  2. The total CBE pledge on March 31 2013 is $409,660 from 119 units. The total offering to CBE from December 1 2012 to March 31 2013 is $199,034.
  3. Budget summary - up to March 31, our total expense is at 68.4%, and our total offering is at 88.8% of the total budget.
  4. Review accounts and line items which have expended more than 75% of budgeted amount after 9 months of fiscal year.
  1. In next budget cycle, Ji-yong & BoE has included questions about why funds need to be increased if a budget increase request is made.
  2. Question - Who should approve the expenses for Capital Fund projects approved by the BoD?  Per Capital Fund policy, $5000 and under requests will be signed by Chair of Stewardship, $5000-$75000 will be signed by BoD Head Deacon, over $75,000 will be signed by Church Council Chairman.  
  3. Church Investment Policy - Finance committee has a meeting with local bank and is in the process of drafting a policy.  
  1. BMWBC Bond Interest Fund – Per the BMWBC Bond ballot information, BoD & Finance committee will discontinue the maintenance of this fund.  The cumulative surplus on March 31 is $2,843 and will be transferred to BMWBC.  

  1. Stewardship Update (Howard)
  1. Minor Project Status Updates
  1. main building restroom- women’s bathroom partition has been installed and the final bill will be paid.
  2. main building basement HVAC investigation ongoing.
  3. centralization of the control of the 8 zones of HVAC in the main building.
  4. replacement of the baseboard heater in room 108.
  5. installation of new water fountain in the basement.
  6. considering a moderate project for junior chapel renovation.
  1. Major Project Updates
  1. main building re-roofing contract negotiation on-going.  may devise a standard contract.
  2. LCD monitor installation in lobby - will request more detail about purpose from BoE and then BoD will form a task force.  Loren and Howard will discuss.
  3. office building bathroom renovation study ongoing.
  1. Miscellaneous
  1. Lance Pan and Xinyu Li will assist Emily Cheng (BoD secretary) with edits to the future Chinese translations of deacon meeting minutes.
  2. BoD will discuss fire code and safety procedures in May 2013, Loren will circulate the topic for email discussion within the next month.
  1. Motion to adjourn meeting by Lance Pan.  Seconded by Emily Cheng. Motion passed.
  2. Closing Prayer by Xiwen Wang.
  3. Meeting adjourned at 12:12.

D. Translation in Chinese


A. 與會人員:

  1. 與會者:張子剛、陳國榮、劉安玲(秘書),胡中義、李新宇、潘瀾、潘文嵩、施志寧(執事會主席),Philip Sailer、王繼勇(司庫)、王瑞柯、汪新文。
  2. 邀請與會
  1. 長老團成員:章開第(主任牧師)、陳利欽.
  1. 缺席:無。

B. :地點



C. 會議日程及記錄

  1. 上午9點04分開始
  2. 會前禱告—章開第牧師帶領,各人輪流禱告。
  3. 牧師分享(開第牧師)——感謝大家的禱告,牧師的嗓音已漸漸恢復。牧師分享了有關Tim Lo的按牧典礼,以後的受難節安排,以及華語下午堂崇拜於四月結束等事宜
  4. 長老團代表分享(陳利欽)
  1. 長 老團四月會議回顧——教堂擴建計劃如期;兒童事工回顧;結束華語下午堂崇拜;“約書亞網站”項目進展;2013年受難節禮拜與福音聚會回顧;2014年將 不舉行華語部或全教會在外地的培靈營會;教牧長執的外出退修會將於2013年六月舉行;長老團請求建立教會文檔存儲系統,及在教會大廳安裝LCD顯示 屏;6月16日華語部將舉行交談式會眾資訊會議。
  2. 2013年受難節禮拜與福音聚會安排的討論——長老團建議:在未來的特別聚會(尤其是佈道會)之前,執事會應該在音像、醫療以及消防各方面,做好充分的準備工作。
  3.  討論安裝LCD顯示屏的項目建議
  1.  長老團希望由執事會和理事會在教會大廳安裝LCD顯示屏。
  2.  執事會希望長老團先説明提議的目的及所要解決的問題,然後再調查並建議可行方案。
  1. 詳情請參閱2013年4月長老團的會議記錄。
  1.  關於執事會議程的提議, 第二部分(志寧)
  1. 審閱“執事會議程”第二稿。
  2.  審閱內容包括:議程的提案;討論的時限;議程是否需要正式接受;議程為不具約束力的;討論用語的簡潔性;以及會議時間變化、延長的規則。
  3. 建議執事會會議的休會,需有人提議。
  4. 潘文嵩提議,接受施志寧(執事會主席)所執筆的“執事會議程,第二稿”作為2013年不具約束性程序。李新宇附议。提議最終通過。
  1. 教會辦公室暖氣使用瓦斯的考量 (開第牧師)
  1.  報告目前暖氣以及瓦斯、燃油、電的考量,建議要求National Grid 在教會用地裝設瓦斯管道,在2013冬天之前更新教會辦公室的鍋爐或燃燒器尤其緊急。
  2.  問題 – 這件事應由執事會/理事會或是教會擴建小組起頭來做?包括裝設瓦斯管道、鍋爐、更新暖氣系統等整項工程所有的費用是多少?
  3. 跟進事項 - Philip Sailer 和王瑞珂 (執事會在教會擴建小組的代表) 將協調理事會研究瓦斯暖氣的可行性。Philip 和瑞珂也將協助理事會和擴建委員會之間的長期協調。
  1. 教會職員疫苗醫療歸墊的規定 (繼勇)
  1.  這個問題應轉請長老團主席和人事資源委員會蔡慧瑾弟兄協商。
  1. 財務報告,  2013年3月 (繼勇)































  1. 資產基金加註* -如果兒童和成人衛生間的裝修和教堂主體建築屋頂的預算,是從此資產基金扣除的話,2013年3月31日的累計,則將近37,000美元。
  2. 截至2013年3月31日教會擴建認獻的總額為 $409,660,共有119 個單位。從2012年12月1日至2013年3月31日奉獻的總額是 $199,034。
  3. 預算簡報 -截至3月31日,我們的總支出是預算68.4%,所有的奉獻佔預算的88.8%。
  4. 檢視本會計年度九個月後的帳目及花費超過預算額75%以上的單項支出。
  1. 在下一預算週期,繼勇和長老團包括了如果決定增加預算要求,為什麼需要增加資金的問題。
  2. 問題 – 誰來同意執事會通過的資產基金計畫?依資產基金的政策,$5,000以下的需求,由理事會主席簽字,$ 5,00075,000美元,由執事會主席簽字,超過$75,000由牧長執聯會主席簽字。    
  3. 教會投資規定 – 財物委員會已與一家本地銀行會晤,準備提供有關政策的草案。
  1. 西郊聖經教會債券利息基金 – 依西郊聖經教會債券選項的資訊,執事會及財務委員會將停止維護本基金。截至331日的累計餘額為2,843美元,將轉移給西郊聖經教會。
  1.  理事會近況 (國榮)
  1. 小型工程進展狀況
  1. 主樓洗手間- 女洗手間的隔間已經完工,並已結清尾款。
  2. 正在進行主樓地下室暖通空調的調查。
  3. 集中主樓8個區域的暖通空調控制。
  4. 更換108教室的基板加熱器。
  5. 在地下室安装新的飲水器。
  6. 考慮適度更新青少年崇拜堂。
  1.  主要計畫近況
  1. 主樓更換屋頂工程的合同正在磋商中,可以就此制定為一個標準合同。
  2.  在大廳裝設LCD 顯示屏 – 將詢問長老團有關裝置目的的細節後,執事會再成立執行小組,志寧和國榮將研討。
  3. 辦公室洗手間的更新研究正在進行中。
  1. 其他
  1. 潘瀾和李新宇將協助劉安玲 (執事會秘書) 執筆執事會會議將來的中文翻譯。
  2.  執事會將在五月討論消防規則和安全程序,志寧將在下個月內發電子郵件來討論這個議題。
  1. 提議結束會議:潘瀾建議,劉安玲附議,提議通過。
  2. 結束禱告:汪新文。
  3.  會議於12時12分結束。




波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  |  Web: