Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

        May 19, 2013


A. In Attendance:

  1. Attendees: Joshua Chang (Acting Secretary), Howard Chen, Chunyi Hu, Xinyu Li, Lance Pan, Wensong Pan, Loren Shih (Head Deacon), Philip Sailer, Ji-yong Wang (Treasurer), Ruike Wang, Xinwen Wang.
  2. Invitees:
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) members: Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Terry Yang (Board of Elder).
  1. Absentees: Emily Cheng.

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building.


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes

  1. Meeting started at 9:03 am
  2. Opening Prayer - Elder Terry Yang
  3. Pastoral Sharing (Pastor Caleb Chang) - Special Revival Meeting and dumpling party was well planned, well attended, and had a good response.  Missions Committee is hoping to start a special missions training because of this.  Record breaking baptism (baptised and attendance).  Pray for COM (48 of the fellowship are from MIT and are graduating this year).  Church is a little dirty, may need to do some cleaning (e.g. window panes are dirty, window sills have dirt, etc).
  4. BoE Sharing (Terry Yang)
  1. Reviewed COM and Chinese Music ministries
  2. Going through bylaw review committee’s recommendations.  Hopefully done by the end of the month.  In June / July, will talk to church council about potentially moving forward with a bylaw revision.  
  3. CBE - designs are fairly complete, still set for starting construction in September.  BoD to look at how we can use 151.  
  4. Off-site retreat for church council - June 15
  5. Worker’s comp - BoD will look into establishing Worker’s compensation policy.
  6. Special Missions / SCM - special speaker will be coming, but there are special security needs to be taken into consideration.  Need to figure out logistical issues with increased security , accommodate speakers during the main sessions, reinforce all the security restrictions (e.g. no video taping).  
  7. Online directory - BoE will determine whether or not we should move forward with this because of privacy concerns.  Asked about BoD’s concerns:
  1. Data mined from external sources
  2. Perhaps we should have an office person as a gateway guardian
  1. For details, refer to the May 2013 BoE meeting minutes.
  1. IT Update - Server Upgrades
  1. Need to deal with (1) reliability, (2) bandwidth and (3) public versus privacy
  2. Joshua will get a quote on fixing the wiring system with I&T
  3. Joshua will also get a quote from the various ISPs.  Ideally, we would like to get a buried wire as opposed to one that goes through our trees (which we have right now)
  4. If over $2,000 and under $5,000, receipts are considered Capital Expenditure
  5. BoD to discuss having a public server.  Joshua will write a policy statement for BoE to check.
  6. ACTION: Joshua will put together a proposal for public wi-fi at the main building to discuss at next meeting.
  1. Follow up agenda items
  1. These items are not for discussion, but for assigning people to take lead.  Bold is lead.  Howard is default on a number of items.
  2. Special event checklist (fire code, medical staff and safety procedures for large events) - (Howard), Xinwen, Lance
  3. Church office boiler options (either gas line or fix oil heating) - Howard
  4. Online submission form to handle capital expenditure requests and talk about general capital budget procedure - Ruike
  5. Investigation around whether to renovate bathroom, or have CBE make the decision.  Concern about handicap accessibility - (Howard), Chunyi, Phil
  6. Plan for handling Friday night overcrowding issues once 151 renovation starts (should be happening around September) - (Howard), Lance, Xinyu, Xinwen - BoE has discussed perhaps renting trailers during this time
  7. Investigation into workman compensation insurance plan for staff - will ask Ruth for quotes from Emily & Webb, compare quotes from two companies.  HRC has already looked into this and reported back to Elder Tsai.  But, Ji-yong will be responsible to follow up.
  8. LCD purchase and installation update - Elder Tsai has said that we may amend the General Fund budget at the CC meeting to cover the price of the LCD purchase - Loren
  9. Security / privacy procedures for Missions / SCM conference (e.g. no pictures, no publicity) - No action needed at the moment.  Lance
  10. Church directory - Terry Yang
  1. June 15th CC Retreat Funding (Ruike)
  1. Question about CC Retreats covered by church budget? (Pastor Caleb says pastoral retreats have been covered)  If BoD approves this retreat, there may be a conflict of interest.
  2. ACTION: Loren will follow up with Elder Tsai about the cost of the meals and things.  
  1. Finding more IT / A/V helpers (Joshua)
  1. Need more workers so that existing IT / A/V workers are not overburdened
  2. Also to have shared knowledge across multiple members
  3. BoD will send Joshua for names with regards to potential IT people that can help.
  4. Joshua will work to document the existing structure
  5. New IT / A/V work should go through Joshua first before going directly to IT / A/V workers so that we can have better documentation of the changes going on in the church.
  6. A/V can be folded into IT, but because of its important nature, it is better to not modify the A/V system immediately, but more gradually so that it’s impact will not be as noticeable on Sundays.
  7. Joshua will ask Thomas for the security camera system.
  1. Financial Report, April 2013 (Ji-yong)































  1. Capital Fund Note* - If the children and adult bathroom renovation and church main building re-roofing budget is subtracted from the available Capital Fund, the cumulation amount will be $36,962 on April 30, 2013.
  2. The total CBE pledge on April 30, 2013 is $410,660 from 120 units. The total offering to CBE from December 1 2012 to April 30, 2013 is $234,754.
  3. Budget summary - up to April 30, our total expense is at 75.9%, and our total offering is at 97.5% of the total budget.
  4. Review accounts and line items which have expended more than 83.3% of budgeted amount after 10 months of fiscal year.
  1. Propose budget increase for memorial flowers at CC meeting.
  2. During next deacon’s meeting, will give a general overview of the budget early
  3. Propose changing the name Worship/Record account to Worship/A/V account at CC meeting.
  4. Investment Policy (Jiyong sent out) - Lance has experience with regards to investment policies,  so he will help Jiyong.  Once a proposal is drafted, BoD will vote.  Lance / Jiyong will try to educate/present to the BoD and BoE at CC.
  1. Stewardship Update (Howard)
  1. Main basement AC system - Replace dehumidifiers in basement (out of date).  We have 8 to replace.  Will probably start to replace the dehumidifiers first.  Thinking about replacing the entire AC system.  Received quote to replace entire AC system from one company. Stewardship will continue to gather more quotes.
  2. Roofing - still working on final specifications, will probably use similar specifications as what was required for 151 building.  
  1. Closing Prayer by Xinyu.
  2. Meeting adjourned at 12:03.

D. Translation in Chinese


A. 出席:

  1. 與會者: 張子剛(執行秘書), 陳國榮, 胡中義, 李新宇, 潘瀾, 潘文嵩, 施志寧 (執事會主席), Philip Sailer,王繼勇 (財務), 王瑞珂, 汪新文
  2. 受邀者:
  1. 長老團: 章開第 (主任牧師), 楊德禮 (長老).
  1. 缺席: 劉安玲.

B. 地點:


C. 會議議程及記錄

  1. 早上9:03 開始
  2. 開始禱告  – 楊德禮長老
  3. 牧師分享 (章開第牧師) 靈命進深特會及餃子宴的安排、參與、回應都很好。因此,宣教委員會希望能開始一個特別的宣教訓練。有破記錄的受洗(受洗的人,和 上課的人)。 為城區事工禱告(今年MIT團契有48位畢業)。教會有點髒,需要清掃(例如: 玻璃窗髒了,窗台上有灰等等) 。
  4. 長老分享 (楊德禮)
  1. 檢討了城區事工和音樂事工
  2. 正在討論教會章程评审委員會的建議,希望月底前能完成。六七月間將和教牧長執聯會商討,可能对調整過的章程进行下一步讨论。 
  3. 教堂擴建計劃設計已相當完備,仍打算九月開始施工。執事會讨论如何更好使用151。
  4. 在教會外的教牧長執聯會退修會 六月十五日。
  5. 办公室人员補助 執事會將商討建立办公室人员補助辦法。
  6. 宣教年會/社會關懷  會來一位特別的講員,要考慮其特殊的安全需要,及因此增加的後勤事項,和宣教年會要配合之處,加強所有的安全限制 (例如: 不可錄影)。 
  7. 網上通訊錄 長老團將考慮隱私的問題,再決定是否如此行。執事會有如下考虑:
  1. 從外部來源得到的資料
  2. 可能需要一位教會辦公室人員把關
  1. 詳情請查閱今年五月長老團會議記錄。
  1. 資訊現況 服務器升級
  1. 需要顧及 (1) 可靠性,(2) 容許的流量,及 (3) 公開與隱私間的平衡
  2. 張子剛將和資訊部一起获得修理线路系統的估價。
  3. 子剛也將向各互聯網供應商取得估價,最好是埋線的,不要從樹間穿過(這是現有的)。
  4. 超過兩千,低於五千的花費,視為資產開銷。
  5. 執事會將討論公共的服務器,子剛將寫一個辦法讓長老團檢視。
  6. 行動: 子剛將對教會主建築設置公共無線網路作出提議,下次會議中討論。
  1. 跟進議題
  1. 以下事項不再討論,分派同工执行。陳國榮已默認其中幾項。
  2. 特會要清點的項目單(防火規則,急救醫護人員,大型事件的安全程序)  -- (國榮),汪新文,潘瀾
  3. 教會辦公室暖氣鍋爐的選擇(裝瓦斯管,或修理燒油的鍋爐) – 國榮
  4. 網上遞交表格,申請資產開銷,討論一般資產預算的程序  --  王瑞珂
  5. 探討是否整修廁所,或交由教堂擴建計劃決定。考慮殘障是否也能使用 --  (國榮),胡中義,Phil。
  6. 151開始整修(九月間)後,處理週五晚間過度擁擠的計劃  --  (國榮),潘瀾,新宇,新文 – 長老團已討論可能在此期間租用活動房屋。
  7. 探討補助办公室员工保險的計劃 --  將問路得Emily & Webb 的估價,作兩家公司的比價。HRC已看過,回報給蔡長老,繼勇負責跟進。
  8. 購買及安裝液晶顯示器現況 – 蔡長老說,可以在教牧長執聯會會議調整常費預算,以支付液晶顯示器的花費 --  施志寧
  9. 宣教年會時安全/隱私的程序(例如: 不可拍照,不可公開) --  尚無行動。 潘瀾
  10. 教會通訊 --  楊德禮
  1. 六月十五日教牧長執聯會退修會經費 (王瑞珂)
  1. 教牧長執聯會退修會是否由教會預算支出? (開第牧師說牧師退修會是由教會支出) ,若由長老團審核通過這個退修會,有利益衝突之嫌。
  2. 行動: 施志寧和蔡長老將取得餐飲及其他事項的總花費數。 
  1. 徵求更多資訊/影音同工 (張子剛)
  1. 需要更多同工,免得現有的資訊/影音同工負擔過重。
  2. 眾同工間要分享所知。
  3. 長老團將給子剛一些可能成為資訊同工的人名。
  4. 子剛將整理存檔現有的結構
  5. 新的資訊/影音工作應該先經過子剛,才到資訊/影音同工手中,那麼,教會內各項改進才會有更完整的資料存檔。
  6. 影音可併入資訊,但是因為影音很重要,最好不要立時更改,逐漸去改變,在主日才不會受到太大的影響。
  7. 子剛會問顏司民安全照相機系統。
  1. 財務報告2013年四月  (王繼勇)































  1. 資產基金* - 若從可用的資產基金中,除掉兒童及大人廁所整修,及教堂主樓重鋪屋頂的預算,2013年四月三十日的累計結存是$36,962
  2. 2013年四月三十日教堂擴建認獻有120單位,總額$410,660。從2012年十二月一日到2013年四月三十日總奉獻額 $234,754
  3. 預算小計 – 到四月三十日總支出是全年的 75.9%, 而總奉獻是總預算的97.5%
  4. 檢查帳戶及各單項,本會計年度裡十個月的花費,超過預算的83.3%
  5. 在教牧長執聯會會議中,提議增加追思禮拜的花籃費用。
  6. 下次執事會議中,將提早給預算的概觀。
  7. 提議在教牧長執聯會會議中,改崇拜/錄音帳戶,為崇拜/影音帳戶。
  8. 教会资金投資方案(繼勇送出) --  潘瀾對投資有經驗,他會幫忙繼勇。完成提議的初稿後,長老團會投票。潘瀾/繼勇將在教牧長執聯會會議向執事會和長老團解說。
  1. 產物理事會現況 (陳國榮)
  1. 主樓地下室冷器系統 --  更換地下室老舊的除濕機,有八台要更換。會先更換除濕機,並考慮更換整個冷氣系統。已從一家公司拿到估價,產物理事會將繼續收集更多的估價。
  2. 換屋頂 --  還在訂最後的規格,可能使用和151類似的規格。 
  1. 結束禱告  李新宇
  2. 會議於12:03結束

波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  |  Web: