Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

        July 20, 2013


A. In Attendance:

  1. Attendees: Howard Chen, Emily Cheng (Acting Head Deacon), Chunyi Hu, Xinyu Li, Lance Pan (Acting Secretary), Wensong Pan, Philip Sailer, Ji-yong Wang (Treasurer), Ruike Wang.
  2. Invitees:

BoE members: Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Liqin Chen (Board of Elder).

  1. Absentees: Joshua Chang, Loren Shih, Xinwen Wang.

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building.


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes

  1. Meeting started at 9:04 am
  2. Opening Prayer - Pastor Caleb Chang & round table prayer.
  3. Pastoral Sharing (Pastor Caleb Chang) - Thanks for A/V equipment installation, CM prayer meeting moving to the chapel. Pray for BoD members’ emphasis on devotional life (Mary vs. Martha).
  1. Sharing on CM prayer meeting - Since BoE’s January review meeting, the prayer committee’s prayerful efforts led to growth of attendees. Committee members personally committed attending at least 10 meetings a quarter. Goal is for 10% of CM Sunday worshipers regularly attending by the end of the year. Dedicated missions prayer night on the 4th Tuesday was replaced by weekly missions items.
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder Liqin Chen)
  1. Recap of BoE July Meeting
  1. Church Building Expansion (CBE) Project review - Permit application delayed to end of July, expected to be accepted by September, construction to start in November. Application for part II of CBE phase I to be submitted in December with expected approval in May and construction finished by the end of 2014.  CBE committee asks for prayer support on quick approvals, builders search, and committee members’ physical abilities.
  2. Chinese Ministry (CM) Fellowship Review Follow-up - Fellowships growth is strong but lacking pastoral guidance. With resource constraint, BoE is redoubling shepherding efforts to provide mentoring support to each fellowship. BoE reviewed current shepherding program consisting of pastors and elders, and suggested more candidates to include other mature Christians including former deacons. BoE also discussed bringing spiritual formation efforts to fellowship building.
  3. Church Bylaws Revision - In minor revision phase
  4. CM Town Hall meeting update - Office manager is collecting all questions and answers to be distributed to the congregation. CC Secretary will distribute document to members.
  5. October 6 - Members of Metro South Campus will serve at the CM Sunday worship.  
  1. Discussion regarding CM fellowship Review - Questions on how BoE and the pastoral group work together to shepherd CM fellowships, CM fellowship autonomy, and proportional growth among fellowships. Discussed estimates of statistics for CM fellowships and CM Sunday worship attendance, but formal survey may be needed for data to be significant.

  1. Financial Report, June 2013 (Ji-yong)




















$177,051 *










$301,590 *






  1. Capital Fund Note - If church main building re-roofing budget is subtracted for the fund, the available Capital Fund amount will be $27,015 on June 30, 2013.
  2. Church Building Expansion Pledge (CBE) Note - The total CBE pledge on June 30 2013 is $410,660 from 120 units. The total CBE pledge offering from December 1 2012 to June 30 2013 is $311,151.
  3. Budget summary - up to June 30, our total expense is at 92.0%, and our total offering is at 113.9% of the total annual budget.
  4. Due to finance committee member travel schedules, the fiscal year end 2013 will officially be finalized in mid-August.
  5. The Metro West interest account has been closed, with announcements made in Sunday bulletins for interested parties to submit contributions to Metro West directly.
  6. Review financial reports and miscellaneous financial discussions
  1. During CM Town Hall meeting, a suggestion was made to have a temporary offering box during Sunday services.  The finance committee would prefer not to have a temporary box. Item was tabled for next BoD meeting.
  2. Questions were raised regarding CBCGB policy criteria for donations designated for CBCBG salaried individuals. Finance Committee and BoD members will look for existing policy and verify IRS laws.  Report findings at August 2013 BoD meeting.
  3. Questions were raised about general fund surpluses in light of increased offertory donations.  BoD would like to formally discuss ideas to use more of the general fund so that the church can be good stewards.  Will resume discussion at August 2013 BoD meeting after more consideration.
  4. Discussion whether to modify approval procedures for budget line items. BoD asked finance committee to suggest procedures to resolve small over the budget items. Reminder - good bookkeeping by ministry leaders remains an effective approach to maintain budget.  Finance committee may meet with co-workers with budget signing privileges to encourage fiscal responsibility.

  1. Stewardship Update (Howard)
  1. Minor Project Status Updates
  1. A temporary wooden sign will replace the damaged one at entrance. The CBE Team will design and build permanent sign later.
  2. A few dying trees need to be removed, requests for quotes were sent. May work with CBET on tree removal as part of driveway (Part II of Phase I) project. If safety issue exists, trees will be removed independent of CBET. Two BoD members also on CBET will communicate to CBET to reach a decision quickly.
  3. Seven new dehumidifiers with auto pumps were installed in the basement. Condensation lines will be run along the ceiling later.
  4. A new water fountain with filtration was installed in the basement. Stewardship will report to BoD costs of adding filtration to 1st and 2nd floor units.  
  5. Installed new recessed lighting in the youth chapel.
  6. Installed new shelving in the basement storage area.
  7. Baseboard heater in Room 108 will be replaced.
  8. Cleaned up the coat closet room with leftover items gathered to be claimed or for disposal.
  9. Still planning to reseal parking lot surface, possibly postponed to next year.
  1. Major Project Updates
  1. After a cost-benefit analysis, reroofing will cover the entire sanctuary building instead of just the north side which has most leaking problems, may be impacted by the CBE project later.
  2. The boiler in the office building, including the circulator pump, must be replaced before winter. Need break-even analysis from deacon Philip Sailer on new gas line cost before a decision can be made on gas or oil burner. Stewardship will research costs for dual-fuel burners to keep heating options open.
  3. Will continue to look into cost to patch up rotted areas in the sanctuary basement and office basement. The cause of the rot - splashes from gutter downspout - was fixed.
  4. Two quotes for basement A/C system are in. Waiting for a third quote.  
  5. Office building bathroom renovation project on hold for now, pending further analysis.

  1. Individual Assignments Update (All)
  1. Special event checklist  
  1. Ushers are usually trained for fire drill, will follow similar procedures during special events
  2. Full checklist will be in place by September 2013 BoE meeting to prepare for November Missions and Social Concerns Ministry conference.
  1. Church office boiler option (Phil) - Break-even analysis for return on investments is ongoing.  
  2. Online reimbursement form submission (Ruike) - no update.
  3. Office bathroom renovation  (Phil) - need to decide whether decision lies with Stewardship or CBET, consider handicap accessibility issue. If bathroom is currently fully functions, recommendation to discuss office renovation with CBET. Phil will report back after discussing with CBET.
  4. Workers’ Compensation Insurance update (Jiyong) - received two quotes. Signed up with Emery & Webb (existing insurance provider).
  5. LCD project (Loren) - finished and closed
  6. Plan to handle Friday night overcrowding during 151 renovations (Xinyu) - No update yet, but situation is urgent.  Concrete proposals with action items will be ready by next BoD meeting in August 2013.
  7. Security/ privacy procedures during special events(Lance) - will submit action items by next BoD meeting.
  8. Hire professional sound engineers to improve chapel quality (Loren) - made some contacts, no update yet.

  1. Closing Prayer by Wensong, Xinyu, and Emily.

  1. Meeting adjourned at 12:10.

D. Translation in Chinese






A. 與會者 :

1.        執事: 陳國榮, 劉安玲 (執行執事會主席), 胡中義,  李新宇,  潘瀾 (執行秘書), 潘文嵩,  Philip Sailer,  王繼勇 (財務), 王瑞珂

2.        應邀:

長老團: 章開第 (主任牧師), 陳利欽 (長老)

3.        缺席: 張子剛, 施志寧,  汪新文

B. 地點:  教會辦公室會議廳


C. 會議程序與記錄

1.   早上9:04 開始

2.   開始禱告 – 章開第牧師及所有與會者

3.   牧師分享 (章開第牧師) – 感謝影音設備的安裝,中文堂的禱告會遷至副堂,為執事專注於靈修生活禱告(瑪利與馬大的服事)

a. 中文堂禱告會分享- 自從長老團一月的檢討會,禱告委員懇切地禱告,禱告會參加人數增加了。禱告委員個人承諾一季至少參加十次禱告會。目標是年底前參加禱告會的人數,達到經常參加主日崇拜人數的十分一。現在每週二都為宣教事工禱告,取代以往只在第四週二為宣教事工禱告的安排。

4.   長老團分享 (陳利欽長老)

a. 長老團七月會議簡報

i.         教堂擴建計劃回顧  --  申請許可延到七月底,預期九月前通過,十一月開工。教堂擴建一期工程第二部份的申請提交在十二月,期望五月拿到許可,2014年底完工。教堂擴建委員會希望大家為許可證很快通過、找到好的建築商、及委員會員的體力禱告。

ii. 中文堂團契檢討  --  許多團契成長快速,但缺乏牧長引導。因牧長有限,長老團會再加倍努力牧養,給每個團契一些指導與支持。長老團檢討目前牧師和長老的牧養工作,建議加上若干成熟的基督徒,以及過去的執事一同來帶領團契。長老團也討論如何屬靈成長方面幫助團契。

iii. 教會章程檢討  --  正作細節的檢討

iv. 中文堂市政廳式大會 --  辦公室秘书正收集所有問題及答案,以分送給會眾。理事會秘書將分送該記錄給會友。

v.  十月六日 --  南區同工將帶領中文堂的敬拜服事。 

b.   討論有關中文堂團契的檢討 --  長老團和牧師們將如何一同牧養中文堂的團契、中文堂團契的自行管理、及團契按比例的增長。也討論到團契和中文主日崇拜人數的統計與估算,但拿到顯著的統計資料可能需作正式調查。


5.   財務報告, 2013年6月 (王繼勇)




















$177,051 *










$301,590 *







a.  資產基金  --  若教會主建築換屋頂的預算從資產基金扣除,在6月30日可用的資產基金是$27,015

b.   教堂擴建認獻 --  6月30日有120單位認獻,金額是$410,660。從2012年12月1日到2013年6月30日認獻金額是$311,151

c.   預算整理 --  到6 月30日總支出是92%。而總奉獻是全年預算的113.9%。

d.  由於財務委員出門,2013 年度正式的報告將在八月中定稿。

e.  西區的利息帳戶已結束。週報上也刊登,請有意奉獻的人直接送交西區。

f.   檢討財務報告及財務雜項的討論

i.   中文堂市政廳式大會中,有人建議在主日安置一臨時奉獻箱。財務委員認為不設置臨時奉獻箱較好。此事留待下次執事會議再談。

ii.   討論教會有關奉獻給教會受薪人員的政策。財務委員和執事會將審視現有辦法,並確定國稅局的法規,在2013年8月執事會議報告。

iii. 由於奉獻增加,常費基金有餘的問題,執事會將正式討論,如何使用更多常費來改進教會維修。仔細考慮後,將在八月的執事會議討論。

iv.  討論是否修正預算中各個項目的許可。執事會請財務委員建議,解決預算項目小額超出的辦法。提醒 – 事工負責人維持完整的財務記錄,將有效維持預算。財務委員可能與同工商討為預算簽名的權限,以鼓勵對預算負責。


6.   產物管理現況 (陳國榮)

a.    小型計劃現況

i.     教會入口損毀的標誌,將換上一個臨時的木牌,教堂擴建小組將設計並製作一個永久性標誌。

ii.          有幾棵快死的樹要砍除,已送出幾份估價要求。可能與教會擴建委員會合作砍樹,作為車道計劃(一期工程的第二部份)的一部份。若有安全顧慮,砍樹就不包括在擴建計劃中。兩位也在擴建委員會的執事,將與擴建委員會聯繫,快速達成決定。

iii.        地下室已安裝七個會自動排水的新除濕機,冷凝管將延著天花板走。

iv.        一個有過濾器的新飲水機已安裝在地下室。產物管理將向執事會報告,加裝一二樓飲水機過濾器的價錢。 

v.          在青少年廳已安裝隱藏式照明。

vi.        地下室儲藏室安裝了新架子。

vii.  108房間的底板暖氣要換。

viii.  清掃掛衣間,收集的物件待領或丟掉。

ix.        仍計劃填補停車場表面,可能延至明年。

b.    大計劃現況

i.         經過花費與獲益分析,將重鋪整個主堂建築的屋頂,而不只是北邊漏得最多的那部份,可能會受到教會擴建計劃的影響。

ii.   教會辦公室的鍋爐,包括循環馬達,冬天前需要換新。執事Philip Sailer 正在研究燒天然氣鍋爐的花費,作收支平衡分析,然後才做決定燒氣還是燒油。產物管理也將研究燒兩種燃料鍋爐的花費,再做決定。

iii. 將繼續看修補主樓地下室和辦公室地下室腐爛小塊的花費,造成腐爛的原因是屋簷落水管的濺水,已修好。

iv. 地下室空調系統,已收到兩份估價,等第三份。 

v.   辦公室廁所翻修暫停,做進一步分析。


7.   個別工作現況 (全體)

a.        特別活動的待辦事項表

i.     招待通常受訓處理火警,將以同樣程序處理特別活動。

ii.   完整的待辦事項表,將在今年九月長老團會議之前完成,為十一月的差傳、社會關懷事工研討會做準備。

b.        教會辦公室鍋爐(Phil) --  正在作投資回收的收支平衡分析。 

c.        線上繳交報帳表格(王瑞珂) --  無更新。

d.        教會辦公室廁所翻修(Phil) – 需要決定由產物管理還是教堂擴建委員會負責,考慮殘障者可使用設施的問題。若目前廁所完全可使用,建議去與教堂擴建委員討論辦公室的翻修,Phil會與教堂擴建委員會討論後再報告。

e.        工人補助保險的現況(王繼勇) --  收到兩份報價,已與現用的保險公司Emery & Webb 簽約。

f.     液晶顯示器計劃(施志寧) --  已安裝,結束。

g.        計劃處理151翻修時,週五晚上過於擁擠的情形 (李新宇) --  沒有更新,但情況警急,八月下次執事會議前將準備好實在的計劃與行動項目。

h.   特別活動時保持安全與隱私的程序(潘瀾) --  下次執事會議前,將提出行動項目。

i.         雇用專業的音效工程師來改善副堂的品質(施志寧) --  做了些聯絡,尚無更新。


8.   結束禱告: 潘文嵩、李新宇、劉安玲


9.   會議於12:10結束




波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  |  Web: