Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2014


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Lawrence Liang-Shang Gan, Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan, Phil Sailer, Loren Shih (Head Deacon), Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Haiguo Wu, Ruike Wang
  2. Invitees: Incoming BoD members: Beata Shih, Jian Zhang
  3. Absentees: Joshua Chang, Xin-Wen Wang, Jimin Xiong

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 1:05 pm
  2. Deacon Loren opened the meeting in prayer.
  3. Stewardship Update (Deacon Lawrence)
  1. The re-roofing contractor applied to its own liability insurance to cover the cost of fixing water damage caused by the re-roofing process.  The insurance company has appraised and awarded us the cost of damages pending our agreement to a general liability release of claims.  It was recommended that we get our own independent appraisal or quote before signing the release form.
  1. New Capital Procedures Proposal Review
  1. It is difficult for the Board of Deacons to understand the domain and context of capital requests.  It has also been difficult for the Board of Deacons to appropriately prioritize requests if they are brought before the board serially.
  2. Highlights of the proposal:
  1. Each capital request requires a deacon to understand the details/justification of the capital request and to endorse the request.  The deacon must be free of conflict of interest and confirm alignment among affected ministries.
  2. Most capital proposals should be submitted concurrently during the first month of the fiscal year so that they can be prioritized with each other.  The majority of the annual capital budget will be allocated at this time.
  3. It’s the responsibility of the Board of Deacons and Church Council to ensure that capital funding is spent in alignment with our church’s holistic goals.
  1. The Board of Deacons will finalize the proposal next year and seek Board of Elders approval.
  1. Office Elections
  1. Current standing board members along with newly elected members jointly nominate four positions of the Board of Deacons for the year of 2015 according to the church bylaws. Only board members who are going to serve for the next year can vote. The official outcome is as below:
  1. Head Deacon - Haiguo Wu
  2. Secretary - Christopher Cheng
  3. Treasurer - Ji-yong Wang
  4. Stewardship - Jian Zhang
  1. Other responsibility assignments
  1. IT - Joshua Chang
  2. HR - Beata Shih
  1. Deacon Loren adjourned the meeting at 2:53pm.
  2. Addendum
  1. Since the last BoD meeting in November, through online voting:
  1. Deacon Joshua Chang motioned to approve $8,000.00 on 15 cameras monitoring the entrances of the main church building, carriage house and church office from the capital fund.  Deacon Phil Sailer seconded.  The motion passed.