Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2015


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Pastor Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Joshua Chang, Lawrence Liang-Shang Gan, Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan, Phil Sailer, Beata Shih, Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jimin Xiong, Jian Zhang
  2. Invitees: BoE members: Elder Liqin Chen
  3. Absentees: Xin-Wen Wang

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:02 am
  2. Deacon Haiguo opened in prayer.
  3. Ice breaking and introduction
  1. New deacons Beata Shih and Jian Zhang were introduced and Deacon Haiguo summarized Board of Deacons meeting procedures and responsibilities.
  2. Deacon Ji-Yong must step off the board after this year so Deacon Haiguo encouraged members to consider serving as Treasurer in the future.
  1. Senior Pastor Sharing and Update (Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. Chinese Ministry and Youth joint retreat will be held during Memorial day weekend at Nichols College.  Please also pray for ICF, and Senior high and Junior high retreats in February
  2. More than 90 people attended the Concert of Prayer on New Year’s Eve.
  3. Chinese Ministry is preaching on the sermon on the mount this quarter
  4. Chinese Ministry Fellowship Ministry plans to resume small group leadership training
  5. The COCM short term missions team will share testimonies at the weekly prayer meeting.
  6. The Spring Mandarin Gospel Meeting is in planning with Lin Yi Zhong as the main speaker.
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder Liqin Chen)
  1. There will be a special membership meeting in early Spring to vote on purchasing property for Metro South.
  2. The BoE approved moving the rental rate in the church facility policy to the appendix so that future rate adjustments do not need BoE review (only BoD approval).
  3. Elder Liqin would like to continue promoting servant leadership in Church Council.
  4. This year, the BoE will review ministries on the basis of those that need more support from church leadership.  The BoE invites suggestions for ministries that meet this criteria.
  5. Elder Timothy will coordinate the review of all church policies.  Deacons Chris and Joshua will assist in this process.
  6. Elder David will work on maintaining a list of all committees, members, and chairs.
  7. The community outreach committee (formerly the local missions committee) charter has been approved.  The committee chair will be appointed at the next BoE meeting.
  8. For more details, please refer to the January BoE minutes.
  1. Metro South property purchase proposal (Metro South Core Co-worker Team)
  1. Brother Hongshu reported on the Metro South church and property purchase status.   Attendance and offering have been steadily growing.  However, growth has created significant space problems (in some cases creating safety issues)
  2. A facilities search committee was formed a year ago.  After considering more than a dozen potential properties, they have decided to purchase 383 Old Post Road in Sharon.
  1. 3 BR, 1.5 BA 1918 sq ft house on 3.43 acres of flat land
  2. Purchase and sales agreement was signed on 12/27 for $342,500.  The closing date is February 19th.
  3. Metro-south members have already pledged $380,000 in donations and loans.
  1. Metro-south is not requesting financial support for this property surplus but is requesting CBCGB to purchase the property.
  2. The BoD discussed ideas for how the mother church might support the property purchase financially.
  3. Pastor Caleb prayed for Metro-south.
  1. Capital request: worship team equipment (Kevin Wang)
  1. Kevin Wang gave an overview of the current state of worship team equipment and how a new strategy for music monitoring would improve the musical experience.  This requirement is being driven by English Ministry, but has been coordinated with the Chinese Ministry worship ministry who may also benefit from this new equipment in the future.
  2. Deacon Joshua Chang motions to approve $5500 from the capital fund for the purchase of a worship team in-ear monitoring system.  Deacon Beata Shih seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Financial Report (Ji-Yong Wang)


Offering (December)

Expense (December)

Total (December)

Cumulative Balance


























  1. CBE Total Donation since 12/1/2012: $844,076.
  2. Up to December 31, our total expense is at 43.7%, and our total offering is at 63.8% of the total annual budget (fiscal year ending June 30)
  1. Stewardship report (Jian Zhang)
  1. Property Projects
  1. Deacon Jian provided a detailed update on the re-roofing project which is complete.  Special thanks to brother Chi-way for his detailed verification of the work.
  2. Office bathrooms were completed on November 15.
  3. Space has been cleared behind the church building for parking (70-80 spaces) with appropriate pedestrian walkways forthcoming (CBE Phase 1, Part 2a).  There remain challenges of how to safely use that space when available due to narrow vehicle access (since the driving loop won’t be completed until CBE Phase 1, Part 2b).
  1. Property Maintenance
  1. An HVAC technician installed insulation around the thermostat on the right side of the sanctuary to improve heating performance on November 25.
  2. Fixed church basement closet sliding doors.
  3. Inspections passed:
  1. Annual state elevator inspection (12/4)
  2. Annual fire alarm inspection (12/4)
  3. Annual fire sprinkler inspection (12/11)
  1. Peter Huang retired at the end of 2014.  The church has hired Eric Young part-time.
  2. Notified Boston Properties neighbors to park their cars on our middle level parking lot because of ongoing construction on 12/12
  3. On 12/16, tree that was hit by a July 7 lightning strike was cut down.
  4. RCN came to transfer the communication cable to a temporary pole on 12/18
  5. Senior Pastor requested replaced of the two office thermostats on 12/22.
  1. IT Update (Joshua Chang)
  1. Security cameras have been installed and are functional.  Only the Board of Elders have access to view the footage and only when there is an incident.
  2. Network infrastructure renovation has been completed.
  1. Deacon Joshua closed in prayer and Deacon Haiguo adjourned the meeting at 12:54pm.

出席:章開第牧師,鄭嘉文(秘書),張子剛,甘良生,胡中義,潘瀾,Phil Sailer, 尹思瑩, 王繼勇,海國,熊繼敏,張建

邀請: 陳利欽長老

缺席: 汪新文

  1. 地點: 教會辦公室會議室
  2. 會議進程
  1. 上午 9:02 am會議開始
  2. 海國執事作會前禱告。
  3. 破冰和介紹新人
  1. 介紹新的執事思瑩和張建,海國執事總結了執事會議的規程和責任。
  2. 繼勇執事今年要卸任,海國執事動員大家考慮將來財務執事人選。
  1. 主任牧師章開第分享和更新:
  1. 成人和青少年夏令營將在國殤日舉辦,地點是麻州尼格斯大學。請為ICF禱告,也為二月的青少年退修會禱告。
  2. 元旦跨年禱告會有90多位參加。
  3. 華語部本季度講道題目為登山寶訓。
  4. 華語部團契事工計劃恢復細胞小組長的培訓。
  5. 華語部春季佈道會將邀請林義忠牧師做講員。
  1. 長老團陳利欽主席分享
  1. 春季開始我們將就南區購買房投票表決。
  2. 長老團同意將教會章程中設施租賃費用部分移至備註欄。將來費用調整不需經過長老團過目(只需執事會通過即可)。
  3. 利欽長老將繼續在牧長執聯會提倡僕人領導模式。
  4. 今年長老團的事工審核將集中在有需要幫助的事工上,並歡迎符合這一條件的事工建議。
  5. 盧忠信長老將協調所有教會章程的審核,子剛執事和嘉文執事協助。
  6. 何明治長老將整理教會所有的委員會、成員組成和主席清單 。
  7. 社區外展委員會(原本地宣教委員會)章程已被批准。委員會主席將在下次長老團會議上批准。
  8. 欲知詳情,參見1月長老團會議紀要。
  1. 南區房購買提議(南區團隊)
  1. 關洪書弟兄報告了南區購堂現狀,主日崇拜人數和奉獻正在平穩增長,然而,增長也帶來空間問題(有時甚至有安全隱患)
  2. 南區物業籌備組於一年前成立 。在考察了很多房後,他們已經決定購買位於Sharon鎮383 Old Post Road 的房
  1. 三個臥室,一個半衛生間, 1918 平方英尺的房子並有3.43 畝平地。
  2. 買賣協議已於12/27/2014簽署,價格$342,500. 2015年2月19日過
  3. 南區會友已經以捐款及貸款形式認獻了$380,000 。
  1. 南區沒有要求母堂在財務上支持,只要求以教會名義購買該物業。
  2. 執事會討論了母堂如何在財務上支持購買的初步想法。
  3. 開第牧師為南區房購買禱告。
  1. 資金申請,敬拜團設備 (Kevin Wang)
  1. Kevin Wang小結了最近敬拜團設備使用的現狀,以及新的音響設備將對音樂效果的改善。此次申請由英文堂牽頭,但華語部一直有溝通,並將從此次設備改善受益。
  2. 張子剛執事提出從資資金中拿出$5500購買主日崇拜使用的音響監聽系統的動議。尹思瑩執事附議。執事會一致通過。
  1. 財務報告 (王繼勇 )


奉獻 (十二月)

支出 (十二月)

總結 (十二月)


























  1. 教會擴堂捐款從2012年12月開始已收到$844,076。
  2. 截至12/31/2014,我們支出了年度預算的43.7%, 但我們應該支出63.8% (財務年度是每年的6/ 30開始)

  1. 報告 (張建)
  1. 項目
  1. 張建執事提供了詳細的屋頂項目的完成情況,特別感謝起瑋弟兄的幫助。
  2. 辦公室衛生間已在11/15/2014完成.
  3. 大堂後面約有70-80個停車位的空間已經整理出來,不久將來會開出簡易人行便道(一期擴建工程第二部分)。 因為車道狹窄,仍然需要考慮如何安全使用有限空間(帶狀單向行駛車道需要等到一期第二部分工程結束) 。
  1. 業維護
  1. HVAC技術員11月25日在大廳的右測調溫器安裝了材料。
  2. 教會地下室儲藏間推拉門修理完畢.
  3. 通過了安全檢驗:
  1. 電梯年檢 (12/4)
  2. 防火警報器年檢 (12/4)
  3. 滅火噴水器年檢 (12/11)
  1. 黃秀雄弟兄在2014年底退休。教會已經聘用了楊立功弟兄為半職職員。
  2. 去年12/12由於施工工程的要求,已經通知鄰居波士頓物使用我們的中間一層的停車場。
  3. 12/16日, 鋸除去年七月遭雷擊的大樹。
  4. 12/18日RCN將通訊線路臨時接到一根柱子上。
  5. 主任牧師12/22日要求辦公室更換了兩個調溫器。
  1. IT簡報(張子剛)
  1. 安全監控攝像頭器已經安裝並開通,只有長老團有權在突發事件情況下可以觀看錄像。
  2. 網絡結構更新已經完成。
  1. 張子剛執事做會後結束禱告,12:54 pm海國執事宣布散會。