Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

April 18, 2015


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Pastor Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Joshua Chang, Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan, Beata Shih, Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Xin-Wen Wang, Jian Zhang
  2. Invitees: BoE members: Elder Yuguang He
  3. Absentees: Phil Sailer, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jimin Xiong

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:09 am
  2. Deacon Chris opened in prayer.
  3. Senior Pastor Sharing and Update (Lance Pan)
  1. Successful Mandarin gospel meeting - 57 professed faith.
  2. Board of Elders has begun implementing the guest speaker invitation policy.
  3. Pastor Caleb has been following up with baptismal candidates and baptismal interviewers to ensure that their testimony has a clear profession of faith.  Please pray for the process.
  4. Coordination of room assignments at 151 is in process.
  5. The scheduled Memorial day retreat speaker, Brother Bian, cannot make it due to a fall. Pastors Sandy, Caleb, Jiang and JuTa will fill in.
  6. City Outreach Ministry had 11 baptized.
  7. 4/26: more than 40 people may be baptized.
  8. 5/10: Mother’s Day: joint service with Rev. Morley Lee preaching.
  9. Regular church services will occur during the Memorial Day weekend retreat.
  10. 6/20: Minister Steven Bowman will preach at the Father’s day joint service.
  11. Pastor Caleb will examine and ordain three elder candidates at Chinese Gospel Church in Southborough and Worcester.
  12. Pastor Caleb will preach at New England Chinese Christian Church April 24-26 for an evangelistic meeting.
  13. Pastor Caleb was invited back to Pittsburgh Chinese Church for 50th anniversary, 6/20.
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder Yuguang He)
  1. June church council retreat will be in-house, rather than off-site (to save costs).
  2. The BoE has modified the church vision statement based on feedback from pastoral staff and some ministries and has sent it to pastoral staff for more feedback.
  3. Approved Sister Le-Fang (Ida) Shaw as MetroSouth Ministry Core Co-worker Team (CCT) Chair.
  4. Approved Continuing Education Support and Professional Expense Reimbursement policy for pastoral staff.
  5. Upcoming ministry reviews: worship team (Elder KC) and web team (Elder Yuguang).
  6. Deacon Nomination Committee members have been approved and will be published in the bulletin. Replacement appointment for former deacon Lawrence is in process by BoE.
  7. For more details, please refer to the April 2015 Board of Elders meeting minutes.
  1. Financial Report (Ji-Yong Wang)


Offering (March)

Expense (March)

Total (March)

Cumulative Balance


























  1. CBE Total Donation since 12/1/2012: $874,638.59. BoE will set and communicate a deadline for donations to reach $1M.
  2. Up to March 31, our total expense is at 69.0%, and our total offering is at 86.6% of the total annual budget (fiscal year ending June 30).
  3. Upcoming General Fund review: preliminary meeting in April with all budget proposals collected for discussion during June meeting.
  4. MetroSouth property transfer was supposed to be completed on 4/17, but inspections expired. Minor issues from the subsequent inspection prevented closing from completing.
  1. Stewardship report (Jian Zhang)
  1. Property Projects
  1. Basement HVAC project started on 4/6 and will last for two months.  AC / heating system for general basement area with a ductless split system in classrooms.  No HVAC installation for kitchen is planned anymore.
  2. New parking area for 70-80 cars on top of the hill has been marked.  Before opening, co-workers will take action to ensure safety of pedestrians, including announcements and co-worker training.  A pedestrian staircase will be built in the future.
  3. (Future) FIx main building grading problems. Currently leaks into basement.
  4. (Future) Fix missing gutter pieces.
  1. Property Maintenance
  1. Main building ceiling panels replaced.
  2. Sanctuary ceiling beam repainted.
  3. Main building basement vinyl floor fixed.
  4. Basement closet doors fixed.
  5. Wooden bridge between sanctuary and church office is being fixed.
  6. (Future) Crumbling cement at children’s pickup area.
  7. (Future) Children’s room window leaking.
  1. Property Management
  1. Applied for food service permit from Lexington.
  2. Assisted with Metro-south property insurance.
  3. Assisted with City Outreach Ministry liability insurance.
  4. While a policy exists for facility rental costs and prioritization, the church needs a process to clearly communicate the policy and to help keep prioritization guidelines.
  1. Update on Chinese Ministry evangelistic meeting and retreat (Xinwen Wang)
  1. 3/27-3/29. Speaker: Pastor Lim.
  2. The meeting involved complex logistics organized by several co-worker teams.
  3. 3000+ attendance across 3 days: 57 prayer warriors and 57 new believers.
  4. Very positive feedback. People deeply touched by Pastor Lim’s singing, preaching, and testimony.  Some BoD members remarked on the need to communicate a more holistic gospel message to new believers in addition to what was emphasized during the weekend.
  5. Followup will be handled by local churches (e.g. Metro-south, City Outreach Ministry) and EE teams.
  1. Church information meeting (Chris Cheng)
  1. The BoD discussed logistics for the church information meeting on 4/19.
  1. Deacon Lance closed in prayer and Deacon Chris adjourned the meeting at 11:52am.
  2. Addendum
  1. Between the February meeting and this meeting via electronic ballot, Deacon Xinwen Wang motioned to approve a maximum of $55000 from the capital fund as the matching fund for the Metro-South property purchase.  Deacon Lance Pan seconded.  The motion passed.



  1. 出席:
  1. 出席者: 章開第(主任牧師),鄭嘉文(秘書),張子剛,胡中義,潘瀾,尹思瑩,王繼勇(司庫),汪新文,張建
  2. 邀請: 長老團成員: 何煜光長老
  3. 缺席: Phil Sailer, 吳海國 (執事會主席), 熊繼敏

  1. 地點: 教會辦公樓會議室

  1. 議事章程與時間
  1. 9:09 am 會議開始
  2. 鄭嘉文執事做會前禱告.
  3. 主任牧師分享和簡報(潘瀾)
  1. 中文部佈道會豐收,57人決志。
  2. 長老團通過客座講員邀請政策。
  3. 章開第牧師已與受洗候選人和麵試同工溝通,以確保候選人的見證有清晰的信仰。請為將到的洗禮祈禱。
  4. 正在協調分配151的房間 。
  5. 原先預定的國殤日退修會講員邊雲波弟兄,由於摔傷無法到場。章開第、劉梅碧儀、潘儒達,和韋江牧師將會替補。
  6. 城中區已有11人受洗。
  7. 4/26: 超過40人可能受洗。
  8. 5/10: 母親節: 聯合崇拜, 李秀全牧師講道。
  9. 國殤日週末退修會期間教會崇拜照常進行。
  10. 6/20: 鮑斯文傳道將在父親節聯合崇拜上講道。
  11. 章開第牧師將參與麻省華人福音堂及其伍斯特分堂的三名長老候選人考核和挑選。
  12. 章開第牧師將主領四月24至26號在新英格蘭華人基督教會的佈道​​會。
  13. 章開第牧師被邀請會參加彼得堡華人教會在6/20的五十週年紀念日。
  1. 長老團分享(何煜光長老)
  1. 6月的退修會將在本教會舉行,以節省開支。
  2. 長老團已根據教牧同工和部分事工的反饋,修改了教會異象聲明,並再度發送給了教牧同工以取得更多反饋。
  3. 通過邵利芳姐妹成為南區植堂事工的核心同工小組(CCT) 主席。
  4. 通過繼續對教牧同工的教育費用支持和專業費用補償政策。
  5. 事工簡報: 禱告團隊(朱克潔長老) 和網絡團隊(何煜光長老)。
  6. 已通過執事提名委員會人選,並會在週報上公佈。對前執事甘良生的替補任命長老團正在處理中。
  7. 更多細節請參考2015年4月的長老團會議記要。
  1. 財政報告 (王繼勇)


奉獻 (三月)

支出 (三月)

結存 (三月)



























  1. 自12/1/2012以來教堂擴建的奉獻總額: $874,638.59. 長老團將決定並通知認獻到達100萬的截止時間。
  2. 到3月31日位置,我們的總支出是年預算的69.0%,而總奉獻則是年預算的86.6%(本年財政結算於6月30日)。
  3. 常費預評估:四月的預備會議將收集所有的預算提議,並於六月的會議中討論。
  4. 南區財產轉移原本定於4/17完成,但因過檢驗期而無法按預期完成。
  1. 產物管理報告(張建)
  1. 財產項目
  1. 地下室中央空調系統項目於4/6開始,預計需要兩個月。地下室各個區域將安裝冷暖空調系統,包括在教室裡的無管分離系統。廚房不在安裝計劃中。
  2. 提供70-80車位的新停車場已在山坡頂部建好。正式開放前,同工將進行確保行人安全的措施,包括公開通告和對同工的訓練。步行台階將在未來修建。
  3. (預期) 解決主建築的地面排水問題。目前地下室區域有滲漏。
  4. (預期) 修復排水管道。
  1. 財產維修
  1. 替換主樓天花板板塊。
  2. 重新粉刷大堂天花板橫梁。
  3. 修復主樓地下室的地板。
  4. 修復地下室壁櫥的門。
  5. 正在修復連接主樓與教會辦公室的木橋。
  6. (預期) 兒童接送區水泥地面破損。
  7. (預期) 兒童房間的窗戶漏雨。
  1. 財產管理
  1. 向萊克辛頓鎮政府申請供餐許可。
  2. 輔助南區的財產保險。
  3. 輔助城中區事工的責任保險。
  4. 雖然已有設備租借費用與優先權的規章制度,但讓大家明確這個規章制度和優先權的指導原則需要一個過程。
  1. 植堂事工、佈道會和退修會的簡報(汪新文)。
  1. 3/27-3/29. 講員: 林義忠牧師。
  2. 會議涉及多個同工團隊的後勤服務。
  3. 三天內超過3000人次出席,其中有57位代禱者以及57位新信徒。
  4. 反響十分良好。人們被林牧師的歌唱,祈禱,和見證深深地打動。部分執事會成員提出:除了在周末佈道會已強調的信息外,還需要給新信徒們傳達純正的福音信息。
  5. 跟進將由分堂(南區,城中區等)以及EE團隊處理。
  1. 會友座談會(鄭嘉文)
  1. 執事會討論4/19會友座談會的後勤事宜。
  1. 潘瀾執事進行結束禱告然後鄭嘉文執事於上午11:52休會。
  2. 附錄
  1. 自二月的會議至這次會議之間期間通過電子投票,汪新文執事提出關於批准從資產基金提供上限至$55000的對等資金,來幫助南區分堂購買地產的動議。潘瀾執事附議。該動議獲得通過。