Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

May 16, 2015


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Pastor Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Joshua Chang, Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan, Phil Sailer, Beata Shih, Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Xin-Wen Wang, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jimin Xiong, Jian Zhang
  2. Invitees: BoE members: Elder Ke-chieh Chu
  3. Absentees: None

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:07 am
  2. Deacon Haiguo opened in prayer.
  3. Senior Pastor Sharing and Update (Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. Mandarin Gospel meeting follow-up has been ongoing in coordination with evangelism teams.
  2. 43 people were baptized on April 26.
  3. Pastor Caleb preached at a New England Chinese Christian Church revival meeting on April 26.
  4. Minister Yuegang Zhang is coordinating church room assignments for 151 Spring Street.
  5. Annual church retreat registration has exceeded 400.
  6. Pastor David Eng will preach at Chinese Ministry service on May 24.
  7. Minister Steven Bowman will preach during Father’s Day joint service.
  8. Pastors are willing to ordain Ministers Steven Bowman and Jennifer Lin upon satisfactory results from their ordination examinations.
  9. Children’s ministry
  1. Two core leaders are stepping down; pray for others to step up in their place.
  1. Youth ministry
  1. Lynn, NYC, and Hopi short term mission teams are preparing for their summer trips.
  2. 17 youth and former youth were baptized on April 26.
  1. Chinese ministry
  1. 23 trainees have gone through small group leadership training; some are considering starting groups in their neighborhoods.
  2. 24 people were baptized in April 26.
  3. Minster Yuegang Zhang and Pastor Steve Chang have presided over four funerals and two weddings.
  1. English ministry
  1. In the third year of 5-year focus, three members/families have moved or are in process of going overseas.
  2. Currently preaching through a salvation-history sermon series (current in 1 Kings)
  3. 25 participants attended a spiritual formation retreat in mid-April.
  1. Metro-south
  1. 383 Old Post Road property has been transferred to CBCGB.
  2. Metro-south has proposed to hire Angie Piau as MS part time youth minister.
  3. Metro-south core team has proposed an independence plan to the Board of Elders.
  1. Senior Pastor
  1. Invited back to Pittsburgh Chinese Church for their 50th anniversary on 6/20.
  2. Will preach at a Labor Day retreat in Portland and a Thanksgiving retreat in Philadelphia.
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder Ke-chieh Chu)
  1. The English Ministry Leaders presented on English Ministry identity.
  2. City outreach ministry has proposed setting up a building fund.
  3. BoE has approved and blessed the pastoral staff proposal to ordain Ministers Steven Bowman and Jennifer Lin this year.
  4. CBE update: $629,000 has been spent thus far for Phase 1, Part 1 which is near completion.
  5. Metro-south has proposed hiring Angie Piau as a part-time youth minister.  BoE has decided not to hire her as church pastoral staff, but Metro-south may still hire her as non-pastoral staff.
  6. For more details, please refer to the May 2015 Board of Elders meeting minutes.
  1. Financial Report (Ji-Yong Wang)


Offering (April)

Expense (April)

Total (April)

Cumulative Balance


























  1. CBE Total Donation since 12/1/2012: $893,655.79.
  2. Up to April 30, our total expense is at 78.7%, and our total offering is at 93.9% of the total annual budget (fiscal year ending June 30).
  3. The current proposed general fund budget for FY2016 will be a 5.11% increase from FY2015.
  4. 383 Old Post Road, Sharon, MA is now officially the property of CBCGB as of April 24, 2015.
  1. Stewardship report (Jian Zhang)
  1. Property Projects
  1. Main building basement HVAC project is on schedule to be completed by the end of June, but is dependent on permits being obtained in a timely manner.
  2. The Board of Deacons discussed strategies for improving traffic flow in light of the new parking area.  It was noted that any changes need to be clearly communicated to the congregation and initially enforced strictly.
  1. Property Maintenance
  1. Main building gutters by the sanctuary need to be fixed.
  2. Wooden bridge between the sanctuary and carriage house parking lot has been fixed.
  3. A small area of the children’s pickup area sidewalk has been repaired.  If the method used works, it will be used to repair the rest of the sidewalk.
  4. Room 314 classroom door lock has been fixed.
  5. A solution for preventing the sanctuary rear projection screen from blowing around is being explored.
  1. Property Management
  1. Solved water heater problems for baptismal ceremony service on April 26.
  2. Obtained permit for serving food from the Town of Lexington
  3. Cut down hazardous trees in compliance with Lexington Fire Department
  4. Shared Wi-Fi thermostat password with English Ministry.
  5. Assisted Metro-south in acquiring insurance for the new property.
  6. Ordered sanitary dispensers for 151 so they are consolidated with the main building.
  7. Acquired liability insurance certificate for the church spring retreat.
  1. Chinese Ministry Sunday school sharing (Chun-yi Hu)
  1. Two workshops:
  1. In September, Pastor Peter Chow will lead a theological workshop about the church and the Spirit.
  2. In October, Dr. Su Fei-Yun will lead a workshop on raising children.
  1. The morning CM summer Sunday school class in the chapel will be about ten characteristics of a healthy church.  There will also be an afternoon course (1-2p) on Bible memorization, focusing on Matthew 5-7.
  1. Capital budget request procedure (Haiguo Wu)
  1. The Board of Deacons discussed the current proposal for improving capital budget request process.  The goal of the process is to enable the Board of Deacons to more effectively evaluate and prioritize requests.  The process will soon be publicized and implemented.
  1. Pastor Caleb closed in prayer and Deacon Haiguo adjourned the meeting at 12:14pm.


出席:章開第牧師,鄭嘉文(秘書),張子剛,胡中義,潘瀾,Phil Sailer,尹思瑩,王繼勇(會計),汪新文,吳海國(執事會主席),熊繼敏,張建





  1. 9:07 am會議開始。
  2. 海國執事做開始禱告。
  3. 主任牧師分享 :(章開第牧師)
  1. 中文部春季佈道會的後續工作正在進行,並與其他福音團隊協調。
  2. 4月26日有43人受洗。
  3. 開第牧師在4月26日新英格蘭華人基督教會復興會議上講道。
  4. 張越剛傳道正在協調151樓房間的分配。
  5. 年度教會退修會的登記人數超過400。
  6. 吳經權牧師將在5月24日的華語部崇拜中講道。
  7. 鮑斯文傳道將在父親節聯合崇拜中講道。
  8. 如果鮑斯文傳道與林珍妮傳道的考試結果令人滿意,牧師們願意為他們按立。
  9. 兒童事工
  1. 兩位核心領導將要離職,請為有新人接替而禱告。
  1. 少年事工
  1. Lynn, NYC, 與Hopi 短宣隊正在準備他們夏季的行程。
  2. 有17位青少年會員在4月26日受洗。
  1. 華語事工
  1. 已有2 3 位學員通過了小組領導的訓練;一些人正在考慮在他們的鄰里組建小組。
  2. 24 人在4月26日受洗。
  3. 越剛傳道與子義牧師主持了四個葬禮和兩場婚禮。
  1. 英語事工
  1. 在五年重點計劃的第三年,3個成員或家庭已經或正在準備前往海外。
  2. 講台信息:救恩歷史的講道系列(目前講到《列王記上》)
  3. 25人 參加了四月中旬的培靈退修會。
  1. 南區事工
  1. 383 Old Post Road 的物業已經移交給CBCGB。
  2. 南區事工已經提議聘請Angie Piau 做為南區兼職青少年傳道。
  3. 南區事工的核心團隊已經向長老團提交一份獨立計劃。
  1. 主任牧師
  1. 受邀在6月20日回匹茲堡華人教會,出席其50週年慶祝活動。
  2. 將在波特蘭勞工節退修會以及費城的感恩節退修會上講道。
  1. 長老團的分享 (朱克潔長老)
  1. 英語事工的領導們以英語事工的身份做了報告。
  2. 城區外展事工已經提議設立建堂基金。
  3. 長老團已經批准牧師同工的提議,今年將按立牧鮑斯文傳道與林珍妮傳道。
  4. 教堂擴建: 一期工程第一部分迄今已經支出$629,000, 該部分已接近尾聲。
  5. 南區事工已經提議僱用Angie Piau 作為兼職青少年牧師。長老團已經決定不聘用她為教會職員,但南區事工可以聘用她為非教會的職員。
  6. 更多細節請參看5月的長老團會議記錄。
  1. 財務報告 (王繼勇)


奉献 (4月)

支出 (4月)




























  1. 自2012年12月1日以來,教堂擴建奉獻總計: $893,655.79。
  2. 截止4月30, 我們的總支出是佔78.7%, 總奉獻達到年度總預算的的93.9% (財年止於6月30日)。
  3. 與2015財年相比,目前提出的2016財年總資金預算增加了5.11%。
  4. 從2015年4月24日起,位於383 Old Post Road, Sharon, MA的物業,正式屬於CBCGB。
  1. 產物管理委員會報告 (張建)
  1. 物業項目
  1. 主建築地下室HVAC 項目計劃於6月底完工,但有賴於相關許可證的及時獲取。
  2. 執事會討論了改進新停車區的交通流的策略。要注意的是,任何改變都必須清晰地傳達給會眾,並且從一開始就嚴格地執行。
  1. 物業維護
  1. 需要維修主建築大堂外的排水溝。
  2. 連接大堂與馬房的停車場的木橋已經修復。
  3. 兒童接送區人行道已經局部修復,若方法可行,將用來修復其餘部分。
  4. 314 教室的門鎖已經修復。
  5. 為避免大堂後方投影屏幕的飄動,正在尋找解決辦法。
  1. 物業管理
  1. 4月26日,洗禮用水加熱器的問題獲得解決。
  2. 從Lexington鎮獲得了供應食物許可證。
  3. 為符合地方消防部門的要求,砍倒了危險樹木。
  4. 把Wi-Fi 恆溫器密碼告訴英語事工。
  5. 協助南區事工取得新物業的保險。
  6. 為151樓訂購衛生飲水機,以確保它們與主樓一致。
  7. 為教會春季退修會取得責任保險認證。
  1. 華語事工主日學分享 (胡中義)
  1. 兩個講習班:
  1. 9月, 週功和牧師將開一個神學講習班,主題是教會與聖靈。
  2. 10月Su Fei-Yun 博士將開一個關於教養孩子的講習班。
  1. 上午在副堂舉行的華語部夏季主日學課,其主題是健康教會的10個特徵。下午另有一門關於背誦聖經的課,,集中在馬太福音五到七章。
  1. 資產預算需求流程 (吳海國)
  1. 執事會討論了目前關於改進資產預算申請的流程。目的是使執事會能更有效率地評估申請並區分其優先次序。流程將會很快出台並付諸實施。
  1. 開第牧師作結束禱告,海國執事在12:14宣布休會。