CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

February 18, 2011


A. In Attendance:

1. BoD members: John Cintolo, Emily Cheng, TC Chi (Treasurer), Joseph Chiu, Chun-Wen Huang, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary),  Wensong Pan, Loren Shih, David Tran, & Ruike Wang (Chair),


2. Invited: King-Fai Choi (pastor)


3. Not Present: none


B. Location:            

Conference room of the church office building


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:


  1. Meeting started at 9:03 am with an opening prayer by Ruike Wang.
  2. Pastor King-Fai provided BoE & pastoral briefing. (Please refer to the BoE meeting minutes of February for details.)
  3. Family time for deacon members: Emily, Xinyu, & Wensong
  4. Financial Report (T.C)
  1. We are in good financial shape, the total fund in banks is over $800,000.
  2. In the general fund has surplus of $149,000 at January 31, but we have unpaid snow plowing bill (over $13,000) and retreat fee (over 20,000).
  3. Compare to last year our income is about the same but expense is 12% lower.
  4. Our Capital Fund will be turn to negative but we expect general fund will have surplus to cover it. Therefore, BoD members spent lots of time to discuss what is the proper process to move money from other Funds to the Capital Fund.
  1. IT Report (Patrick)
  1. Patrick provided a presentation to all pastoral staff during pastoral staff meeting,  2/15/2011.
  2. In order to reflect the market situations in the IT industry and make sure pastoral/office staff will continue relying on the latest technology w/o spending over budgets.
  3. The capital expense will be reduced from $1,000 per person every 5 years to $650 per person every 5 years upon computer and software. This item has been voted and passed.
  4. More concerns about moving away from commercial product to open source packages should be handled carefully with more training and workshop given to staff members.
  5. No restriction on buying and supporting commercial product as long as it fits into this capital.
  6. Commercial packages will be replaced with open source packages as the next goal for church to pursuit; while cloud computing will be set to the long-term goal for data to be accessible and sharable anytime and anywhere among our midst.
  1. Stewardship Report (Joe)
  1. No new desk is needed.
  2. We still need some furniture like bookshelf and chairs.
  3. Try to establish a systematic approach to track items and financial situations.
  1. Discussion - Children Ministry (Emily)
  1. Locks needs to be installed or repaired for the Nursery & Mustard classrooms. This item will be taken care by the joint efforts from Stewardship ministry. We all reached to a general agreement for the proper usage, safety locks, and check-in/out system for security concerns.
  1. exclusive use of the nursery for 0-2 year-old kids,
  2. better enforcement of hygiene and safety control for children in the classrooms
  3. extend the use life of any upgrades we do for the rooms
  1. Usage policy for the rooms. Emily will meet with children ministry coworkers to discuss further what should be written down as policy. This board will wait for next meeting to discuss policy issue.

D. Translation in Chinese



出席:沈約翰、劉安玲、季宗近 (財務) 、邱德肇、黃俊文、李新宇、林有洧 (秘書) 、潘文嵩、施志寧、陳祥光、及王瑞珂 (主席)。

受邀列席:蔡景輝 (牧師) 。




  1. 會議於早上 9:03 由王瑞珂帶領禱告開始
  2. 蔡牧師提供長老團與牧師們的簡報(詳情請參考二月份長老團會議記錄)
  3. 執事們交誼時間: 劉安玲, 李新宇, 潘文嵩
  4. 財務報告 (季宗近)
  1. 目前財務狀況良好,總存款超過$800,000
  2. 常費在一月三十一日的盈餘是$149,000;另有大約$13,000的鏟雪費,及大約 $20,000的退休會費用尚未付清。
  3. 今年的收入總額和去年差不多,但支出費降低了12%
  4. 資產基金將陷入赤字,但常費應有盈餘,可補其不足。執事們用了不少時間,討論什麼是合宜的辦法,可將其他經費轉往資產基金。
  1. 資訊部門報告 (林有洧)
  1. 在2/15的牧師會議中,有洧向牧師們提出報告
  2. 按市場上的資訊價格,確保牧師們及辦公室,能使用最新的資訊科技,而花費可以不超過預算
  3. 每五年電腦及軟體更新的花費,已經投票通過,由每人$1,000 降到$650 。
  4. 對於不再使用商業化軟件產品,轉而使用開放源碼軟件,有許多討論,對此應該小心處理,給教會人員更多的訓練、或研討會來學習。
  5. 只要是經費許可範圍,對於購買商業化軟件產品沒有限制,資訊同工也將繼續支援。
  6. 商業化軟件產品將由使用開放源碼軟件來取代,這是教會資訊部門的下個目標。而互聯網的雲端運算,可作為長遠的目標,目的在讓同工之間,能隨時隨地取得資料、或共用分享資料。
  1. 理事會報告 (邱德肇)
  1. 不須添加書桌
  2. 還需要書架及椅子等傢俱
  3. 試著建立一個系統化的方法,追蹤每個物件和財政狀況
  1. 討論 – 兒童事工 (劉安玲)
  1. 嬰兒室及芥菜種教室,需要裝鎖,或修護,此工作將由兒童事工和理事會共同處理。為了安全起見,對於什麼是合理的使用、安全鎖、及出入簽名,執事們都有了一致的協議。
  1. 嬰兒室只給0-2 歲的孩子使用
  2. 對於教室裡的孩子,更好地加強衛生及安全管理s
  3. 鎖門可以加強教室的維護,以期達到延長教室物品使用期限的目標。
  1. 教室使用規則,安玲將和兒童事工的同工會商,哪些是該寫下來的規則,執事會下次開會時再討論該使用規則。