CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2011


A. In Attendance:

1. Board members: Howard Chen, Emily Cheng, TC Chi (Treasurer), Joseph Chiu, Chun-Wen Huang, Patrick Lin (Secretary),  Wensong Pan, & Ruike Wang (Chair),


2. Invited: Caleb Chang (Sr. Pastor), Jack Hung (Chairman, BOE)


3. Not Present: John Cintolo, Xinyu Li, Loren Shih, David Tran.


B. Location:            

Conference room of the church office building


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:                 

  1. Pastoral Sharing (Pastor Chang) : who also led opening prayer @ 9:42 AM
  1. Encouragement with biblical verses quoted from Eph. 3:12-14
  2. Appeal to pray for the vision of our church body to be guided and protected by the Holy Spirit
  1. Board of Elders Briefing (Elder Hung)
  1. Please refer to April’s BOE meeting minutes.
  2. Getting ready for church wide informational meeting tomorrow afternoon.
  1. Family time for deacon members (Patrick & Howard)
  2. Financial Report (T.C.)
  1. March report:
  1. General Fund - In March we have income of $112,280 and our expense is $91,371, the surplus is $23,722  and cumulative surplus at end of March in $158,549. It looks like we will have surplus this fiscal year.
  2. Mission Fund - In March we have income of $18,709 and our expense is $25,966 the deficits is $5,781 and the total cumulative surplus at end of March is $170,720.
  3. Capital Fund(aka. old Building Fund) - In March we have income of $313 and our expense is $0 and the total cumulative deficits at end of March is $5,861.
  4. Church Building Expansion Fund(CBET) - In March we have income of $3,022 and our expense is $205 and the total cumulative surplus at end of March is $142,664.
  5. SCM Fund -  In March we have income of $385 and our expense is $4241, and the total cumulative surplus at end of March is $23,195.
  6. BMWBC (aka. MetroWest) Bond Interest Fund -  In March we have income of $1320 and our expense is $0 and the total cumulative surplus at end of March is $1808.
  7. In General Fund we are up 0.84% from last year.  Excluding BMWBC and include CBCGBMS we are increase 3.93% from last year.
  1. Amending fund’s relocation: $10K has been moved from “pastoral & staff salary” to “pastor moving expenses” for accommodation of April’s expenses.
  2. Changing ministry ownership to approve budget expenses
  1. Stewardship: stationary & supply, postage & delivery.
  2. IT: phone, printer, copier, computer, software expenses.
  1. Review Approval Procedure for all financial expenses
  1. Having the first draft ready, and need to be reviewed still.
  1. Stewardship Report (Joe)
  1. Gas expense may need to be increaed, but others should be kept the same.
  2. Pot holes patching are making progress.
  3. Back steps and rails, in between office and parking lot, will be enhanced.
  1. IT ministry - concerns about contents of church web site (Patrick)
  1. Some concerns about the content being posted, especially council member’s brief introduction which was used for member’s confirmation voting, may not be very appropriate for the public.
  2. Sr. pastor will meet with pastoral staff to discuss about the proper guidance of posting this information to our church’s public web site.
  1. Children ministry update (Emily)
  1. Locks needs to be installed or repaired for the Nursery & Mustard classrooms. This item will be taken care by the joint efforts from Stewardship ministry. We all reached to a general agreement for the proper usage, safety locks, and check-in/out system for security concerns.
  1. exclusive use of the nursery for 0-2 year-old kids,
  2. better enforcement of hygiene and safety control for children in the classrooms
  3. extend the use life of any upgrades we do for the rooms
  1. According to the usage for the rooms, Emily will meet with children ministry coworkers to discuss further what should be written down as policy. This board will wait for next meeting to discuss policy issue.
  1. The most powerful projector used for worship services in sanctuary is having problems.
  1. A/V room coworkers submitted an application form to request for a purchase order.
  2. However, the amount is above $5k, which must be discussed and passed at BOD.
  3. Discussed possible solution, but all agree to support this need.
  4. It has gone through motion and counter process, and then all voted for purchasing new device.
  5. Existing defect one may be used in the chapel later.

D. Translation in Chinese



出席:陳國榮、劉安玲、季宗近 (司庫) 、邱德肇、黃俊文、林有洧 (書記) 、潘文嵩、及王瑞珂 (主席)。





  1. 牧師分享(章開第牧師): 會議於早上 9:42 由章牧師帶領眾僕人作會前禱告
  1. 章牧師用聖經以弗所書3:12-14來鼓勵同工。
  2. 呼籲大家共同來為我們的教會生活和事工的願景禱告祈求,能夠充滿聖靈的引導和保護。
  1. 洪長老提供長老團的簡報:
  1. 詳情請參考四月份長老團會議記錄。
  2. 為明天下午的教會會友溝通會議作準備。
  1. 執事們交誼時間: 林有洧,陳國榮
  2. 財務報告 (季宗近)
  1. 三月份報告:
  1. 一般基金 - 3月份收入是一十一萬二千二百八十美元,開支是九萬一千三百七十一美元,盈餘為二萬三千七百二十二美元和三月底的累計盈餘在一十五萬八千五百四十九美元。看來我們這個財政年度將有盈餘產生。
  2. 差傳基金 - 3月份收入是一萬八千七百零九美元,開支是二萬五千九百六十六美元,赤字為五千七百八十一美元,三月底累積盈餘是一十七萬零七百二十美元。
  3. 資本基金(又叫做舊建堂基金)- 3月份收入是三百一十三美元,開支是零,三月底累積赤字是五千八百六十一美元。
  4. 建堂發展基金(CBET) - 3月份收入是三千零二十二美元,開支是二百零五美元,三月底累積盈餘為十四萬兩千六百六十四美元。
  5. 社區服務基金 -3月份收入三百八十五美元,開支是四千二百四十一美元,三月底累積盈餘為二萬三千一百九十五美元。
  6. 西區建堂債券利息基金- 3月份收入是一千三百二十美元,開支是零,三月底累積盈餘為一千八百零八美元。
  7. 一般基金的收入比照去年上升0.84%。若不包括西區,但包括南區,則比去年同期增加3.93%。
  1. 基金挪移的修正案:將一萬美元從“教牧員工薪資”轉移到“教牧員工搬遷費用”來調整四月的開支。
  2. 修改預算開支的審核由事工負責
  1. 理事會: 文具供應,郵資,運費等。
  2. 資訊事工:電話,印表機,影印機,電腦,軟件等。
  1. 所有財務費用的批准程序需要再作審查
  1. 程序初稿已定,需要時間再行審議。
  1. 理事會報告 (邱德肇)
  1. 天然氣費用可能需要增加,但其他應當保持不變。
  2. 路面坑洞的修補正在取得進展之中。
  3. 在辦公室後面和停車場之間的石階旁的扶手,將會得到補強。
  1. 資訊部門有關教會網站內容的顧慮 (林有洧)
  1. 有關教會網站內容的一些關注,特別是教牧長執聯會成員的簡介,其內容原是用來針對會友來介紹聯會成員的確認投票,可能不是很適合大眾。
  2. 章牧師將與教牧同工討論,有關信息發布到我們教會的公共網站的正確指導原則。
  1. 兒童事工報告 (劉安玲)
  1. 育嬰室和芥菜種教室門鎖需要安裝或修復。這一項目需要與理事會努力合作。我們目前已針對如何正確使用教室,安裝安全鎖,並登記系統等的安全性問題達成共識。
  2. 育嬰室成為兩歲以下的專用空間,需加強執行安全和衛生控制,使教室內任何設施的改良其使用壽命得以加長。
  3. 至於教室的使用原則,劉安玲將與兒童部的同工,進一步討論應該怎麼來寫合宜的政策。這個執事會將等待下一次會議,再討論政策問題。
  1. 特殊需要:在大堂用於主日敬拜最強的投影機有問題。
  1. 音控室同工正式遞交購買新機件的申請。
  2. 費用超過了需要執事會同意的上限。
  3. 大家討論了可能的解決辦法,但都同意支持這個需要。
  4. 經過提案,連署,和表決的過程,決定通過購買新設備。
  5. 有建議將有瑕疵的這舊幾件,挪到副堂使用。