CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

        April 21, 2012


A. In Attendance:

1. Presentees: Howard Chen, Joseph Chiu, John Cintolo, Paul Huang, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary), Wensong Pan, Loren Shih, David Tran, Jiyong Wang (Treasurer), Ruike Wang (Head Deacon).


2. Invitees: Caleb Chang (Sr. Pastor), K.C. Chu (Elder), Ming Tsai (Elder).

3. Absentees: Emily Cheng,

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building.


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:  Ruike started this meeting with an opening prayer in 9:05 AM.

  1. Pastoral Sharing (Caleb) - Budgeting process is an exercise of faith. We want to make every penny  count for church ministry.
  2. Board of Elders Briefing (K.C.) - Please refer to April BoE meeting minutes for details.
  3. Revamping Website (Ming)
  1. We all agree to rebuild and improve our website, especially, all the out-of-date contents must be updated or removed, all ministries should better be integrated.
  2. Desirable features including attractive, easy to use, informative, and easy to maintain.
  3. Initially use professional services to rebuild website and then form a task force to maintain it.
  1. Overflow/multiplier project for CM worship services (David)
  1. Concurrent usage of chapel with sanctuary could be helpful for overflow in need.
  2. Facilitate overflow would require audio/video equipment to be upgraded in the chapel.
  3. There is still an ongoing praying and research to look for potential multiple worship services.
  1. Financial Report for March, 2012 (Jiyong)
  1. General Fund - We have offering income of $122,172 and our ministry expense is $137,715, the deficit is $15,543 and cumulative surplus at the end of March is $275,373.
  2. Mission Fund - We have offering offering income of $28,684 and our ministry ministry expense is $24,700 the surplus is $3,984 and the total cumulative surplus at end of March is $187,450.
  3. Capital Fund - We have offering income of $156 and our ministry ministry expense is $0, the surplus is $156 and the cumulative surplus at the end of March is $96,062.
  4. Church Building Expansion Fund(CBET) - We have offering income of $6,865 and our ministry ministry expense is $0, the cumulative surplus at the end of March is $197,138.
  5. SCM Fund -  We have offering income of $3,394 and our ministry expense is $795, the surplus is $2,598 and the total cumulative surplus at the end of March is $46,389.
  6. BMWBC Bond Interest Fund -  We have offering income of $1,299 and our ministry expense is $5,476 and the total cumulative surplus at the end of March is $268.
  7. Budget Summary - in the first 9 month of this fiscal year, our total ministry expense is at 64%, and our total offering income is at 83% of the total budget respectively.
  1. Stewardship Update (Howard)
  1. Roofing Project - There are two newer quotes atop of existing one. Because the price tag is over the BoD’s limit, it will then be sent to the church council for approval, after stewardship committee can make a recommendation.
  2. Children Restroom - More integrated architecture plan has been finished with about 34K as the first pricing quote with many detailed adjustments around the current partition and space. However, children ministry should provide justification for this expansion plan in addition to the original goal of restroom-only renovation.
  3. Church-Wide Restroom - We still need a price quote for an integrated renovation plan for all restrooms in the church main building.
  4. Cleaning Contract - We have started a trial of cleaning task with a professional service, which comes with $400 per cleaning, twice per week in price and effort. This cost in average will be $310 less than we originally planned in monthly basis. After one month of trial, BoD will make a decision based upon a recommendation from the Stewardship committee.
  5. Projector in Sanctuary - It has been waiting for the installation to be done.
  1. Others
  1. Church perimeter property usage policy (Joe) - Draft policy will be sent to the Stewardship committee for finalization.
  2. Security Camera (Loren) - BoD agrees to send out this policy to church council for review.
  3. Caller ID (Patrick) - Feature should be subscribed and facility will be upgraded.
  4. Expense Approval Procedure (John) - BoD voted for approval upon this revision.
  1. Wensong led us all to have a closing prayer @12:33pm

D. Translation in Chinese



A. 與會者:

  1. 出席執事: 陳國榮, 邱德肇, 沈約翰, 黃俊文, 李新宇, 林有洧 (書), 潘文嵩, 施志寧,  陳祥光,王繼勇(財務), 王瑞珂 (執事會主席)
  2. 受邀列席: 章開第牧師,朱克潔長老,蔡明哲長老。
  3. 缺席執事: 劉安玲。

B. 地點:


C. 會議議程及記錄:

  1. 教牧分享(章開第牧師)- 預算編列過程,是一個信心的操練。我們的目標是求主幫助,好讓每一分錢都能盡其所用地充分發揮貢獻在教會的事工中。
  2. 長老簡報(朱克潔長老) - 細節請參閱4月份的長老團會議紀錄。
  3. 改造網站(蔡明哲長老)
  1. 我們都同意重建和改善教會的網站,特別是,所有過時的內容,必須更新或刪除,也應更好地整合各個事工。
  2. 可望的特點,包括具有吸引力,易於使用,內容翔實,易於維護。
  3. 最初可使用的專業服務來重建網站,然後建立一個專責小組,以維護管理它。
  1. 中文崇拜 - 需要疏解大堂滿座問題/及可能的多堂敬拜計劃(陳祥光)
  1. 在敬拜的同時間使用副堂,可能可以幫助大堂滿座的需要。
  2. 副堂將需要裝設音響與視聽設備,才可以與大堂進行同步敬拜。
  3. 正在迫切禱告與進行研究,以尋求潛在可行的多堂敬拜方式。
  1. 2012年3月份財務報告(王繼勇):
  1. 普通基金 - 奉獻收入是$122,172美元,事工開支是$137,715美元。 赤字為$15,543美元,至月底的累積盈餘為$275,373美元。
  2. 差傳基金 - 奉獻收入是$28,684美元,事工開支是$24,700美元。盈餘為$3,984美元,至月底的累積盈餘為$187,450美元。
  3. 資產基金(原建堂基金) - 奉獻收入是$156美元,事工開支是$0美元。至月底的累積盈餘為$96,062美元。
  4. 教會擴建基金(CBET) - 奉獻收入是$6,865美元,事工開支是$0美元。至月底的累積盈餘為$197,138美元。
  5. 社會關懷基金 - 奉獻收入是$3,394美元,事工開支是$795美元。盈餘為$2,598美元,至月底的累計盈餘為$46,389元。
  6. 波士頓西區聖經教會債券利息基金 - 奉獻收入是1,299美元,事工開支是$5,476美元。至月底累計盈餘為$268美元。
  7. 在本財務會計年度的前9個月的預算縱覽概略是,總實際事工開支是總預算事工開支的64%,和總實際奉獻收入是總預算奉獻收入的83%。
  1. 理事會報告(陳國榮)
  1. 屋面工程 - 在現有的報價之外有兩個新的報價,但均超過執事會的同意權限。理事會會提出最適當的建議,並將送往教會聯會來批准。
  2. 兒童廁所 - 與原本所提更多整合的設計藍圖已經完成了,報價約3萬4千美元。除了原來的廁所整修的目標,這藍圖包括目前現有格局和空間的重劃。兒童部應提出這一部分擴建計劃的理由,再行審議。
  3. 全教會廁所的整修計劃 - 我們仍然需要一個整體綜合性的廁所的整修計劃的報價。
  4. 清潔合約 - 我們已開始使用專業清潔服務,每次清潔費用是400元,每週兩次。這樣的平均成本相對於我們原先的計劃是每月少$ 310美元。試用一個月後,執事會將根據從理事會所提的最適當建議作出決定。
  5. 大堂敬拜用的投影機 - 靜待安裝。
  1. 其他
  1. 教堂周邊物使用政策(邱德肇) - 政策草案將被發送到理事會以至定稿。
  2. 安全攝像機(施志寧) - 執事會同意此項使用政策,並將送交教會聯會批准。
  3. 呼叫顯示裝置(林有洧) - 同工將申請此項功能並安裝設備。
  4. 費用審批程序(沈約翰) - 執事會投票批准本次修訂案
  1. 潘文嵩帶領大家在12時33分作結束禱告

波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org  |  Web: www.cbcgb.org