CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

        May 19, 2012


A. In Attendance:

1. Presentees: Howard Chen, Emily Cheng, John Cintolo, Paul Huang, Patrick Lin (Secretary), Wensong Pan, Loren Shih, David Tran, Jiyong Wang (Treasurer), Ruike Wang (Head Deacon).


2. Invitees: Chaw-Bing Chang (Elder).

3. Absentees:  Joseph Chiu, Xinyu Li.

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building.


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:  Ruike started this meeting with an opening prayer in 9:10 AM.

  1. Board of Elders Briefing (Elder Chaw-Bing Chang)
  1. Introduction of himself to the BoD.
  2. Please refer to April BoE meeting minutes for details.
  3. Detailed discussion about current Metro-South church planting related issues.
  1. Financial Report for April, 2012 (Jiyong)
  1. General Fund - We have offering income of $149,197 and our ministry expense is $106,201, the surplus is $42,996 and cumulative surplus at the end of April is $318,369.
  2. Mission Fund - We have offering offering income of $28,746 and our ministry ministry expense is $24,700 the surplus is $4,046 and the total cumulative surplus at end of April is $191,496.
  3. Capital Fund - We have offering income of $304 and our ministry ministry expense is $0, the surplus is $304 and the cumulative surplus at the end of April is $96,366.
  4. Church Building Expansion Fund(CBET) - We have offering income of $2,195 and our ministry ministry expense is $0, the cumulative surplus at the end of April is $199,333.
  5. SCM Fund -  We have offering income of $535 and our ministry expense is $6,000, the surplus is $5,465 and the total cumulative surplus at the end of April is $40,924.
  6. BMWBC Bond Interest Fund -  We have offering income of $170, our ministry expense is $0, and the total cumulative surplus at the end of April is $438.
  7. Budget Summary - in the first 10 month of this fiscal year, our total ministry expense is at 74%, and our total offering income is at 96% of the total budget respectively.
  8. BoD reviewed in detail and approved this monthly expense report.
  9. Elder Chaw-Bing raised his heartfelt concerns for us all to think about how to be wise and faithful to manage abundant blessings granted by our gracious Lord.
  1. Stewardship Update (Howard)
  1. Church-Wide Restroom Update - Improving area including all countertop, faucets, painting, tiling & lighting in general. We have two different quotes around 25k ~40k. Stewardship committee will double check with legal issues and move on.
  2. Roofing Project Update - Whether adding a thermal layer on the rooftop is still under consideration. There is a huge difference with this factor. The final decision will send over to the church council for approval.
  3. Cleaning Contract - BoD voted to use the current cleaning company with an approval of signing up a 41k per year contract for church cleaning task at Lexington main campus.
  4. Children Restroom - BoD agreed to move this project forward upon the blueprint that our church architect proposed in general, but did not vote for the budget yet.
  1. Others
  1. Church perimeter property usage policy - BoD voted to drop off this amendment.
  2. Surveillance System Camera Policy has been approved by BoE - IT committee should move onto installation with this standing policy.
  3. Caller ID - Feature and equipments has been subscribed and installed through IT coworkers.
  4. Church sign - Delegate to Stewardship committee for enhancement.
  1. David led us all to have a closing prayer @12:28pm

D. Translation in Chinese



A. 與會者:

  1. 出席執事:陳國榮,劉安玲,沈約翰,黃俊文,李新宇,林有洧 (書記),潘文嵩,施志寧,陳祥光,王繼勇(財務),王瑞珂 (執事會主席)。
  1. 受邀列席: 張召斌長老
  2. 缺席執事: 邱德肇,李新宇。

B. 地點:


C. 會議議程及記錄: 早上9點10分,由王瑞珂帶領禱告開始。

  1. 長老團簡報(張召斌)
  1. 向執事會自我介紹
  2. 詳情請參考 四月份的長老團會議記錄
  3. 詳細討論目前南區建堂的相關事宜

  1. 四月的財務報告(王繼勇)
  1. 常費 – 奉獻收入 $149,197 事工支出 $106,201, 結餘 $42,996, 到四月底的累計結餘是 $318,369.
  2. 差傳基金 – 奉獻 $28,746, 事工支出 $24,700, 結餘 $4,046, 到四月底的累計結餘是 $191,496.
  3. 資產基金 - 奉獻 $304 , 事工支出 $0, 結餘 $304 , 到四月底的累計結餘是 $96,366.
  4. 教堂擴建基金 (CBET) -奉獻 $2,195, 事工支出 $0, 到三月底的累計結餘是 $199,333.
  5. 社區關懷基金 - 奉獻 $535, 事工支出 $6,000, 結餘 $5,465, 到三月底的累計結餘是 $40,924.
  6. 西區利息基金 - 奉獻 $170, 事工支出 $0, 到三月底的累計結餘是$438.
  7. 經費概況 – 這個會計年度的前十個月,事工總支出佔74%,而奉獻收入是預期的96%.
  8. 執事會已檢討並通過這個月的支出報告
  9. 張召斌長老由衷關注執事會如何作智慧而且忠心的管家,管理恩主賜給我們豐盛的祝福。

  1. 理事會報告(陳國榮)
  1. 全教會衛生間整修 – 將整修所有的台面,水龍頭,油漆,磁磚,以及燈。有兩份介於兩萬五和四萬之間的議價。理事會委員將再檢討其合法性然後繼續。
  2. 屋頂計劃 – 考慮是否在屋頂上加保溫層,差別會很大,等決定後送交教會理事會通過。
  3. 清潔工作合約 – 執事會投票通過,繼續使用這個清潔公司打掃教會,簽定一年四萬一的合約。
  4. 兒童衛生間 – 對教會建築師建議的大致藍圖,執事會已同意,對預算還沒有投票。

  1. 其他
  1. 教會周邊建築的使用辦法 - 執事會取消這項修正案。
  2. 長老團已通過《安全監控攝影系統使用辦法,資訊委員會將依現有辦法開始安裝。
  3. 來電話者的號碼(Caller ID) – 資訊同工已經完成認購並安裝其設備與功能。
  4. 教會標誌 – 授權給理事委員會去改進。

  1. 下午12點28分由陳祥光帶領作結束禱告

波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org  |  Web: www.cbcgb.org