CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

        May 21, 2011


A. In Attendance:

1. Board members: Howard Chen, Emily Cheng, TC Chi (Treasurer), Joseph Chiu, John Cintolo, Paul Huang, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary,Acting Chair),  Loren Shih, David Tran, Wensong Pan.


2. Invited: Caleb Chang (Sr. pastor), Elder Chaw-Bing Chang


3. Not Present: Ruike Wang (Chair of BoD)


B. Location:

Conference room of the church office building


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:  Elder Chaw-Bing Chang led us to have a opening prayer in 9:35 AM.

  1. Pastoral Sharing (Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. Appreciate hospitality after became on-board at church office.
  2. We do have very busy and active schedule here this April and May.
  1. Looking into integration among ministries, such as evangelistic vs. spiritual revival, to alleviate possible jamming workloads.
  2. Unity in reality not unity in formality by respecting cultural and linguistic differences. e.g. What to do about joint worship services?
  1. Pastoral human resources became unbalanced. In fact, there are 5 pastors on English Ministry (including youth and children) and 4 pastors on Chinese Ministry (CM) with 2 pastors assigned assigned for outreach ministries.
  2. Philosophy of Ministry: to equip his people for works of service for building up the body of Christ until we all reach to the unity in the faith. (Eph. 4:11)
  1. Board of Elders Briefing (Elder Chaw-Bing Chang)
  1. Please refer to BOE meeting minutes of May for details.
  2. CBET projects:
  1. Trees have been planted between 151 Spring St. and 153 Spring St. to serve as a permanent separator to our residential neighbors, and
  2. the implementation of the canopy project over the entrance facing Route 2 in the main building has begun.
  3. All other projects, until the end of the fiscal year, are pending.
  1. Friday night, high volume of participation at church building is considered  joyful from certain perception. However, drive way is in a bad shape.
  2. Offering increases by 4%. This trend remains the same for months.
  3. CM is still under pastoral staffed.
  4. We will review the preference of worship style.
  5. Initiate  another church bylaw revision “study” committee
  1.  To review and study the bylaw in details.
  2. This study will focus on reviewing the current 3-tier model.
  3. Elder K. C. Chu will start to recruit members.  1 chair and 4 members (2 from CM and EM).
  1. Survey and confirm the membership for better accuracy of the members.
  1.  There is a plan for expansion of church membership committee.
  2.  Accurate survey of the membership can maintain the contact with the members and encourage members to vote for church important decisions.
  1. Family time for deacon members (David, John, & T.C.)
  2. Stewardship Report (Joe)
  1. Church van policy.
  1. We need to review the definition of Church supported events, which needs to be ministry related and should be endorsed by CC members.
  2. All church van drivers must be our members, also need to be part of the driver list attached for insurance policy.
  3. Joe will draft a proposal for us all to review.
  1. Leaking at church office. The repairing cost is about $2,500. Silently approved.(no objection)
  1. Children ministry update (Emily)
  1. Classroom usage policy is officially approved. (policy will be achieved by secretary, please close it down to read-only mode.)
  2. Ministry update:
  1. Currently the ministry has 100+ co-workers, but some co-workers signed up more than one service. We need more co-workers.
  2. There is no parent-teacher conference.
  3. Curriculum will be reviewed and revised to avoid repetition.
  4. Install check-in and check-out to ensure the safety.
  5. Define children activity areas and the major challenges are the overlaps between children ministry and fellowships. The room usage will need to be reviewed.
  6. Disciplines for children on Friday nights.
  1. Financial Report (T.C.)
  1. General Fund - In April we have income of $101,206 and our expense is $122,131, the deficits is $20,925  and cumulative surplus at end of April in $137,624. This include two new staff's salary and their moving expense. We will have surplus this fiscal year.
  2. Mission Fund - In April we have income of $29,595 and our expense is $38,744 the deficits is $9,149 and the total cumulative surplus at end of April is $161,571.
  3. Capital Fund( old Building Fund) - In April we have income of $287 and our expense is $0 and the total cumulative deficits at end of April is $5,574.
  4. Church Building Expansion Fund(CBET) - In April we have income of $4,115 and our expense is $0 and the total cumulative surplus at end of April is $146,779.
  5. SCM Fund -  In April we have income of $475 and our expense is $2,600, and the total cumulative surplus at end of April is $21,070.
  6. BMWBC Bond Interest Fund -  In April we have income of $1,420 and our expense is $0 and the total cumulative surplus at end of April is $3,228.
  7. In General Fund our total income are up 0.1% from last year.  Excluding BMWBC and include CBCGBMS our total income increase 3.25% from last year.
  1. NEWS Camp: (elder Chaw-Bing)
  1. There are 8 churches around the New England area would like to start a New England Winter Student Camp to host at least 200 student for a winter retreat this December.
  2. The retreat is primary in Mandarin speaking event to focus on students from China.
  3. This is informational, and all details will be brought up for the budget discussion in June.
  1. Deacon Loren led us all to have a closing prayer @12:05pm

D. Translation in Chinese




A. 與會者:

  1. 出席執事: 陳國榮, 劉安玲, 季宗近 (財務), 邱德肇, 沈約翰, 黃俊文, 李新宇, 林有洧 (秘書,代理主持會議),  施志寧, 陳祥光, 潘文嵩
  2. 受邀列席: 章開第 (主任牧師), 張召斌長老
  3. 缺席執事: 王瑞珂 (執事會主席)

B. 地點:


C. 會議議程及記錄: 早上9:35張召斌長老帶領禱告開始

  1. 牧師分享 (章開第牧師)
  1. 初來上任,感謝大家熱心款待
  2. 四月和五月都甚為忙碌
  1. 考量事工之間的整合,譬如福音聚會和培靈奮興會,以減除不必要的工作量
  2. 實質的合一,而非形式上的合一;以尊重文化及語言的差異,譬如: 如何聯合崇拜?
  1. 牧師人力分配不均,目前英文堂有五位牧師(包括青少年和兒童),而中文堂有四位牧師,其中有兩位被指派負責城區與南區事工的開展。
  2. 事工的理念: 為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督的身體,直等到我們眾人在真道上同歸於一(弗4: 12-13)
  1. 長老團簡報(張召斌長老)
  1. 詳情請參閱五月長老團會議記錄
  2. 教會建築擴建基金計劃:
  1. 151 Spring St.和153 Spring St.之間的樹已種下,將成為教會和鄰居之間的分隔
  2. 教會大樓面對二號公路的進口,上面加蓋頂蓬的計劃已開始
  3. 在本會計年度,其他計劃都尚未決定
  1. 很高興,週五晚上來教會參加聚會的人很多。然而,車道破損待修
  2. 奉獻增加4%,數月來均如此
  3. 中文堂牧師仍然人手不足
  4. 我們將檢討所選的崇拜方式
  5. 提出另一個修改教會章程的“研究”委員會
  1. 檢討研究教會章程的細節
  2. 主要是檢討目前的三階段模式
  3. 朱克潔長老將開始招募教會章程研究委員,包括一位主席,四位委員(中英文堂各兩位)
  1. 調查以確認會友名單及其人數
  1. 計劃擴大教會的會友委員會
  2. 會友名單調查有助於跟會友的聯繫,鼓勵會友對教會重大決定參與投票
  1. 執事們的交誼與認識時間(陳祥光,沈約翰,季宗近)
  2. 行政理事會報告(邱德肇)
  1. 教會大巴士使用辦法
  1. 需要檢討何為教會支持的活動,必須與事工有關,並得到教會理事會通過
  2. 教會大巴士的司機必須是教會會友,而且在教會保險所列名單上
  3. 邱德肇將草擬一份計劃書,讓大家討論
  1. 教會辦公室漏水,修理費$2,500,無異議通過
  1. 兒童事工報告(劉安玲)
  1. 教室使用辦法已正式通過(辦法將由秘書存唯讀檔)
  2. 事工報告:
  1. 目前的事工共有一百多位同工服事,有些同工參與多個事工,我們須要更多同工參與
  2. 沒有家長和老師之間的會談
  3. 將檢討並更新課程,以避免重複
  4. 建立簽到和簽離制度,確保安全
  5. 確定兒童活動的區域,若和團契使用的場地重疊,就會有困難。須要檢討教室的使用
  6. 週五晚間兒童的秩序
  1. 財務報告(季宗近)
  1. 常費 – 四月收入$101,206 ,開支$122,131, 赤字$20,925  。四月底總累積盈餘$137,624。開支包括兩位新牧師的薪資及搬遷費。本年度會有盈餘
  2. 差傳基金 – 四月收入$29,595 ,開支$29,595 ,赤字$9,149 。四月底總累積盈餘$161,571
  3. 資產基金(原建堂基金) – 四月收入$287,開支 $0,四月底總累積赤字$5,574
  4. 教會建築擴建基金 - 四月收入$4,115,開支$0 。四月底總累積盈餘$146,779
  5. 社會關懷基金 - 四月收入$475,開支$2,600。四月底累積盈餘$21,070
  6. 波士頓西區聖經教會債券利息基金 - 四月收入$1,420,開支$0。四月底累積盈餘$3,228
  7. 常費總收入比去年增加0.1% ,若除去為西區教會的開支,加上南區分堂的收入,則總收入比去年增加3.25%  
  1. 新英格蘭學生冬令營(張召斌長老)
  1. 今年冬天,新英格蘭地區的八個教會,打算共同籌辦一個至少容納兩百名學生的冬令營
  2. 營會以國語為主,針對來自中國的學生
  3. 細節將於六月的預算討論時提出
  1. 執事施志寧於下午12:05帶領結束禱告