CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

        July 21, 2012


A. In Attendance:

1. Presentees: Howard Chen, Emily Cheng (Meeting Recorder II), Joseph Chiu (Meeting Recorder), John Cintolo, Paul Huang, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary, Acting Chair), Wensong Pan, Loren Shih, David Tran, Jiyong Wang (Treasurer).


2. Invitees: Ming Tsai (Elder), David Ho (Elder, Head of Enharminic Ministry), Steven Chung (Coworker, Enharminic Ministry).

3. Absentees: Ruike Wang (Head Deacon, out of town).

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building.


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:  Elder Tsai started this meeting with an opening prayer at 9:10 AM.

  1. Board of Elders Briefing (Elder Ming Tsai)
  1. Pastor Caleb has trained a group of leaders for small life groups
  2. 2nd CM Sunday Service is under review led by David Tran, could be a joint CM/EM service, more family style
  3. CBE Team is reviewing how to go about permitting process, needs to address questions about how to space out our building usage, considering a newsletter to update congregation and to build support
  4. Deacon nomination - need 7 deacons
  5. Elder nomination - 1 has accepted, another is pending
  6. Jiang Wei is going on sabbatical starting this December
  7. Capital Expenditure Policy is under review/revision
  1. Financial Report for June, 2012 (Jiyong)
  1. General Fund - We have offering income of $124,865 and our ministry expense is $122,216, the surplus is $2,648 and cumulative surplus at the end of June is $306,455.
  2. Mission Fund - We have offering offering income of $21,690 and our ministry ministry expense is $31,102, the deficit is $9,412 and the total cumulative surplus at end of June is $167,060.
  3. Capital Fund - We have offering income of $529 and our ministry ministry expense is $4,208, the deficit is $3,679 and the cumulative surplus at the end of June is $89,436.
  4. Church Building Expansion Fund(CBET) - We have offering income of $5,098 and our ministry ministry expense is $0, the cumulative surplus at the end of June is $206,425.
  5. SCM Fund -  We have offering income of $535 and our ministry expense is $111, the surplus is $424 and the total cumulative surplus at the end of June is $40,728.
  6. BMWBC Bond Interest Fund -  We have offering income of $920, our ministry expense is $0, and the total cumulative surplus at the end of June is $1,573.
  7. Budget Summary - in this fiscal year, our total ministry expense is at 91%, and our total offering income is at 112.6% of the total budget respectively.
  8. Expense Reimbursements should not be filed until after the item/service has been received. This is common business practice.
  1. The Reimbursement Procedures should be amended so that this is clearly noted.
  2. The reason for this discussion is because many ministries place orders at the end of the year to drain their funds for current fiscal year, but don’t receive their purchases until next fiscal year.
  1. Capital Expenditure Procedure amendment proposed by Finance Committee to include clause limiting Expenses to be at least $3000 in order to qualify for Capital Expenditure
  1. Primary motivation is to ease the burden of depreciating so many small capital expenditures
  2. Amendment passed by BoD, now to BoE for review.
  1. Stewardship Update (Howard)
  1. Children Restroom (for toddlers and young kids in the age between 2 to 5)
  1. Approve the current Bathroom Renovation Plan with a budget of $30,000 passed by BoD.
  2. This approval is conditional upon a contract condition that enforces a set completion date with withholding of payment if completion date not met.
  1. Church-Wide Restroom Update (all other restrooms in the church main building)
  1. Approve the current Bathroom Renovation Plan with a budget of $41,000 passed by BoD.
  2. This approval is also conditional upon a contract condition that enforces a set completion date with withholding of payment if completion date not met.
  1. BoD asks for additional estimate factoring in sensor based faucets instead of manual faucets. This portion of increase in budget must be approved by BoD.
  2. Roofing Project Update
  1. Agree the Stewardship council’s proposal to replace the entire church roof as soon as possible for $140,000 in principle, and moves this proposal to the Church Council for approval.
  2. Fully understand the overlapping area, 1/3 of total, will be tear down again when CBE project kicks off.
  1. Others (Swapped up and wait for Enharmonic Ministry coworkers)
  1. Efforts to improve Chapel facilities is on-going.
  2. Close to campus capacity limits on Friday night. Especially, the usage of attic floor in the main building should be reviewed, and safety issue should be addressed as high priority.
  1. Enharmonic Ministry related issues
  1. BOD will revise Church Facility Usage Policy document to clarify meaning of partnership.
  2. For 8/25 event by the Enharmonic Ministry,
  1. after the presentation of the activity by ministry leaders, the BoD is in agreement that this event is in partnership with CBCGB,
  2. and therefore might be charged with category 4 fee schedule.
  3. The facilities usage application should be submitted to Stewardship Council for final review and approval.
  1. Patrick led all with a closing prayer at 12:30 PM.

D. Translation in Chinese



A. 與會者:

  1. 出席執事:陳國榮,劉安玲(代理書記II),邱德肇(代理書記),沈約翰,黃俊文,李新宇,林有洧 (書記,代理主席),潘文嵩,施志寧,陳祥光,王繼勇(財務)。
  1. 受邀列席: 蔡明哲(長老),何明治(長老,合田事工負責人),鍾信忠(合田事工同工)
  2. 缺席執事: 王瑞珂 (執事會主席)

B. 地點:


C. 會議議程及記錄: 上午9點10分 由蔡長老帶禱告開始

  1. 長老團簡報(蔡明哲長老) (細節請參閱本月份的長老團會議紀錄)
  1. 章開第牧師已帶領完成一批生命小組的組長訓練
  2. 關於主日第二堂中文崇拜,正由陳祥光帶領研討。可能以中英文聯合崇拜,適合全家的方式
  3. 教堂建築擴建小組正在檢討如何申請許可,須要說明如何把建築的使用隔開,並考慮以書面向會眾說明新的情況,進而得到會眾的支持。
  4. 執事提名 – 須要七位執事
  5. 長老提名 – 一位已接受,一位尚未決定
  6. 韋江牧師今年十二月開始休安息假
  7. 有關資本基金使用的規定正在審核中
  1. 今年六月份的財務報告(王繼勇)
  1. 普通基金 - 奉獻收入是$124,865,事工支出 $122,216, 盈餘 $2,648 ,六月底累計盈餘$306,455.
  2. 差傳基金 -- 奉獻收入$21,690,事工支出 $31,102, 結欠 $9,412,六月底累計盈餘 $167,060
  3. 資產基金 -- 奉獻收入$529,事工支出 $4,208, 結欠 $3,679,六月底累計盈餘 $89,436
  4. 教堂擴建基金 -- 奉獻收入$5,098,事工支出 $0,六月底累計盈餘$206,425
  5. 社會關懷基金 -- 奉獻收入$535,事工支出 $111, 盈餘 $424,六月底累計盈餘 $40,728
  6. 波士頓西區聖經教會債券利息基金 -- 奉獻收入$920,事工支出 $0,六月底累計盈餘$1,573
  7. 年度預算總結 -- 在此會計年度,事工總開支是預算的91%,總奉獻收入是預算的112.6%
  8. 開支的報帳方式,應該在等收到該項物品或服務之後才開始,這與一般商務作業相同
  1. 教會事工報帳的手續規定應該修正,以清楚表達這項原則
  2. 討論的原因,是許多事工在年底採購,把當年的預算花光,但是購買的東西卻在下個會計年度才會收到
  1. 資本基金使用的規定修訂案,經財務委員會提出,增加條款,開支在$3000 以上的才算為資產開支
  1. 主要動機,是為了減輕管理許多小額資產開支貶值的負擔
  2. 此項修訂案在執事會通過,進行交付長老團作最終審議
  1. 理事會報告 (陳國榮)
  1. 兒童廁所 (給2-5歲的幼兒)
  1. 執事會通過現行的”廁所翻修計劃”,其預算為 $30,000
  2. 該預算的條件: 需有施工合約,並訂完工日期,若無法如期完工就得予以扣除款項
  1. 全教會廁所的整修 ( 教會主建築大樓所有其他的廁所)
  1. 執事會通過現在的”廁所翻修計劃”,其預算為 $41,000
  2. 該預算的條件: 需有施工合約,並訂完工日期,若無法如期完工就得予以扣除款項
  1. 執事會要求再估算安裝自動感應水龍頭,代替手開水龍頭。這部分增加的預算,必須另外經過執事會審核才能通過
  2. 屋頂翻修計劃報告
  1. 同意理事會的提議,盡早更換整個教堂的屋頂,原則上通過以$140,000為預算,並將此提議送交教會聯會作最終審核
  2. 瞭解其中總共有1/3的部分,與教堂擴建計劃重疊,擴建時這些重疊的部分會再被拆除掉
  1. 其他
  1. 繼續改進副堂設施
  2. 週五晚上教會的使用已近極限。尤其是大堂閣樓的使用,應優先重新考慮,目前超出的使用率可能已經造成安全上的顧慮。
  1. 合田事工的相關事項
  1. 執事會將更新『教會設施使用辦法』,清楚說明什麼是與教會合作事工的定義 .
  2. 對於合田事工8/25 舉辦的活動,
  1. 由事工負責人說明後,執事會同意這個活動與本教會屬於合作關係
  2. 所以可以按照第四類來收費,
  3. 並請合田事工將設施使用申請書提交理事會,作最後的審核
  1. 中午12:30由林有洧帶領禱告結束

波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org  |  Web: www.cbcgb.org