CBCGB Board of Deacons Meeting Minutes

August 20, 2011


A. In Attendance:

1. Board members: Howard Chen, T.C. Chi (Treasurer), Joseph Chiu, Paul Huang, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary),  Loren Shih, David Tran, Wensong Pan, Ruike Wang (Chair of BoD).


2. Invited: King-Fai Choi (Pastor), Terry Yang (Elder)


3. Not Present: Emily Cheng (maternity leave), John Cintolo.

4. Left Early (by the half time): Howard Chen, David Tran (came back before the end of the meeting).


B. Location:

Conference room of the church office building


C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:  Pastor King-Fai led us to have a opening prayer in 9:34 AM.

  1. Cori (Criminal Offender Record Information) (Pastor King-Fai)
  1. Council members to participate this program first
  2. Ask all children ministry teachers to participate this program later
  3. All present deacon members fill up applications.
  1. Board of Elders Briefing (Elder Terry Yang)
  1. Please refer to BOE meeting minutes of August for details.
  1. Family time (Ruike)
  2. Financial Report (T.C. Chi)
  1. The General Fund for fiscal year 2011:
  1. Total income: $1,283,212 (94% of the budget).
  2. Total expense: $1,128,531(83% of the budget).
  3. The year end surplus: $154,681. (It will be transfer to the Capital fund in July 2011).
  4. The main reason of the surplus is from Pastoral & Staff salary and benefits account, which we only spent 83% of the budget due to Pastor Caleb and Minister Lin came on board in April instead of January, 2011.
  1. The Mission Fund for fiscal year 2011:
  1. Total income: $280,268.
  2. Total expense $331,498.
  3. The cumulative surplus is reduced from $203,278 to $149,411 by 25%.
  1. Solar system (Ruike)
  1. A commercial company would like to provide us a solar system with certain conditions.
  2. Financially, it may be beneficial to us in long-term, but we don’t have details to review yet.
  3. BoE has decided to sign an intention paper to move this case forward.
  4. Government rebate runs out by the end of this year. It gives some pressure in timing aspect.
  5. BoD has no decision to engage with this plan yet.
  6. Loren will consult with RCCC church in NJ to know more about how this can be done at a church setting that is very similar to us.
  7. Establishing a team to study and to collect all kinds of information, and to provide analysis, impact, evaluation and a possible proposal.
  1. Stewardship Report (Joe)
  1. Electric works are expensive from outside quote. Most of items described in the Stewardship Request DB are currently been prioritized and processed by our own people.
  2. Looking into professional cleaners for quotes. We have one quote already, and will have more to come. More complaints we received are from toilets and restrooms area.
  3. Mold issues need to be addressed as soon as possible. This is high priority. Professional mold removal should be engaged.
  4. Carpet, around two side entrances near the stage in the sanctuary, will be replaced with some tiles to prevent from mold.
  5. Plumber will be brought in to determine what to do with draining system for dehumidifier.
  6. Lighting in 151 should only be done in limited fashion to incorporate with greater CBET plan.
  1. GBPS
  1. Asking for small amount of charge by using room 302 instead of the chapel.
  2. This is a Christian group, but not member of our own church.
  3. Church does have a policy for the usage of this church facility.
  4. Stewardship committee will take care of that request.
  1. Ruike led us all to have a closing prayer @12:25pm

D. Translation in Chinese




A. 與會者:

  1. 出席執事: 陳國榮, 季宗近 (財務), 邱德肇, 黃俊文, 李新宇, 林有洧 (秘書),  施志寧, 陳祥光, 潘文嵩, 王瑞珂 (執事會主席)
  2. 受邀列席: 蔡景輝 (牧師), 楊德禮 (長老)
  3. 缺席執事: 劉安玲 (產假) , 沈約翰
  4. 提前離席: 陳國榮, 陳祥光 (於會議結束前回來)

B. 地點:


C. 會議議程及記錄: 蔡景輝帶領大家於9時34分作會前禱告。

  1. 刑事罪犯記錄調查 (蔡景輝牧師)
  1. 先由教會教牧長執聯會所有成員為表率參與這個計劃,
  2. 再要求所有兒童事工部們所有教師參與此計劃,
  3. 所有在場的執事成員當場填寫了申請表。
  1. 長老簡報 (楊德禮長老)
  1. 請參考當月長老團會議紀錄
  1. 執事們的交誼與認識時間(王瑞珂)
  2. 財務報告(季宗近)
  1. 普通基金 -  2011會計年度:
  1. 總收入:$1,283,212美元(94%的預算)。
  2. 總費用:$1,128,531美元(83%的預算)。
  3. 年終盈餘:$154,681美元。 (這將轉移到資本金在2011年7月)。
  1. 最主要的盈餘原因是因為新近教牧同工的薪酬與福利,只花了預算的83%,因他們都在今年的四月份就職。
  2. 差傳基金 - 2011會計年度:
  1. 總收入:$280,268美元。
  2. 總費用:$331,498美元。
  3. 累計盈餘從$203,278美元減少25%到$149,411美元。
  1. 太陽能發電系統(王瑞珂)
  1. 一家商業公司想向我們教會在有一定的條件之下提供太陽能系統。
  2. 對於教會財務方面,它可能在長期上的有利於我們,但沒有詳細審查。
  3. 長老團已決定與此公司簽署一份意願文件,使得有繼續合作的可能。
  4. 由於政府在鼓勵使用太陽能源上的退稅福利到今年年底為止,導致一些在時間決策方面的壓力。
  5. 執事會目前為止沒有任何決定要再進一步進行這個計劃。
  6. 施志寧將與也在考慮中的新澤西州的教會任執事的父親討論,以了解更多這個與我們非常類似的教會,如何來作利弊得失的評估。
  7. 執事會並同意建立一個小組來研究和收集所有的資訊,並提供分析,影響評估和可能的建議。
  1. 理事會報告(邱德肇)
  1. 因為外來的電工要價是昂貴,理事會大多數維修項目,在需求資料庫中,目前已優先考慮和處理的項目,都是由我們自己的弟兄來完成。
  2. 將會調查專業清潔工的報價。我們已經有一個估價,並且將有更多的參考。我們收到較多的抱怨是來自洗手間和衛生間的區域範圍。
  3. 潮濕發黴的問題需要盡快解決。這是需要高度優先處理的。應請專業的除黴專家來處理。
  4. 在大堂講台兩側的入口附近的地毯,將被換成地磚,以防止潮濕生黴。
  5. 將需要請水電工來確定如何處理除濕乾燥機的​​排水系統問題。
  6. 在151號的燈飾的裝配,只應在有限的方式下暫時處理就好,以便於將來更大的教堂更新計劃。
  1. GBPS
  1. 請求使用302室,而不再是副堂,來降低使用費。
  2. 這是一個基督徒的團體,但不完全是我們自己的教會成員。
  3. 教會確實有一個使用這個教會設施的政策。
  4. 理事會將會回應這個要求。
  1. 瑞珂帶領大家在12時25分作結束禱告