CBCGB Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

中文翻譯在末後段落  October 8, 2011

Present: Jack Hung (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Ke-Chieh Chu, Terry Yang (Secretary), Ruike Wang (BoD Chair)

Pastor Caleb opened with prayer at 9:02 am.

  1. Pastoral Report

Pastor Caleb provided updates on the completion of the pastoral staff annual review process; the review of the service qualification policy underway by pastoral staff; his thoughts on the ideal makeup and function of the Church Council, Board of Elders and Board of Deacons; and confirmation of the dates of next year’s Chinese Ministry evangelistic meetings and joint worship services.

  1. Report From BoD

Brother Ruike provided updates on solar panel ad hoc committee negotiations and the in-process project to install gutters on the main facility.

  1. CBE Project Update/Timeline

Elder Chu provided updates on the main entrance canopy project; currently soliciting quotes from more than one contractor. Elder Chu proposed the following timeline for proceeding with the remainder of the CBE project:

  1. Discuss the project and fundraising plans among Church Council members using e-mail in order to reach consensus by the end of October;
  2. Communicate the CBE master plan, the three phases of the project and the fundraising plan to the congregation by visiting fellowship groups in the month of November;
  3. Vote by the congregation on the project and fundraising plans during a special membership meeting in early December;
  4. Begin fundraising activities prior to Christmas if the congregation approves the project and fundraising plans.

Discussion on how to phase the remainder of the CBE project and rationale for proceeding; Elder Chu tasked to bring Board of Elders input to the CBE team.

  1. Membership Meeting Preparation

Reviewed slide deck and information to be covered during the Annual Membership Meeting on October 16; Board of Elders proposed revisions to be incorporated.

  1. Church Planting Fund

Board of Elders approves the usage of the Church Planting Fund to supplement the fundraising efforts of MetroSouth families, to be used to secure and renovate the proposed facility to be rented in Sharon up to a ceiling of $35k. The Board of Elders authorizes the Senior Pastor and Chairman of the Board of Elders to co-administer the Fund.

  1. Annual Calendar Draft

Reviewed the annual calendar draft; no changes proposed.

  1. Pastoral Ministry Reviews Report

Reviewed information and discussions which emerged from recently completed pastoral ministry reviews.

Elder Hung closed with prayer at 12:30 pm.

Translation in Chinese




出席者:洪榮宗 (主席) 、章開第牧師、蔡景輝牧師、朱克潔、楊德禮 (秘書), 王瑞珂 (執事會主席) 。


  1. 教牧事工報告


  1. 執事會事工報告


  1. 教會擴建計畫近況與時間表


  1. 使用電子郵件與『教牧長執聯會』成員討論相關工程和籌款計劃,盼望在十月底能達成共識。
  2. 在十一月份,藉著拜訪團契,與會眾溝通教會擴建工程總計畫、該項目的三個階段和籌款計劃。
  3. 在12月初的一個特別會員大會中,會眾對該工程和籌款計劃舉行投票。
  4. 如果會眾同意該工程和籌款計劃,將在聖誕節前舉行籌款。


  1. 會友大會的籌備工作


  1. 植堂基金


  1. 年度行事曆草案


  1. 教牧事工檢討報告

