Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

        November 10, 2012


Present: Ke-Chieh Chu (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Chaw-Bing Chang, David Ho,

Jack Hung, Terry Yang (Secretary), Ruike Wang (Board of Deacons Chair) Pastor Jiang Wei (invited guest)

Pastor King-Fai opened with prayer at 9:04 am.

  1. Spring Chinese Ministry Evangelistic Meeting
  1. Pastor Caleb outlined proposed pastoral resolution to address scheduling conflict between 2013 Spring Chinese Evangelistic Meeting (speaker cannot change dates) and traditional Passion Week services.
  2. BoE proposes moving traditional church-wide Communion service (bilingual) to Maundy Thursday night (with no worship service on Good Friday) and eliminate traditional joint Easter Sunday morning worship service (traditional alternative English Easter Sunday morning worship service will remain);
  3. BoE defers final decision to pastoral staff.

  1. Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International (“STEMI”) Meeting
  1. Reviewed earlier decision regarding STEMI at request of congregation;
  2. BoE reaffirms earlier decision regarding STEMI, in order to support citywide church unity and to prevent burnout of volunteers who would passionate about participating in the organization of both STEMI and our own traditional evangelistic meeting.

  1. Senior Pastor Briefing
  1. Pastor Caleb provided updates on new Sunday afternoon worship service:
  1. Pastor Caleb expressed wish to have Chinese Ministry Concert of Prayer (“First Night COP”) on New Year’s Eve extending into the new year.
  2. Pastor Caleb provided updates on:

  1. Board of Deacon Briefing
  1. Brother Ruike provided update on Chapel audiovisual improvement project.

  1. Pastor Sandy’s Sabbatical
  1. Reviewed sabbatical proposal submitted by Pastor Sandy;
  2. BoE approved as proposed, pending submission of coverage plan.

  1. Church Council Retreat Agenda
  1. Elder Chu proposed Church Council Retreat agenda;
  2. BoE reviewed proposed agenda, suggested additions, finalized and approved.

  1. Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) Project Survey/Pledge/Time Table
  1. Reviewed Project Survey (to identify specific areas of congregational concern regarding the CBE project) and Pledge forms.
  2. Project Survey form to be distributed and collected from Church Council members prior to distribution to the congregation, beginning on November 18 as bulletin insert.
  3. Collections to occur over the next two weeks, with CBE team members available to answer questions on December 2.
  4. Suggested revisions to Pledge form, which will be presented to the Church Council for review during Retreat.

  1. City Outreach Ministry (“COM”) Update
  1. Elder Chang provided update and lessons learned regarding a recent, ultimately unrealized opportunity to purchase permanent property for COM use,
  2. including the need for long-range COM planning as COM has reached capacity at current Ruggles Baptist Church location.

  1. Administrative Assistant Job Description
  1. Pastor Caleb presented proposed job description for open Administrative Assistant position at CBCGB for review; suggested revisions.
  2. Job description to be translated into English for final review prior to posting.

Pastor Caleb closed with prayer at 12:48 pm.

Translation in Chinese



出席:朱克潔 (主席), 章開第牧師, 蔡景輝牧師, 張召斌, 何明治, 洪榮宗, 楊德禮 (秘書), 王瑞珂 (執事會主席), 韋江牧師 (受邀參加)


  1. 華語部春季佈道會
  1. 有關解決2013年華語部春季佈道會(講員不能更改日期)和傳統的受難週敬拜衝突的方法,開第牧師簡要地提出教牧人員的解議。
  2. 長老團建議把傳統的全教會聖餐禮(中英文部)移到星期四濯足節的晚上(星期五耶穌受難日不舉行崇拜),並取消傳統的星期天早晨復活節聯合崇拜(保留英語部傳統的另一堂復活節主日早晨崇拜),
  3. 長老團把最後決定交由教牧人員決定。

  1. 唐崇榮國際佈道團佈道會
  1. 就『唐崇榮國際佈道團』對會眾的要求一事,討論先前的決定;
  2. 長老團重申先前對『唐崇榮國際佈道團』的決定,支持大都會眾教會的團結,並關切同工們熱心參與『唐崇榮國際佈道團』事工和我們自己的例行佈道會,以避免可能過度的勞累。

  1. 主任牧師簡報
  1. 開第牧師報告華語部下午堂主日敬拜情形:
  1. 開第牧師表示,希望華語部舉行元旦夜合奏禱告會,採半宵禱告,直到新年開始。
  2. 另報告下列事項的近況:

  1. 執事會簡報
  1. 瑞珂弟兄提出副堂視聽設備改進計劃的近況。

  1. 劉梅碧儀牧師安息年假
  1. 討論劉梅碧儀牧師安息年假的提案,
  2. 長老團同意,並等候提交休假期間事工如何進行的計劃。

  1. 教牧長執聯會退修會議程
  1. 朱長老提出教會教牧長執聯會退修會議議程;
  2. 長老團討論所提事項,作建議補充,並確認和同意。

  1. 教會擴建計劃意見調查、認獻、時間表
  1. 討論該計畫的問卷調查(以確定會眾對教會擴建計劃的具體關注事項)和認獻單。該計劃的問卷調查將先給聯會成員填寫,再分發給會眾。
  2. 問卷將於11月18日置入週報夾頁,接下來的兩個星期,收回填好的問卷,教會擴建計劃團隊將在12月2日回答問題。
  3. 提出修訂認獻單的建議,並將於聯會退修會時提出討論。

  1. 城區外展事工近況
  1. 張長老報告最近發生的一個購買永久地產,供城區事工使用可能的機會,然而機會已失一事,從中吸取的經驗教訓,
  2. 包括城區事工需有遠程規劃,因為目前城區事工在浸信會教堂場地的可使用容量已經達到飽和。

  1. 行政助理職位描述
  1. 開第牧師提出在本教會增加一名行政助理的工作內容,供大家討論修正。
  2. 在發布以前,有關職務內容的描述將翻譯成英文,以進行最後審查。


波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  |  Web: