CBCGB Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

中文翻譯在末後段落  November 12, 2011

Present: Jack Hung (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Ke-Chieh Chu, Terry Yang (Secretary), Ruike Wang (BoD Chair)

Pastor Caleb opened with prayer at 9:05 am.

  1. Pastoral Report

Pastor Caleb provided updates on the review of the service qualification policy underway by pastoral staff, the re-launch of the greeting ministry in the Chinese congregation and the Chinese Ministry Multiple Service Ad Hoc Committee; Pastor Caleb also provided his thoughts on potentially adding to Pastor Caleb’s preaching load, the potential Chinese Ministry Leaders Team and a proposal for Concerts of Prayer.

  1. Report From BoD

Brother Ruike provided updates on the Solar Panel Ad Hoc Committee and reminded the Board of Elders of the existing Facility Usage Policy.

  1. Church Council Retreat

Elder Jack proposed moving the sharing portion of the Church Council retreat (typically on Friday) to Thursday to allow for greater participation from Church Council members who have ministry responsibilities on Friday nights; Elders agree in principle pending solicitation of input from the rest of the Church Council.

  1. Administrative Assistance for Senior Pastor

Pastor Caleb and Elder Jack provided update on need for administrative help for the Senior Pastor to provide more bandwidth for the Senior Pastor to focus on preaching, oversight and strategic responsibilities; volunteer currently providing relief on a part-time basis.

  1. Personnel Policy

Elders agree in principle to establish mandatory retirement age for paid staff and direct the Human Resources Committee to investigate legal ramifications and process for implementation.

Discussed principle and rationale for assessing performance of leadership and staff at CBCGB.

  1. Church Building Expansion Project Support Survey

Elder Jack recapped the recently completed process for surveying the Church Council’s views regarding the proposed Church Building Expansion (CBE) project. Discussed collective Board of Elder response to concerns received from Church Council members.

Pastor King-Fai closed in prayer at 12:43 pm.

Translation in Chinese




出席者:洪榮宗 (主席) 、章開第牧師、蔡景輝牧師、朱克潔、楊德禮 (秘書), 王瑞珂 (執事會主席) 。


  1. 教牧事工報告


  1. 執事會事工報告


  1. 教會聯會退修會


  1. 會主任牧師的行政協助


  1. 人事規章



  1. 支持教會擴建計畫的調查

