Board of Elders (“BoE”) Meeting Minutes

        November 9, 2013

Present: Ming-Jer Tsai (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Liqin Chen, Ke-Chieh Chu, David Ho, Terry Yang (Secretary), Loren Shih (Chair, Board of Deacons [“BoD”])

Observers: Yuguang He (Elder Elect), Timothy Lu (Elder Elect)

Invited for Metro South Review: Pastor Wei Jiang, Hongshu Guan, Ping He, Ida Liao

Invited for Quincy Fellowship Ministry Briefing: Nancy Cintolo, Jimin Xiong

Elder Tsai opened with prayer at 9:03 am.

  1. Brief Sharing

Elder K.C. shared thanksgiving; Elder Ming-Jer, Elder David and Elder Terry shared recent wedding experiences; Elder Elects shared thanksgivings; Elders shared thoughts regarding last night’s combined Missions/Social Concerns conference session.

  1. Update on State of CBCGB

Pastor Caleb reflected on model of church leadership in light of last night’s combined Missions/Social Concerns conference session.

Pastor Caleb provided the following updates:

  1. BoD Update

Deacon Loren provided update on major BoD tasks (current and in planning), including security concerns and logistics regarding special speaker during this weekend’s combined Missions/Social Concerns conference; information technology projects (such as security cameras) currently underway; initiative underway to document standard policies and procedures for standing events and tasks (such as fire drills); and thoughts on how to address pressing Stewardship leadership needs and completion of current and future required tasks.

  1. Ministry Review: Metro South

Pastor Wei Jiang presented brief overview on:

  1. Bylaws Revision Voting

Discussed proposed schedule (including lead-up to) and format for Special Membership Meeting on December 15, 2013 to vote on proposed bylaws revision, including additional revisions to the original proposed bylaws revision from October 2013 and inclusion of white paper outlining views on leadership in the church related to gender. Question posed to pastoral staff regarding potential format for Special Membership Meeting; final approval for schedule and format pending answer to question.

  1. Annual Meeting Review

Reflected on successes and lessons learned from the October 2013 annual meeting and annual report processes, such as great attendance and universal input from ministry coordinators, and lack of adequate time for questions and answers and to complete annual report graphic design and production. Follow-up items from annual meeting include CBCGB strategic plan and vision.

  1. Mission Committee Chair

Discussed nomination for replacement for Elder Liqin Chen. Eric Chiu nominated for Mission Committee Chair for calendar years 2014-2015; nomination seconded and approved by BoE.

  1. Quincy Fellowship Ministry

Nancy Cintolo presented brief overview on proposal for CBCGB to engage in outreach ministry to battered women in Quincy:



Tabled proposal until special BoE meeting to be scheduled, due to time.

  1. Thanksgiving Special Offering

Elder K.C. proposed applying this year’s offering to the Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) instead of the Benevolence and Seminarian Funds due to expected sufficient resources in those two funds this fiscal year; approved by BoE.

  1. CBE Update

Elder K.C. presented brief update on Phase I of the CBE Project. Town Hall meeting scheduled for November 17, 2013 to solicit feedback on alternative Phase II under consideration by the BoE, which includes a new Chapel and second entry foyer and additional parking. Next steps to be determined based on feedback from the Town Hall meeting.

  1. Church Council December Retreat

Retreat to be held at Elder K.C.’s house in Lexington.

  1. Lobby LCD and Website

Elder Ming-Jer proposed to form two teams under direction of Office Manager to manage lobby LCD and website; approved by BoE. Team member nominations to develop, implement and maintain content and infrastructure to be forwarded to Office Manager Ying Yuan Zhang (for the lobby LCD) and Deacon Joshua Chang (for the website).

  1. New Elder/Deacon Orientation

Elder Ming-Jer proposed to conduct, in collaboration with BoD, new Elder and Deacon orientation meeting. Deacon Loren agreed to discuss proposal with BoD at next week’s meeting.

Elder David closed with prayer at 12:34 pm.






Quincy (昆西)團契事工簡介特邀:嚴美莉,熊繼敏


  1. 簡要分享

朱克潔長老分享感恩;蔡明哲、何明治和楊德禮長老分享了最近婚禮的經歷;當選長老們分享, 表示感恩;長老們就昨晚的宣教/社關年會情況交換了想法。

  1. 教會狀況的更新



  1. 執事會近況

施 志寧執事彙报了執事會當前和規劃中的主要任務,其中包括本週末宣教/社關年會關於特邀講員的安全和後勤安排;正在施行的信息技術項目(如安全攝影機);對 長期例行事項(如消防演習)的標準程序和政策,提議進行記錄存檔;以及如何解決教會迫切需要的理事會領導和當前與未來所需任務的完成。

  1. 南區教會事工回顧


  1. 教會憲章修訂投票

討 論了預定於12月15日舉行特別會員大會,對教會憲章修訂提案投票的安排及日程(包括準備程序),包括對2013年10月以來,原憲章修訂提案的進一步修 改,及增加了對教會領袖性別相關看法的白皮書。詢問教牧同工關於特別會員大會可能的形式的問題;最後通過的大會程序和形式,將會取決於對此問題的答覆。

  1. 年會回顧


  1. 宣教委員會主席

討論替代陳利欽長老的人選。Eric Chiu被提名為2014-2015年度宣教委員會主席;提名獲得長老團的附議并通過。

  1. Quincy (昆西) 團契事工





  1. 感恩節特別奉獻


  1. 擴堂事工更新


  1. 教牧長執12月退修會


  1. 大廳LCD和網站


  1. 新長老/執事培訓



波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  |  Web: