Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

        December 8, 2012


Present: Ke-Chieh Chu (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Chaw-Bing Chang, David Ho,

Jack Hung, Ming-Jer Tsai, Terry Yang (Secretary),

Invited Guests: Liqin Chen (Elder-elect), Yang-Sheng Tzeng (Social Concerns Committee Chair), Joseph

Chiu (Social Concerns Committee liaison to Board of Deacons), Beata Shih (Social Concerns Committee


Pastor Caleb opened with prayer at 1:38 pm.

  1. SCM Proposal for Children Adoption Support
  1. Deacon Chiu and Beata presented proposal from Social Concerns Committee to set-up Adoption Fund to assist interested CBCGB families in offsetting the high costs of adoption.
  2. The Adoption Fund would be administered by Lifesong for Orphans (a Section 501(c)(3) not-for-profit from IL) and all donations would be collected directly by Lifesong to enable donations to the Fund to be tax-deductible.
  3. BoE agrees in principle, but will table final decision pending detailed review of the proposed covenant agreement with Lifesong for Orphans.

  1. 2013 Elders Work Assignment
  1. Elders elected Elder Tsai Chair of the Board and Elder Yang Secretary.
  2. Elder Yang has been assigned to Chair of Membership Committee, and
  3. Elder Ho has been assigned to Chair of Deacon Nomination Committee..

  1. CBE Project Time Table
  1. BoE decided to begin fundraising for CBE Phase I per blessing of Church Council.
  2. CBE Phase I pledge form to be revised per recommendations from Church Council and delivered to CBE Team for implementation.

  1. Church Office Administrator Job Description
  1. Elder Chu provided an update on the requested Office Administrator position.
  2. BoE approved the job requisition and description.
  3. BoE directs the Human Resources Committee to work with the Senior Pastor to administer the search and recruiting process.

  1. Sunday Greeting, Fellowship Caring Review
  1. BoE reviewed current rotation for Sunday Greeting and fellowship care responsibilities.
  2. BoE to maintain current rotation for Sunday Greeting, with Elder Chang and Elder Hung maintaining Sunday Greeting duties during their time off the BoE.
  3. BoE to also maintain current fellowship care responsibilities.

  1. Board of Deacons/BoE Interaction
  1. BoE decided to invite the Chair of the Board of Deacons (“BoD”), as well as one additional Deacon on a rotating basis, to regularly scheduled BoE meetings to provide the BoD report as well as participate in any BoE discussions relating to BoD business, beginning in January 2013.
  2. After the report and discussion, both BoD representatives will be excused from the BoE meeting.
  3. For any other BoE discussions which require BoD member expertise, specific Deacons will be invited to participate on an as-needed basis.

Pastor Choi closed with prayer at 3:48 pm.

Translation in Chinese



出席:朱克潔 (主席)、章開第牧師、蔡景輝牧師、張召斌、何明治、洪榮宗、蔡明哲、楊德禮(秘書)。

應邀參加:陳立欽 (新選長老) 、曾陽生 (社會關懷委員會主席)、邱德肇 (社會關懷委員會與執事會聯繫)、尹思瑩 (社會關懷委員會委員) 。


  1. 社會關懷事工建議支持認養兒童
  1. 邱德肇執事和尹思瑩提出建議,由社會關懷委員會設置認養基金,以補助本教會有意認養的家庭在認養時所需的高昂費用。
  2. 認養基金的管理是Lifesong for Orphans機構(伊利諾州法州法501(c)(3)非營利),所有捐款將直接交給Lifesong來彙集,以確保是免稅的捐款。
  3. 長老團原則上同意,但要等到對Lifesong for Orphans所提出的同意書,有更詳細的審查後,再作最後的決定。

  1. 2013年長老工作分配
  1. 長老團選出蔡長老為主席、楊長老為祕書。
  2. 楊長老被指派為會友委員會主席,
  3. 何長老被指派為執事提名委員會主席。

  1. 教會擴建時間表
  1. 在教會聯會的祝福下,長老團決定開始第一階段的教會擴建籌款工作。
  2. 並根據教會聯會的建議,修改第一階段擴建的認獻單,交由擴建小組來執行。

  1. 教會辦公室行政同工職責描述
  1. 朱長老在建議增加辦公室行政同工一職上,作了一些更新。
  2. 長老團同意工作的徵聘和內容。
  3. 長老團交由人力資源委員會與主任牧師一同規劃徵尋和聘用作業。

  1. 主日迎賓、團契關懷總評
  1. 長老團檢討當前主日迎賓的輪班和團契照顧的責任。
  2. 長老團將維持目前主日迎賓的排班,張長老和洪長老在他們交棒之後,繼續主日迎賓職責。
  3. 長老團也將維持目前對團契關懷的責任。

  1. 執事會/長老團的互動
  1. 長老團決定從2013年1月開始,邀請執事會主席、以及輪流由另一名執事一同參加長老團的定期會議。除了提供執事會的報告外,同時也參與長老團討論有關執事會的事工。
  2. 當執事會的報告和討論結束後,代表們就可離席長老團會議。
  3. 若在長老團會議討論中,需有藉助某一執事專門知識之處,便在需求的基礎上,邀請特定的執事參加。


波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

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