Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

        January 12, 2013

Present: Ming-Jer Tsai (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Liqin Chen, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Ke-Chieh Chu, David Ho, Terry Yang (Secretary), Loren Shih (Chair, Board of Deacons), Lance Pan (Deacon Representative)

Invited: 3rd Service Core Group Representatives: Xinwen Wang, Esther Chang, Hui-Feng Lin

Elder Tsai opened with prayer at 9:00 am.

  1. Personal Sharing

Elders shared their personal New Year resolutions, expectations for the Board of Elders in the coming year and prayer requests.

  1. Senior Pastor Briefing

Pastor Caleb shared his desire for the congregation to become deeper in faith. Pastor Caleb also reviewed the preaching schedule for the year, office staff situation and state of Chinese Worship Ministry.

  1. Board of Deacons Briefing

Deacon Loren provided updates on church information technology (Deacon Joshua Chang will assume responsibility for oversight in 2013), policy and procedures surrounding worship equipment purchases and organizational and relational direction for the Board of Deacons in the coming year. Deacon Loren and Lance expressed desire for prayer for unity as the Board of Deacons executes responsibilities.

  1. 2013 Board of Elders Plan

Elder Tsai reviewed outcome of December 2012 BoE planning meeting; reviewed tentative Elder assignment of responsibilities and potential church-wide focus topics for 2013, including potential for church-wide retreat.

  1. 3rd Worship Service Review

Xinwen presented on behalf of the Core Group the results of the experimental 3rd worship service. After an eight-week trial period (with minimal promotion), attendance has been less than 50 each week with a few seekers. Pros: Intimacy; high satisfaction level among current attendees. Cons: Goal of alleviating the capacity issues in the morning service, reaching the parents of children attending Sunday afternoon Chinese school and attracting Brandeis students not achieved; highly taxing in terms of resources and energy for speaker and co-workers; lack of full-service dissuading attendance.

BoE agrees to drop goal of outreaching the parents of children attending Sunday afternoon Chinese school and extend the experimental trial period for an additional three months with increased promotion. Core Group to discuss with English Ministry regarding potential change to earlier time for extended trial period.

  1. Elder Nomination

BoE began initial discussions regarding candidates for nomination to the Board of Elders for 2014; Elders have been asked to recommend candidates.

  1. Additional Topics

Elder Tsai reviewed current status of Missions, Social Concerns and Church Building Expansion pledges; open positions in Church Office Staff; and Off-Campus Request summary provided by the Senior Pastor.

Elder Ho closed with prayer at 12:42 pm.



出席:蔡明哲 (主席)章開第牧師陳利欽蔡景輝牧師朱克潔何明治楊德禮 (秘書) 、施志寧 (執事會主席)潘瀾 (執事代表)



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  1. 執事會簡報


  1. 2013 年長老團的計畫


  1. 第三場主日崇拜的檢討



  1. 長老提名


  1. 其他議題



波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

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