CBCGB Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

中文翻譯在末後段落  January 8, 2011

Present: Chaw-Bing Chang (Chair Pro Tem), Pastor King-Fai Choi, Pastor Chuck Lowe, Ke-Chieh Chu, Terry Yang (Secretary), Ruike Wang (BoD Chair)

Absent: Jack Hung (Chair)

Chaw-Bing opened at 9:05 am.

1.   Welcome the new elders and the return of Pastor King-Fai

2.   Pastor King-Fai to share his sabbatical experience

Pastor King-Fai reflected on his sabbatical activities translating the Bible (starting from John, Revelation, Mark, I & II Peter) from Greek into Chinese along with other co-workers as editors, using the NASB, NIV and ESV and three Chinese translations as checks. In the end, Pastor King-Fai Choi translated 20 of the 27 books, which are available on the church website.

Attended about 20 other churches during his sabbatical, including River of Life, Vineyard, Grace Chapel and Park Street Church. Comparatively, we are very strong in teaching and preaching, but could learn from other churches regarding community (e.g., greeting one another at the beginning of service, using registration cards in pews as a means of collecting congregational prayer requests, prayer for individual needs through a prayer team, corporate prayer prior to Communion, reading of Psalms 51 (as a confession prayer) prior to Communion).


3.   Review of the annual calendar and the draft ministry matrix

Suggestion of moving 8.6 (Human Resources Committee), 8.7 (CBET) and 8.8 (Church Office) away from under 8.0 (Operations). Discussion tabled.

Suggestion of regular distribution of church calendar throughout the year. Within the next few weeks, updated 2011 calendar will be re-distributed with additional information such as the summer youth short-term missions dates.

4.   Children's ministry update

Discussion of appointment of Deacon to be responsible for Children Ministry to replace resigning Deacon George Iglesias. Decision to decouple responsibility to Children Ministry from resigning Deacon George Iglesias’s official position in appointing Deacon George Iglesias’s replacement. Decision to select replacement more aligned with BoD core mission, i.e. Stewardship or Finance.

Suggestion to Board of Deacons to establish official Liaisons from each ministry (Children, Youth, etc.) to the Board of Deacons as an official conduit for budget and operational purposes. Suggestion that each ministry determine the official Liaison to the Board of Deacons for their own ministry.

Direction to Acting Senior Pastor to work with Children Ministry Pastor Search Committee Chair to determine official Job Description for candidate Kevin Orrhalik. Acting Senior Pastor to communicate official Job Description to candidate after conferring with Board of Elders.

5.   Meeting with Sandy

Update on Pastor Sandy Liu’s long-term plans in relation to CBCGB. Acting Senior Pastor on behalf of the Board of Elders to continue discussions with Pastor Sandy Liu.

Decision to officially fund Jennifer Lin’s visit in January as a Junior High Ministry Pastor candidate with the caveat that a position is not currently available due to financial considerations. Acting Senior Pastor to officially convey our position to candidate.

6.   Ordination and installation preparations

Update on Minister Jiang Wei’s ordination process. Ordination council approved ordination, to take place on March 5 at 2:00 pm.

Update on Pastor Caleb Chang’s installation service process. Decision to have official installation service separate from normal worship service to celebrate God’s provision of new Senior Pastor. Board of Elders Chair will coordinate and implement Senior Pastor installation service in collaboration with Pastoral Staff, with Acting Senior Pastor as lead representative.

7.   Updates on CBE project & HR committee

Update on the CBET. Renovations for 151 Spring St. are largely complete and the facility is now open for use. One fellowship began using the new facility on Friday, January 7, and another is scheduled to begin using the new facility on Friday, January 14. The CBET team has been informed that CBET will go on hiatus temporarily due to CBCGB’s current financial situation, and will resume responsibilities once CBCGB’s financial situation improves.

Update on HR Committee. HR Committee actively coordinating the logistics of Pastor Caleb Chang’s relocation to Boston, including assisting in securing housing. HR Committee is in the process of replacing a retiring member of the Committee.

8.   Ministry priorities in the new year

Update that the next three Sunday sermons will focus on being good stewards of the resources that God gives us, including our financial resources.

Suggestion that we develop additional avenues to deliver the message on the outstanding, specific needs of CBCGB, since difficult to address that message through our normal worship service.

King-Fai closed with prayer at 11:55 am.

Translation in Chinese




出席:張召斌 (代理主席)、蔡景輝牧師、盧植德牧師、朱克潔、楊德禮 (秘書), 王瑞珂 (執事會主席)

缺席:洪榮宗 (主席)


1.   歡迎新長老及蔡牧師返任。

2.   景輝牧師分享他的安息年心得


在安息年中,也拜訪了二十所其他的教會,包括River of LifeVineyardGrace ChapelPark Street 教會等。相形之下,本教會在教導和傳講方面居強勢,但在團契聯合(如:敬拜前與人問安、發揮座椅前的登記卡作為搜集會眾的代禱事項、經由禱告小組為個人的需要禱告、領聖餐的聯合禱告、在領聖餐前讀詩篇51篇作為認罪的禱告)等,有值得向其他教會借鏡之處。

3.   核閱年度行事曆及研擬事工矩陣圖



4.   兒童事工近況



代理主任牧師配搭兒童傳道薦聘委員會主席,以規畫正式的職務內容給候選人Kevin Orrhalik的作法。


5.   與劉梅碧儀牧師會晤


有關以高中生事工傳道候選人,請由教會支付Jennifer Lin一月到本教會面談的費用有其限制,這個職位由於財務考量的緣故,目前尚未有空缺。代理主任牧師要正式傳達我們的立場給候選人。

6.   按立準備



7.   教會擴建及人力資源委員會的近況



8.   新年度事工優先順序


