Board of Elders (“BoE”) Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2014

Present: Liqin Chen (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Ke-Chieh Chu, Yuguang He, David Ho, Timothy Lu, Loren Shih (Head, Board of Deacons [“BoD”]), Ming-Jer Tsai, Terry Yang (Secretary)

Invited for English Ministry (“EM”) review: Pastor Chuck Lowe, Pastor David Eng

Elder Ho opened with prayer at 9:12 am.

1.     Brief Sharing

Elder David shared about the recent evangelistic meeting he attended at Lincoln Park Baptist Church in Malden, MA. Pastor Caleb shared about his recent out-of-state preaching at a retreat in Beulah Beach, Ohio.

2.     Update on State of CBCGB

Pastor Caleb provided the following updates on:

3.     BoD Update

Deacon Loren provided the following updates on:


4.     Ministry Review – English Ministry

Deacon Loren provided an overview of the EM Vision and Values development and implementation process and results:

Pastor David provided overview of InterCollegiate Fellowship (“ICF”; college) and Charis (“twenty-something”) fellowships:

Pastor Chuck provided an overview of the current EM Bible curriculum: Current focus in worship service (and corresponding online devotionals []), Sunday School and fellowship on Old Testament overview to better provide “the full story” of the Bible so that members can better meet God.

Pastor Chuck provided an overview of EM attendance and financial trends.

Pastor Chuck and Deacon Loren provided an overview of interactions of EM in a multi-ministry (age, language, culture) church, and current initiative to increase collaboration with Chinese Ministry (“CM”), as well as potentially with Youth and Children ministries. BoE assigned Elder Timothy to coordinate efforts, with the objective of providing update and potential actionable items to the BoE at a later date.

5.     Annual Meeting

Discussed logistics necessary to prepare for upcoming anniversary service, annual meeting and anniversary lunch in October. BoE decided to revise question and answer portion of the annual meeting by dedicating the majority of the question and answer time to pre-screened questions submitted in written form (with the remaining time available for questions from the floor). BoE directed Elder Liqin to work with IT Team to establish monitored e-mail address for membership to use to submit questions prior to the annual meeting.

6.     Bylaw Revision Proposal

Elder Terry presented proposal, as previously directed by BoE, to revise CBCGB Bylaws to address challenge in adhering to Robert’s Rules of Order with regard to membership meetings due to CBCGB’s organizational complexity of multiple congregations meeting at multiple times in multiple locations. Elder Terry also presented proposals to revise CBCGB Bylaw line items related to quorum at meetings and absentee ballots and to correct inconsistencies. After discussion, BoE decided to table proposals to offline consideration prior to the Church Council meeting on September 20, 2014.

7. Pastor Steve Chang Sabbatical Proposal

Reviewed sabbatical proposal by Pastor Steve, in particular related to coverage of his pastoral responsibilities during his sabbatical for the first six months of 2015; BoE recommended that Pastor Steve coordinate with Pastor Jiang Wei to ensure Pastor Steve’s responsibilities are covered during his sabbatical. Elder Liqin to notify BoD and Human Resources Committee of proposal in accordance with Benefit & Personnel Policies for Pastoral and Administrative Staff.

8. General Fund Surplus Allocation

Elder K.C. proposed allocation of the General Fund surplus from fiscal year 2014 according to the Policies of Capital Expenditure, with the General Reserve Fund and Capital Fund funded to the maximum (as outlined in the Policies of Capital Expenditure) from the surplus and the remainder of the surplus to be allocated as follows: $172,164 to Building Expansion Fund and $30,000 to the Church Planting Fund (to be renamed Metrosouth Building Fund) as seed money; BoE approved proposal for submission for approval at the next regularly scheduled Church Council meeting.

9. Angie Piau Internship Application

BoE tabled to next regularly scheduled BoE meeting.

Elder Ming closed with prayer at 1:23 pm.

CBCGB 長老團會議紀要





  1. 簡短分享

何明治長老分享了他最近在摩頓參加Lincoln Park Ba​​ptist Church 佈道會的情況。章開第牧師分享了他最近在俄亥俄州Beulah Beach營會講道情況

  1. CBCGB現狀報告


  1. 執事會報告


- Boston Properties舉行活動期間教會附加停車場情況

- 信息技術方面問題解決進展情況

- 監控攝像機的安裝

- 提議為昆西團契購買客運車輛

- 改進執事會提議提交程序以確保在提議提交之前有適當審核

- 教會辦公室周圍石階維修更新

- 投資基金的預算編制過程的啟動

  1. 英語部事工報告






- 長老會建議將英語部的異像和價值觀融入全教會的可能性。







  1. 年會


  1. 章程修改提案


  1. 張子義牧師休年假提案


  1. 常費余額的分配

克潔長老提議常費余額的分配,從2014財政年度照固定资产的投入政策,和一般預備金和本金已作最大投資(如固定资产政策所, 概要略述), 從余額和余額所節餘的作如下分配:$172,164美元給建筑擴建基金,和$30,000美元給植堂基金(要更名南區建堂基金)作為创业基金;執行長老會通過提案,提交下次例行教會长执联会。

  1. Angie Piau實習資助申請



波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  |  Web: