Board of Elders (“BoE”) Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2014

Present: Liqin Chen (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Ke-Chieh Chu, Yuguang He, David Ho, Timothy Lu, Loren Shih (Head Deacon), Ming-Jer Tsai, Terry Yang (Secretary)

Pastor Caleb opened with prayer at 9:06 am.

1.     Brief Sharing

Elder Liqin shared MetroSouth’s facility needs and upcoming sharing in Metro South special membership meeting regarding those needs after Sunday service on November 16, 2014.

2.     Update on State of CBCGB

Pastor Caleb provided the following updates on:

3.     Board of Deacons Update

Deacon Loren provided the following updates on:

4.     Policy Review

Elder Tsai proposed change in standard operating procedure for approval of policies by incorporating review by policy stakeholders prior to presenting to BoE for approval.

Reviewed proposed Invitation Policy for Outside Speakers and Performers. Pastor Caleb, on behalf of pastoral staff, provided rationale for new policy as requested by Church Council: Ensure that outside speakers and performers are aligned with CBCGB values and events are coordinated and promoted in light of other CBCGB programs and events. Individual Elders proposed closer involvement of BoE with actions initiated by the overseeing pastor or the senior pastor. BoE expressed concerns regarding the scope of the policy to allow for both oversight and flexibility for smaller groups within CBCGB such as fellowship groups.

BoE passed the Invitation Policy for Outside Speakers and Performers as attached.

BoE postponed discussion on Policy for Support of CBCGB-ers in Vocational (Parachurch) Christian Ministry pending resolution of proposal for formation of Local Missions Committee.

5.     BoE Responsibility Assignment

Elder Ming provided summary of his current responsibilities in order to provide a smooth transition into the next BoE, as Elder Ming will be stepping down from the BoE at the end of his current term this calendar year end: oversight of Web Team, LCD (lobby) Team, Social Concerns Ministry (as Advisory Elder as directed by CBCGB Bylaws), Chinese Ministry Shepherding Ministry, Quincy Fellowship Ministry, and Pulse; service as fellowship shepherd for individual fellowships (Living Water, Bedford, Quincy).

BoE assigns Elder Yuguang as Advisory Elder to Social Concerns Ministry; Elders Yuguang and David as overseers for Quincy Fellowship Ministry; and Elder Timothy as Head of Pulse Advisory Board and coordinator for Chinese Ministry Shepherding Ministry. Elder Tsai to continue as overseer for the Web Team until a suitable replacement is found.

6.     Local Missions Committee Charter

Elder David proposed the creation of, and explained the rationale behind, a Local Mission Committee for the purpose of coordinating and supporting evangelistic efforts in the community around CBCGB. BoE reviewed Elder David’s proposed Charter. BoE discussed scope and reach of the Committee (and potential name change) and tasked Elder David with revising proposed Charter in light of scope and reach discussion and additional requested changes. Elder David to provide revised Charter for final approval at the next regularly scheduled BoE meeting.

7.         Church Building Expansion Team Update

Elder K.C. provided an update on the physical and financial status of the ongoing construction for 151 Spring Street. Elder K.C. also provided an update on potential changes to the facility master plan in order to address concerns brought to light by the Facility Usage Survey completed in the Chinese, English, Youth and Children Ministries.

8.         Thanksgiving Offering

Elder K.C. proposed directing any Thanksgiving offerings collected during the Thanksgiving service (November 23 and 30, 2014) to be directed to the Church Building Expansion Project Fund; BoE approved proposal.

9.         CBCGB Vision

Elder Liqin provided update on vision development process; vision prayer letter to be distributed soon to congregation, first to Chinese Ministry.

10.  BoE Policy Review

As required by CBCGB Bylaws, Elder Liqin to assign specific Elders to review specific policies in the coming weeks.

11.  Continuing Education Support

Elder Terry provided update on proposal to change CBCGB personnel benefit policy to better support staff interested in continuing education; Human Resources Committee to research potential options for expanding continuing education benefits.

Elder Yuguang closed with prayer at 1:05 pm.



出席:陳利欽(主席),章開第牧師,朱克潔,何煜光,何明治, 盧忠信,施志寧(執事會主席), 蔡明哲,楊德禮(秘書)


時間:2014118 上午906


1.     简要分享

利欽長老分享了南區植堂的場地需要,他們計劃在本月16 日主日崇拜後,召開一次會員特別會議來討論他們的需求。

2.     CBCGB的最新现况


3.     执事会简报


4.     审查有关政策规定




長老團將延期討論本教會成員參加Vocational (Parachurch)教會組織宣教的支持政策。

5.     长老团职责分配

蔡明哲長老對他目前職責做了小結。為了順利移交下屆長老團,他將在今年年底轉交他在長老團的一些工作:網絡團隊,LCD團隊,社會關懷團隊,華語部事工牧養,QUINCY團契和《心版》雜誌, 服事一些團契(活水團契,BEDFORD團契, QUINCY團契)。

長老會提出煜光長老負責社會關懷事工,煜光長老和明治長老負責幫助QUINCY 同工,忠信長老領導《心版》雜誌審委會並且做華語部團契牧人同工的召集人,蔡長老繼續負責網絡團隊,直到找到合適人選接管。

6.     本地宣教委员会


7.     教堂扩建团队近况


8.     感恩节捐献


9.     教会异象


10.     长老团政策审查


11     对在职教育的支持



波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  |  Web: