Meeting Minutes

Board of Elders (“BoE”)

December 13, 2014

Present: Liqin Chen (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Ke-Chieh Chu, Yuguang He, David Ho, Timothy Lu, Ming-Jer Tsai, Terry Yang (Secretary)

Elder Liqin opened meeting at 1:06 pm.

  1. Update on State of CBCGB

Pastor Caleb gave a quick recap of upcoming events, including Music Committee development. BoE recommends that, at the appropriate time, the Music Committee be reviewed during the upcoming calendar year.

  1. BoE Chair Election

BoE re-elects Elder Liqin as Chair for calendar year 2015.

  1. Church Vision

Elder Liqin confirmed special BoE vision prayer meeting for afternoon of December 21, 2014 from 12:30 pm -3:00 pm in Room 128.

  1. Policy Review

Elder Liqin to distribute full list of official CBCGB policies to BoE; once distributed, BoE will determine process for review of official CBCGB policies and archiving procedures.

BoE discussed procedural requirements for new and revised future CBCGB policies; BoE decided future BoE-approved policies will require 1) effective date, 2) confidentiality statement (which will determine if a password will be necessary to view policy on CBCGB website), and 3) method for dissemination of notice of policy approval.

  1. Missions Committee

BoE confirmed, by e-mail on November 26, 2014, appointment of Hank Lu to Missions Committee.

  1. Local Missions Committee

Charter discussion tabled until next regularly scheduled BoE meeting in January 2015 due to lack of time.

  1. Church Facility Usage Policy

Discussion on revisions proposed by the Stewardship Committee tabled until next regularly scheduled BoE meeting in January 2015 due to lack of time.

  1. Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) Update

Elder K.C. provided update on CBE project. BoE decided that construction on Phases II and III would not begin until $1 million donation fundraising goal is met.

  1. Continuing Education Support

Elder Terry presented Human Resources Committee recommendations for revising CBCGB personnel benefit policy to expand support for staff interested in continuing education. Further discussion tabled until next regularly scheduled BoE meeting in January 2015 due to lack of time.


Elder Liqin closed meeting at 3:00 pm.


時間:12/13/2014 下午1時6分到3時整。




  1. 教會近況:


  1. 長老團主席選舉:


  1. 教會異象:


  1. 政策評估:



  1. 宣教委員會


  1. 本地宣教委員會


  1. 教會設施使用政策


  1. 教會建筑擴建(CBE)近況


  1. 支持繼續教育

