Meeting Minutes

Board of Elders (“BoE”)

January 10, 2015

Present: Liqin Chen (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Ke-Chieh Chu, Lawrence Gan (Board of Deacons [“BoD”] Representative), David Ho, Timothy Lu, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Terry Yang (Secretary), Jian Zhang (BoD Representative)

Invited for MetroSouth Property Purchase discussion: Pastor Wei Jiang, Hongshu Guang (Core Co-Worker Team Chair), Ida Shaw, Yushan Tian, Gabrielle Yu

Absent: Yuguang He

Elder Liqin opened meeting at 9:05 am.

  1. Brief Sharing

Pastor Caleb and Elder K.C. shared celebrations and events that occurred during the just completed holiday season.

  1. Update on State of CBCGB

Pastor Caleb gave a quick update on upcoming events:

Pastor Caleb also gave a quick recap on recently completed events:

  1. BoD Update

Deacon Haiguo provided update on potential insurance resolution for repairing water damage caused by leaks during the main building re-roofing project and the development of new policy and procedures (to be submitted for BoE approval when completed) related to the Capital Fund to improve the evaluation, prioritization and budgeting of capital expenditures.

  1. MetroSouth Property Purchase

Brother Hongshu provided update on state of MetroSouth church plant:

Brother Hongshu presented proposal and rationale for CBCGB to purchase an approximately 3.5 acre property in Sharon that would immediately provide some relief for current space challenges as well as provide for future development of a 10,000 square foot main church facility. Some Elders and CBCGB-resident architects also visited and favorably reviewed the property.

MetroSouth proposes that CBCGB purchase the property, using a combination of cash offerings and loans pledged by 27 MetroSouth-resident families to cover the $342,500 purchase price, on the closing date of February 19, 2015. The loans would be repaid to the lending families from MetroSouth’s operating surplus in the CBCGB General Fund.

BoE reviewed CBCGB Bylaws currently in effect for options to approval proposal. Although BoE unanimously supports the purchase of the property for MetroSouth use and the funding mechanism (pending consultation with the Finance Committee and the BoD), BoE decided that the MetroSouth proposal does not qualify under CBCGB Bylaws as an “emergency” based on the information provided, and therefore would require the Bylaws-specified two months advanced notice to the Church Council to be introduced as a main motion for CBCGB membership approval at a Special Membership Meeting, so that proper communication of information regarding the property purchase can be disseminated to CBCGB members prior to the Meeting. BoE requests that should MetroSouth abide by the closing date of February 19, 2015, the 27 MetroSouth-resident families should complete the purchase of the property through another means prior to approval by CBCGB membership during a Special Membership Meeting; upon CBCGB membership approval, property deed will then be transferred to CBCGB. MetroSouth requested that BoE representative explain to MetroSouth congregation rationale for BoE decision; BoE granted request.


  1. Church Facility Usage Policy

Deacon Lawrence presented proposal to revise the Church Facility Usage Policy to reflect adjustment for inflation and ease of yearly review. BoE requested that the revised rate adjustments be reviewed for accuracy; BoE approved revision to rate definition for Category 4 rentals and movement of rate adjustment chart to Policy Appendix to enable BoD to adjust rate schedule as necessary without submission to BoE for approval. BoE tabled consideration of final draft of revised Church Facility Usage Policy pending final proposed rate adjustments.

  1. BoE 2015 Planning

Elder Liqin provided update on:

Elder Liqin reflected on Pastor Steve Chin (from Boston Chinese Evangelical Church)’s sharing during December’s Church Council Meeting, especially related to servant leadership.

BoE discussed which ministries to schedule for review this upcoming year; BoE tabled discussion to e-mail.

BoE assigns Elder Timothy to oversee policy reviews.

BoE assigns Elder David to maintain comprehensive list of all committee chairs (including terms) and members.

BoE identified need to update the long-form Ministry Matrix and assign Elder to chair the Deacon Nomination Committee; further discussions tabled due to time limitation.

  1. Continuing Education Support

Discussion tabled until next regularly scheduled BoE meeting in February 2015 due to time limitation.

  1. Local Missions Committee

Elder David proposed revised Local Missions Committee Charter (now designated as the Community Outreach Committee Charter) distributed on November 14 to BoE by e-mail; BoE approves Charter as attached. BoE tables appointment of chair due to time limitation.

  1. Other Business

BoE appoints Elder Yuguang Acting Secretary during Elder Terry’s absence from the February and March BoE Meetings.

Pastor Caleb closed meeting with prayer at 1:05 pm.







  1. 分享


  1. 主任牧師的教會近況簡報



  1. 執事會簡報


  1. 南區子堂購地事項




長老團審議了CBCGB有關章程。長老團一致支持南區子堂購買這塊地產以及他們的籌資計劃,但是由於這議案按CBCGB章程還不能構成 “緊急事項處理,因此,需要按照章程規定的提前2個月向教會聯會理事會提交出的主要動議,然后經由CBCGB會員在特別會員大會審批。這樣關於購買地產的動議可以大會表決之前有效地傳達到教會會員。長老團要求南區子堂的家庭在2月19日的成交日其他方法買下這塊地產。在CBCGB會友大會批准這項動議之将房產契轉移到CBCGB名下。南區子堂要求長老團派代表去南區向南南區子堂的會眾作出說明。長老團同意南區子堂的這項請求。

  1. 教會產物使用政策


  1. 長老團2015年計劃


陳利欽長老對波士頓華人佈道會的陳卓明主任牧師( Rev. Steve Chin)在12月教會聯會上關於僕人式領導的分享做了回應。





  1. 在職學習資助事項


  1. 本地宣教委員會


  1. 其他事項

