Meeting Minutes

Board of Elders (“BoE”)

April 11, 2015

Present: Liqin Chen (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Ke-Chieh Chu, Yuguang He, David Ho, Timothy Lu, Lance Pan (Board of Deacons [“BoD”] Representative), Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Terry Yang (Secretary)

Present for Brief Sharing: Kathy Ho, Nancy Lu, Cornelia Tsang

Elder Liqin opened meeting with prayer at 9:07 am.

  1. Brief Sharing

Elder Terry shared overview and pictures of his recent tour of Israel.

  1. Update on State of CBCGB

Pastor Caleb gave a quick update on upcoming events:

Pastor Caleb also gave a quick recap on recently completed events:

  1. BoD Update

Deacon Haiguo provided praise for recently completed MGM, with smooth planning and transitions over 3,000 attendees and 50-60 attendees (10% growth from the past MGM) needing additional active follow-up.

  1. Board of Deacon Nominations and Deacon Nomination Committee Appointments

Elder Yuguang presented qualifications for candidates for the Deacon Nomination Committee (“DNC”) and the standard operating policy for nomination of BoD candidates. Elder Yuguang presented identified and proposed DNC candidates; entire proposed slate approved by the BoE. The 2015 DNC members will be: Yuguang He (Chair), Jiyong Wang, Hank Lu, Xinyu Li, Gerd Kaiser, Melissa Yang and Chung-Pei Chang. Elder Yuguang to publish requests for Deacon nominations from the congregation in collaboration with Ying Yuan Zhang and Pastor Chuck Lowe.

BoE identified candidate for appointment as acting Deacon to fulfill the term of Deacon Lawrence Gan, who has resigned due to relocation out of the area; final approval of appointment pending completion of in-home visit by Elders Liqin and Ke-Chieh.

  1. MetroSouth Ministry Core Co-Worker Team (“CCT”) Chair

Elder Liqin presented candidate, Lee-Fang (Ida) Shaw, nominated by existing CCT for next CCT Chair; BoE approves nomination.

  1. Continuing Education Support

Elder Terry presented proposal and rationale for, as proposed by the Human Resources Committee, to revise the Benefit & Personnel Policies for Pastoral and Administrative Staff section related to Professional Expense Reimbursement to provide pastoral staff with greater flexibility in expense reimbursement and to align our policies and procedures with Internal Revenue Service regulations and guidelines for not-for-profit organizations. BoE approved proposal as attached, effective May 1, 2015.

  1. Community Outreach Committee

Charter discussion tabled due to current travel of Community Outreach Committee Chair.

  1. Ministry Review Schedule

BoE discussed coordination and logistics of upcoming ministry review for Chinese Worship Ministry and Web Team.

  1. Church Information Meeting

BoE discussed coordination and logistics, including content, of Church-wide Information Meeting on April 19, 2015.

Elder Timothy closed meeting with prayer at 12:37 pm.


出席:陳利欽(主席),章開第牧師, 朱克傑, 何煜光, 何明治,盧忠信, 潘瀾(執事會代表), 吳海國(執事會主席),楊德禮(秘書)。

列席会前分享:  薛悅悅, 劉楠馨, Cornelia Tsang

会前禱告:上午9:07 am.   陈利欽長老









煜光长老提出了执事提名委員會候选人的条件,整個過程由長老團通過。今年的提名委員會(“DNC”)是:何煜光(主席),王继勇,李新宇,盧漢台,杨孟珊,凱紀德,夏宗蓓 。執事候選禱告事項由煜光長老擬定,交由張應元、盧植德牧師牧師協助印刷。











