Meeting Minutes

Board of Elders (“BoE”)

May 9, 2015

Present: Liqin Chen (Chair), Ke-Chieh Chu, Yuguang He, David Ho, Timothy Lu, Xinwen Wang (Board of Deacons [“BoD”] Representative), Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Terry Yang (Secretary), Minister Yuegang Zhang

Present for English Ministry (“EM”) Identity Discussion: Bryan Che, Beata Shih, Loren Shih

Present for City Outreach Ministry (“COM”) Building Fund Discussion: Elder Chaw-Bing Chang, Steven Chung, Chunyi Hu, Pastor JuTa Pan

Absent: Pastor Caleb Chang

Elder Liqin opened meeting with prayer at 9:10 am.

  1. Brief Sharing

Elder Liqin shared about the recent sudden passing of his mother.

  1. Update on State of CBCGB

Minister Yuegang gave a quick update on past events:

Minister Yuegang gave a quick update on upcoming events:

  1. BoD Update

Deacon Haiguo provided update on:

  1. EM Identity

Representatives from EM Core presented recently completed EM identity document, including process by which document came about and background on why document was drafted: to update BoE on EM direction and focus in order to provide input as BoE considers church-wide vision and how EM will fit into that vision.

EM Core answered questions from BoE and proposes next steps:

EM Core requests assistance from BoE with:

BoE is supportive of EM identity document, and approves EM Core proposal.

  1. COM Building Fund Proposal

Elder Chaw-Bing presented rationale for establishment of COM Building Fund, as maturing congregation coupled with current space constraints impeding potential COM growth:

Elder Chaw-Bing outline three proposed options for obtaining dedicated COM facility:

  1. Buy existing church building; although COM already established facility search committee, this option will be very expensive given current Boston real estate market;
  2. Buy smaller facility near Ruggles Baptist Church for use as permanent office, meeting and overflow space when necessary;
  3. Take control of a “below market” church, as Grace Chapel Watertown did when donor sold facility to Grace Chapel for $1; this option will likely also be expensive given likely need for significant renovations in “below market” churches.

Elder Chaw-Bing, on behalf of the COM Planning Committee, proposed that CBCGB pursue option #2, and in preparation, proposed that the Finance Committee establish a COM Building Fund and designate a portion of COM offering surplus to seed Fund.

BoE reviewed COM Planning Committee proposals in light of: 1) probability of securing additional, low-cost facilities from local academic institutions; 2) potential impact on church-wide financial situation; and 3) justification for separate COM Building Fund based on current CBCGB strategic direction and priorities.

BoE concludes that an administrative account within the General Fund that tracks funds designated for COM facility expenses will both address CBCGB’s existing strategic and financial needs as well as prepare CBCGB for the potential future purchase of property to address COM’s anticipated space constraints, regardless of option CBCGB chooses to pursue based on future circumstances. BoE also agrees to seed administrative account with a portion of COM offering surplus. BoE tables implementation of administrative account pending further discussion with COM Planning Committee.

  1. Ordination of Ministers

BoE discussed ordination of ministers as proposed by pastoral staff; BoE approves pastoral staff proposal.

  1. Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) Update

Elder Ke-Chieh addressed BoE questions regarding status of and next steps for CBE project, primarily related to shortfall in reaching fundraising goal of one million dollars and the delay in initiation of Phases II & III as a result.

  1. MSM Plan for Independence

Elder Liqin solicited input from BoE on MSM’s plan for independence, and asked any concerns be relayed to Chair of MSM Core Co-Worker Team, Ida Shaw.

  1. Ministry Review Schedule

Web ministry review tentatively scheduled for July 2015 BoE meeting. Logistics for proposed review of baptismal candidate approval process in progress.

  1. June BoE/Church Council Meetings

Elder Ke-Chieh to chair BoE meeting and Elder Terry to chair Church Council meeting due to BoE Chair travel schedule.

Elder Ke-Chieh closed meeting with prayer at 1:37 pm.



出席:陳欽(主席), 朱克潔,何煜光,何明治盧忠信,汪新文(執事會代表),吳海國(執事會主席),楊德禮(秘書),張越剛傳道


城區代表(討論城區建堂基金):張召斌長老,Steven Chung,胡中義,潘儒達牧師



  1. 簡短分享


  1. 教會近況報告



  1. 執事會報告


  1. 英語事工身份認同





5. 城區事工建堂基金提案



  1. 購買目前已存在的教會建築。雖然城區事工已經建立了產業尋索委員會,基於現在波士頓市區物業市場狀況,這個方案將非常昂貴;
  2. 在羅格斯浸信會教會附近購買一個小的場地作為永久的辦公、會議的附加場地。
  3. 購買“低於市場價”的教會建築。譬如Grace Chapel曾在Watertown以一美元從捐獻者買下的物業。這個方案也有可能牽涉大的花費,因為“低於市場價”的教會建築會需要昂貴的裝修費用。




6. 按牧傳道人


7. 教堂擴建(“CBE”)進展


8. 南區事工獨立計劃


9. 事工評審時間安排


10. 六月份長老團/教會牧長執聯會會議

