CBCGB Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

        February 11, 2012


Present: Ke-Chieh Chu (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Chaw-Bing Chang, David Ho,

Jack Hung, Terry Yang (Secretary), Ruike Wang (Board of Deacons Chair)

Pastor Caleb opened with prayer at 9:08 am.

  1. Senior Pastor Briefing

Pastor Caleb provided updates on the March evangelistic meeting, the April Christopher Yuan special conference, coordination of this year’s joint services, the addition of Pastor Caleb Huang from Rutgers Community Christian Church to speak at the CBCGB Annual Meeting, proposed next steps for closer coordination of the Missions Committee (“MC”) and the Social Concerns Ministry (“SCM”), current requests for pastoral off-campus time and feedback from the Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) presentations to the fellowship groups.

  1. Board of Deacons Briefing

Ruike provided updates on the upcoming purchase of two 15 passenger vans, new Finance Committee policies and procedures (to be presented at the March Church Council [“CC”] meeting) established by the Board of Deacons (“BoD”), the Sanctuary projection improvement project and the current makeup and operations of the Stewardship Committee.

  1. Joint Missions Committee and Social Concerns Ministry

Discussion tabled until the March Board of Elders (“BoE”) meeting due to Elder Tsai, who was to lead the discussion, being absent due to illness.

  1. Proposed New Ministry Matrix

BoE approves the new Ministry Matrix format for implementation; discussed revisions to specific roles, assignments and responsibilities for the living document.

  1. Human Resources Committee Charter

Edwin Tam and Wei-Jing Chia proposed changes to the Human Resources (“HR”) Committee Charter related to composition and scope of assignments, and clarified current purpose and role of the HR Committee. BoE approves proposed changes to the Charter as attached.

  1. Staff Personnel and Benefit Policy

Per BoE direction from the November meeting, the HR Committee provided input regarding legal ramifications and process for implementation of establishing mandatory retirement age for paid staff. HR Committee recommended not to establish mandatory retirement age; BoE accepts recommendation.

  1. Church Building Expansion Project

Elders and Deacons volunteered and had previously been assigned to present the Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) project to the various fellowships in the church, with four presentations in the Chinese congregation already completed.  Some questions were raised during those presentations; responses to these questions discussed.  Additional presentations to be scheduled in February and March.

  1. MetroSouth Core Co-Worker Team Proposal

Pastor Jiang presented proposed MetroSouth Core Co-Worker Team structure, function and reporting relationship; discussed revisions to written proposal and potential issues moving forward. Discussion tabled until March meeting.

  1. BoE removed Pastor Jiang’s proposed nominations for the Core Co-Worker Team from the table (tabled during December meeting); BoE approves nominations.

  1. Short-Term Mission Teams to China

Pastor Jiang presented proposal to support and fund short-term teams providing teachers to train potential pastors for church plants in China at a Bible school in FuDing, China. While BoE agrees in principle with the goals of the proposal, BoE directs Pastor Jiang to apply for support and funding under the Short-Term Missions policy and procedures governed by the Missions Committee.

  1. March Church Council Meeting Agenda

Discussed items to be included.

  1. Proposal to Invite Massachusetts U.S. Senatorial Candidates to Speak

Pastor Chuck proposed inviting the Massachusetts U.S. Senatorial Candidates to speak as a pre-pre-evangelism event. BoE members expressed some reservations; proposal tabled until March meeting to provide opportunity for further reflection and information-gathering.

  1. Proposal to Install Security Cameras at Church Entry Points

On behalf of the BoD, Deacon Loren Shih requested guidance regarding access, operation and maintenance of the proposed security system to be installed at all main church building entry points at the request of the Children’s Ministry as well as in response to the recent thefts. BoE requests specific proposal for access, operation and maintenance of the proposed security system from the BoD; discussion tabled pending proposal.

Pastor King-Fai closed with prayer at 1:45 pm.


Translation in Chinese




出席者:朱克潔 (主席)、 章開第牧師、蔡景輝牧師、張召斌、何明治、洪榮宗、楊德禮 (秘書), 王瑞珂 (執事會主席)。



  1. 主任牧師簡報


  1. 執事會簡報


  1. 聯合宣教委員會和社會關懷事工


  1. 提出新的事工負責同工分配矩陣圖表

長老團同意設立新的事工負責同工分配矩陣圖表的形態; 也為此文件的調整機動彈性,討論以及修改各特定角色的任務和責任。

  1. 人力資源委員會規章


  1. 教牧職員人事和福利規章


  1. 教會擴建計畫


  1. 南區植堂核心同工提議草案



  1. 中國短宣隊


  1. 三月教牧長執聯會議程


  1. 提議邀請麻州國會參議員候選人致詞


  1. 在教會入出口處裝置保全攝影機



波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org  |  Web: www.cbcgb.org