Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

        February 11, 2013

Present: Ming-Jer Tsai (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Liqin Chen (Acting Secretary), Ke-Chieh Chu, David Ho

Invited: Chinese Ministry Prayer Meeting Representatives: Mei-en Chang, Irene Chang, Wensong Pan, Rosa Tsai; Stewardship Committee: Howard Chen (Chair); Social Concerns Ministry: Yang-Sheng Tzeng (Chair)

Elder Tsai opened with prayer at 8:00 pm.

  1. Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) Project

Elder Chu provided project update, including design for both the 151 Spring St. and main building renovations, current financial situation and expected process and timing for permitting with the City of Lexington. Significant gap remains between CBE pledge goal and received pledges. Permitting activities currently focused on 151 Spring St. renovations. Permit application expected to be filed with the City of Lexington in March, with approval by June.

Elder Chu provided current financial projections for the next five years. Various options for next steps discussed, and BoE encourages congregation to pray for the project’s financing.  Discussion tabled until next BoE meeting.  

  1. Ministry Review - Chinese Ministry Tuesday Prayer Meeting

Reviewed accomplishments and challenges. Although prayer meeting has been a great help to the congregation and the importance of prayer is fully recognized, attendance has not been encouraging. Proposed means to improve attendance, including personal invitations, obligation for Church Council members to attend, spiritual sharing, use of more common hymns, special topics/themes for prayer meetings, prayer network, publishing the number of attendees, and teaching on prayer from the pulpit and in Sunday schools and fellowship.

  1. Ministry Review – Stewardship Committee

Deacon Chen provided current status, including team member changes, accomplishments and upcoming near term projects (e.g., new roof). Proposed inventory of physical plant and equipment to begin soon. Challenges include management structure and budget approval procedures. Deacon Chen struggles with issues dating back to prior to his term as Chair; BoE suggests that Deacon Chen meet with past Stewardship Committee Chairs for advice and background information.

  1. Social Concerns Ministry Budget

Brother Tzeng presented the proposed 2013 budget, which contains a few new ministry projects and support for new organizations. The level of funding currently in the Social Concerns Ministry Fund plus the recently completed pledge will be sufficient to cover the proposed budget. BoE approves the proposed budget.

  1. MetroSouth Core Co-Worker Team

Proposed two candidates to join the MetroSouth Core Co-Worker Team: Brothers Hongshu Guan and Ping He would replace two members who will step down. BoE approved both candidates.

  1. Pastoral Staff Off Campus Requests (Pastor Caleb excused)

BoE approves the continuation of pastoral support to Boston MetroWest Bible Church at the same level as last year (no more than once per quarter per pastor; to be considered church ministry) while BMWBC continues pastoral search.

BoE did not grant request from pastoral staff to exclude preaching at Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell and Chinese Bible Church of Greater Nashua from inclusion in the outside ministry allowance (10 days per year, with maximum of four Sundays) due to overwhelming pastoral needs at CBCGB.

  1. Elder Nominations

Elder Tsai provided update.

Elder Chen closed with prayer at 11:00 pm




出席:蔡明哲(主席)、章開第牧師、陳利欽(代理秘書) 、朱克潔、何明治。



  1. 教會擴建計畫:



  1. 事工檢討-中文部週二禱告會事工


  1. 事工檢討-理事會


  1. 社會關懷事工預算


  1. 南區植堂核心同工團隊


  1. 教牧人員外出講道的提出 (開第牧師離席)



  1. 長老提名




波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  |  Web: