CBCGB Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

        March 10, 2012


Present: Ke-Chieh Chu (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Chaw-Bing Chang, David Ho, Jack Hung, Ming Tsai, Terry Yang (Secretary), Ruike Wang (Board of Deacons Chair)

Pastor Caleb opened with prayer at 9:06 am.

  1.  Senior Pastor Briefing

Pastor Caleb provided updates on the preaching schedule, training for the new Chinese congregation small group ministry (“Life Group Leadership Training”), the Chinese congregation Greeting Ministry and brief reflection on his first year as Senior Pastor.

  1. Board of Deacons Briefing

Brother Ruike provided updates on the Lexington city building inspection of CBCGB and resulting required alarm panel upgrades, the two new van purchases and potential repainting of those vans and potential changes to cleaning services utilized by the church.

  1. Joint Missions and Social Concerns Ministry Proposal

Elder Tsai presented his proposal to more closely align the Missions and Social Concerns Ministries, which is based on a study commissioned by the Senior Pastor and completed by members of both the Missions and Social Concerns Committees last year. Discussed potential for combining annual conferences and pledge drives (with separate funds) into a joint effort long-term. Short-term, the BoE has established one Missions Conference in 2012 (due to the special Christopher Yuan Conference this year) and two conferences (Missions and Social Concerns) during the normal timeframes (spring for Social Concerns and November for Missions) in 2013. BoE approves Phase I of Elder Tsai’s proposal with a revised timeline of 2012-2014, and directs the Missions and Social Concerns Ministries to prepare for upcoming events with the view toward progressive cooperation as outlined in Elder Tsai’s proposal. The Chairs of both the Missions and the Social Concerns Committee were in attendance during the presentation and subsequent discussion.

  1. Missions Ministry Review

Liqin Chen outlined the Missions Ministry’s recent activities, including the initiation of short-term mission planning and prayer meetings during the yearly short-term mission cycle in an effort to encourage increased coordination of efforts for prayer and support for each team, as well as efforts to work more closely with the Social Concerns Committee. Liqin also outlined the challenges that the Missions Ministry faces concerning missions awareness and potential focus areas, and shared the Committee’s prayer requests. BoE encourages that the Missions Committee consider establishing a consolidated Missions strategy for CBCGB as well as the potential for aligning our short-term missions teams in collaboration with the missionaries that CBCGB supports. The BoE also supports the suggestion that Missions plans and opportunities (short-term & long-term) be disseminated to the congregation at the earliest stage possible to encourage better awareness and more participation.

  1. 2012 Ministry Coworkers List

Discussed revisions to the 2012 Ministry Coworkers List, the format of which was approved in the February BoE meeting; list to be distributed to all co-workers for informational purposes.

  1. Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) Project Update

Elders provided updates on the ongoing CBE presentations to the various fellowship groups.

  1. March Church Council Meeting Agenda

Reviewed proposed agenda.

  1. MetroSouth Core Co-Worker Team Proposal

BoE approved the revised written proposal for the MetroSouth Core Co-Worker Team structure, function and reporting relationship over e-mail.

  1. Proposal to Invite Massachusetts Senatorial Campaigns to Speak

Discussed Pastor Chuck’s proposal tabled from February BoE meeting to invite the Massachusetts U.S. Senatorial Candidates to speak as a pre-evangelism event. BoE does not support the proposal in principle due to a number of significant concerns.

  1. Pulpit Support for Boston Metrowest Bible Church (“BMWBC”)

Ming-Che Li proposed CBCGB continue current level of pulpit support for BMWBC for as long as BMWBC does not have a Senior Pastor. BoE approves the proposal in principle, pending agreement of the Pastoral Staff involved and the Senior Pastor of CBCGB.

  1. Bylaw Revision Study Committee (“BRSC”)

Elder Chu provided an update on the status of the BRSC. The BRSC expected to provide final study results during the April BoE meeting.

Terry closed with prayer at 1:20 pm.

Translation in Chinese




出席者:朱克潔 (主席)、 章開第牧師,蔡景輝牧師,張召斌,何明治,洪榮宗,蔡明哲,楊德禮 (秘書),王瑞珂 (執事會主席)。



  1. 主任牧師簡報


  1. 執事會簡報


  1. 聯合宣教委員會和社會關懷事工的建議

蔡 明哲長老於去年經主任牧師委任、並透過宣教委員會和社關事工成員而完成的報告,提出如何更進一步結合宣教和社關事工的草案。討論結合年會和認獻(基金各自 獨立)遠程合作的可能。就目前而言,長老團已訂定2012年祇有宣教年會(因為今年的袁幼軒合堂特會已排在春季),2013年宣教和社關事工按往例(春季 的社關年會和11 月的宣教年會)分別舉辦兩場會議。長老團在修訂2012-2014的時程後,同意蔡長老所建議的第一階段,並指出宣教和社關事工在籌措未來計畫時,持守積 極合作的前瞻性,以符蔡長老所提的草案綱要。宣教和社關委員會主席聯袂出席會議,並參與相關討論。

  1. 宣教事工檢討

陳 利欽弟兄簡報宣教委員會新近動態,包括新起步的短宣計畫和在每年度短宣期間的禱告會,以激勵每一團隊彼此之間的禱告和支持,同時與社關事工尋求更密切的同 工。利欽也簡述宣教委員會在宣教推廣和可能的重點地區所面臨的挑戰,並分享委員會的代禱事項。長老團鼓勵宣教委員會為本教會塑造一個鞏固的宣教策略,同時 也結合我們的短宣隊與本教會支持的宣教士一起合作的潛在性。長老團也支持所建議的,儘早把宣教的計畫和機會分送給會眾,以達有效的推廣和完善的準備。

  1. 2012 事工同工名單


  1. 教堂擴建計畫近況


  1. 三月教會教牧長執聯會的提案


  1. 南區植堂核心同工提議草案通過


  1. 邀請麻州參議員候選人演講的提案


  1. 波士頓西郊聖經教會的講臺支持


  1. 提議邀請麻州國會參議員候選人致詞


  1. 教會憲章修訂研究委員會



波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org  |  Web: www.cbcgb.org