April 13, 2013
Present: Ming-Jer Tsai (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Liqin Chen, Ke-Chieh Chu, David Ho, Terry Yang (Secretary), Loren Shih (Board of Deacons Chair)
Invited: 3rd Service
Core Group Representatives: Wei-Hsin Perloff, Hui-Feng Lin, Xinwen
Wang; Project Joshua Representatives: Joshua Chang, Yang Luo, Ligong Xu; Stephen Ministry Representatives: Pastor Steve Chang, Anna Choi, Sandy Teng
Elder Tsai opened with prayer at 9:02 am.
Elders shared ministry and personal struggles, prayer requests and praises.
Deacon Joshua provided history and update regarding redevelopment of CBCGB website in terms of design and inclusion of user-specific and social media elements as well as ongoing support once redesign is completed. Brother Ligong walked BoE through demo of current website under development, including overview of security. Discussion of need for policy governing CBCGB online presence for all individual ministries and fellowships; BoE and Project Joshua Team to explore scope and parameters of policy. Deacon Joshua outlined next steps for data collection with a public launch targeted for May; BoE encourages all church ministries to assist the Project Joshua Team by providing up-to-date page content, input and suggestions. Deacon Joshua to coordinate with Membership Committee to determine possibility and feasibility of integrating data content and function of Patrick Lin’s recently completed online membership database into Project Joshua.
Sister Anna provided background on request by Dr. Anita Liu from China Evangelical Seminary North America for CBCGB to partner with 8 other American Chinese churches in translation of Stephen Ministries materials from English into Mandarin. CBCGB Steven Ministry has reviewed Translation and Distribution Agreement drafted with the 8 other churches and proposes a number of changes to ensure legal protection for the participating churches, and recommends that CBCGB sign amended Agreement should Steven Ministries legal entity incorporate proposed changes. Given the amended Agreement contains no financial obligation, BoE agrees to CBCGB Steven Ministry recommendation.
Elder Ho provided evaluation of spring evangelistic meeting over the Easter weekend, and Pastor Caleb provided pastoral evaluation; discussion of lessons learned. BoE directs BoD to develop special event checklist to ensure that effective coordination for special events occurs between the pastoral staff, the BoE, the BoD and ministry leaders (e.g., ensure audiovisual logistics is arranged and Fire Team and Medical Team coverage is available).
BoE directs Elder Ho and Deacon Xinwen to organize special meeting for CM fellowship leaders to discuss results of CM Fellowship review at the March BoE meeting and next steps for evaluation and implementation of recommendations.
Pursuant to Church Council (“CC”) directive to pastoral staff, pastoral staff evaluated ad hoc committee report recommending resuming the CM Revival Camp; pastoral staff does not concur with ad hoc committee’s recommendation. BoE accepts pastoral staff evaluation results, and will not move forward with organizing a CM Revival Camp for 2014. In evaluating ad hoc committee report, pastoral staff also evaluated feasibility of holding CBCGB-wide retreat in lieu of CM Revival Camp, concluding such an endeavor would likely be financially and human capital draining without achieving goal of cross-congregational unification, and would therefore require careful consideration of cost versus benefit. Pastoral staff also proposed potential organizational structure should decision be made to move forward with CBCGB-wide retreat.
Elder Tsai directed Minister Jennifer Lin, Deacon Wensong Pan and Deacon Loren to plan full-day offsite CC retreat on June 15 with the purpose of providing a relaxing environment for the CC to interact and conduct official church business (i.e., approve next fiscal year’s budget) and for strategic planning. More details to come.
Elder Tsai proposed to establish a web-based information depository and retrieval system for official and important church documents to better support various ministries and serve the congregation. Such documents may include meeting minutes, reports and briefings; positional papers (e.g., CBCGB’s white paper on the Charismatic Movement); CBCGB policies and procedures; and employment records. BoE agrees in principle and directs CC Secretary and Project Joshua Team to implement proposal, which includes 1) finding volunteers to collect desired depository documents; 2) migrating those documents to a standard, uniform format; 3) making those documents available online; and 4) developing and implementing both public and private access and change security for those online documents.
Elder Tsai proposed the installation of two LCD monitors in the lobby for timely, dynamic display of critical CBCGB information in order to provide maximum congregational exposure. LCD monitors provide a cost-effective and functional alternative to posters, which are generally not effective and can clutter the aesthetics of the parking lot entryway and main lobby. BoE agrees in principle and directs Stewardship Committee to install the LCD monitors and church office staff to manage operation of and content displayed on LCD monitors in collaboration with team of artistic volunteers.
Discussed merits and drawbacks of historical church-wide Information Sessions. BoE sees value in this avenue of communication with CBCGB’s congregations and proposes “town hall”-style Information Session in Chinese on June 16; date and format to be confirmed at a later date. BoE directs Elder Yang to investigate best method for CBCGB leadership to communicate with English Ministry (“EM”).
Pastor Chuck proposed a two-part Sabbatical Leave during the second half of 2013 and early 2014 to better meet the needs of the EM at the beginning of the academic year. BoE requested revisions to the timing of the proposal to better adhere to CBCGB’s Personnel and Benefit Policy.
Discussed nominations for Elders beginning in 2014; BoE to continue conversations with potential nominees.
Elder Chu closed with prayer at 4:18 pm.
出席:蔡明哲(主席)、章開第牧師、蔡景輝牧師、陳利欽、朱克潔、何明治、楊德禮(秘書), 施志寧 (執事會主席) 。
受邀者:下午堂同工代表:趙維新, 林慧鳳, 汪新文; 約書亞事工(新網站)代表:張子剛, 羅燕, 徐立功; 司提反事工代表:張子義牧師,黎巧莊師母, 程中珊
蔡長老於上午 9:02禱告開始。
維新姐妹提出對華語下午堂的評估,簡介成功的方面 (有些參加的人喜歡這種方式和親密的感覺,8-10家固定參加, 有4人將受洗),及困擾的方面(沒有真正減少華語上午堂敬拜的人數[平均減少40人,目標是70人), 沒有兒童的項目, 教會領袖的參加和支持比較少, 有時沒有現場講道)。維新姐妹略述學到的功課(如現代聖詩較不吸引人),以及核心小組對繼續華語下午堂之優缺點的看法。長老團討論了繼續華語下午堂的優點 和價值。長老團決定在四月底實驗期結束時停止華語下午堂。長老團感謝下午堂核心小組過去六個月忠心的擺上和犧牲, 並為華語下午堂所成就的慶祝。
子 剛執事介紹了教會網站的歷史和重建的現況,設計包含使用者特定的元素、社交媒體元素、以及重新設計完成後一直需要的支持。立功弟兄帶長老們看了重建中的網 站,並介紹其安全設施。大家討論到需要制定政策,來管理各個事工和團契在教會網站的展現;長老團和約書亞項目團隊將探討該政策的尺度和參數。預計在五月推 出網站,子剛執事又簡介收集數據的步驟。長老團鼓勵每個事工都協助約書亞項目團隊,提供最新的網頁內容,輸入及建議。子剛將和會友委員會協調,討論把林有洧弟兄最近完成的線上會友資料庫的資料及功能,與約書亞項目整合的可能性及可行性。
黎 巧莊師母提供此項目的背景,北美中華福音神學院(China Evangelical Seminary North America)的劉玉蘭博士要求本教會與其他八個美國華人教會合作,將司提反事工英文材料翻譯成中文。本教會的司提反事工已審閱與其他八個教會起草的翻 譯及分配協議,提出一些修改以確定對參與教會的法律保護,並建議本教會簽署修訂的協議,若司提反事工本部提議更改。鑑於修訂後的協議不包含任何財政義務,長老團同意本教會司提反事工的建議。
蔡長老提議建立一個網絡上的 信息存取系統,儲存教會正式的和重要的文件,為了更佳支持各種事工及服務會眾。這些文件可以包括會議記錄,報告和簡報; 立場性文件(如:教會對靈恩運動的白皮書),教會的政策和程序,和聘雇記錄。長老團原則同意,並指示牧長執聯會秘書和約書亞項目團隊來進行提案,其中包 括:1)延攬志願者收集所需的儲存檔案;2)將這些文件轉移到標準,統一的格式;3)使這些文件可在網上取得;4)發展及制定這些在線文檔在公共取用或私人取用,及其更改所需的安全設定。
波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會
Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston
149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421
Tel: (781) 863-1755 | Fax: (781) 674-2312 | E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org | Web: www.cbcgb.org