CBCGB Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

        April 14, 2012


Present: Ke-Chieh Chu (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, David Ho, Jack Hung, Ming Tsai, Terry Yang (Secretary), Ruike Wang (Board of Deacons Chair), David Tran (Project Multiply Chair)

Pastor Caleb opened with prayer at 9:05 am.

  1. Senior Pastor Briefing

Pastor Caleb provided updates on the evangelistic meeting (“Mandarin Gospel Meeting”), Easter and Good Friday joint worships, Chinese congregation Greeting Ministry and new Chinese congregation small group ministry (“Life Group Leadership Training”).

  1. Board of Deacons Briefing

Brother Ruike provided updates on the hiring of a new cleaning company for the main building, re-roofing of the main building and installation of the new projector in the Sanctuary.

  1. Project Multiply Briefing

Pastor Caleb provided update on using the Chapel as overflow for Chinese Worship and the corresponding move of English Worship Team practice to the Church Office Basement resulting from Project Multiply, as well as the desire to upgrade the simulcast capabilities of

the Sanctuary and Chapel. Board of Elders (“BoE”) discussed possibility and requirements for additional Chinese Worships; BoE tasks Project Multiply committee, under the direction of Deacon David Tran, to reassess possibility and requirements for additional Chinese Worships and cost and urgency of upgrading simulcast equipment in the Chapel.

  1. Enharmonic Ministry Sharing

Steve and Jenny Chung shared how and why the Enharmonic Ministry started, as well as how it evolved into today’s ministry, with a home base at CBCGB, but welcoming to members from outside of CBCGB and encouraging better relationships between CBCGB and other churches. The Chungs shared the vision for the Ministry.

  1. CBE Project Update

Elder Chu provided updates on the status of presentations to the fellowships, questions, suggestions and concerns raised by fellowship members, and current General Fund financial projections for income and expense. BoE also discussed possible adjustments to the estimated total cost of the project to take into account inflation and potential cost overruns. Elder Yang and Deacon Shih to give presentation(s) to English congregation in near future.

  1. CBCGB Website Review

Elder Tsai provided a review of the state of the current website, and proposed a redesign and rebuild of our website, consolidating all content areas under one umbrella for maintenance purposes and with one consistent feel, with a first phase focused on setting up a task force to establish design and technical requirements. BoE approves proposal as revised: focus for task force broadened to communication strategy through electronic media instead of narrow focus on website. BoE tasks Elder Tsai with establishing task force charter, parameters for operation and membership for approval by the BoE. Task force may be responsible for, among other tasks

as directed by the BoE, submitting a budget for any proposed projects to the BoE; obtaining cost estimate(s) for, finding and working with contractors throughout any proposed project; and forming a team of co-workers to maintain proposed project infrastructure once built.

  1. Church Information Meeting Agenda

Elder Chu presented agenda for Church Information Meeting for comment, and confirmed reschedule from afternoon of April 15 to the morning of May 13 immediately following the Mothers’ Day joint service in the Chapel due to the beginning of the Massachusetts public

school spring break for Chinese congregation. English congregation date and format to be decided.

  1. Rental Agreement with First Baptist Church of Sharon

BoE formally approves proposed Contract and Policy Agreement with First Baptist Church of Sharon (“FBCS”) for use by MetroSouth Ministry for Sunday service and Friday night fellowship activities, provided that verbal agreement can be secured from FBCS for additional space usage outside of the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings.

  1. Senior Pastor Sharing

Pastor Caleb shared his experience and assessment of his first year as Senior Pastor, and shared his dream for the future of CBCGB. Elders present also shared their thoughts on Pastor Caleb’s first year as Senior Pastor.

Pastor King-Fai closed with prayer at 1:28 pm.

Translation in Chinese



出席:朱克潔 (主席)、章開第、蔡景輝、何明治、洪榮宗、蔡明哲、楊德禮(秘書)、王瑞珂(執事會主席)、陳祥光(專案計畫主席)



  1. 主任牧師簡報


  1. 執事會簡報


  1. 專案計畫簡報

章 開第牧師報告專案計畫的近況,使用副堂以疏解中文堂敬拜擁擠的現象,以及將英文部敬拜團移至教會辦公室地下室的因應措施,同時有意更新大堂和副堂的同步視 頻轉播設備。長老團討論第二場敬拜的可能及需求,並通過將此任務託付給專案委員會,在陳祥光弟兄的帶領下,重新評估第二場中文敬拜的開銷成本,以及更新副 堂同步視頻設備的急迫性。

  1. 合田事工分享


  1. 教會擴建計畫近況


  1. 本教會網頁討論

蔡 長老就目前的網站現況提出檢討,並提出重新設計和重建我們的網站,在考量維護和全盤一致的印象,擬將所有的內容領域,凝聚在一個保護傘下,其第一階段,將 組織一個專責小組,建立設計和技術要求。長老團同意修正後的建議:擴大專責小組的重點,是放眼經由電子媒體,達到傳播的策略,並非狹隘的只顧網站而已。長 老團通過交由蔡長老建立專責小組的章程、操作系統參數和成員後,再送長老團批准。該專責小組,可能負責長老團指示的其他任務,要向長老團提出任何提議事項 的預算;要取得尋找並與包商協商所有全盤建議案的成本估算,並形成了一個團隊同工,一但提議事項的基礎設施完成,便負起維護之責。

  1. 全教會會友座談會提綱


  1. 與Sharon第一浸信會的租用契約


  1. 主任牧師分享



波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org  |  Web: www.cbcgb.org