CBCGB Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

中文翻譯在末後段落  June 11, 2011

Present: Jack Hung (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Chaw-Bing Chang, Ke-Chieh Chu, Terry Yang (Secretary), Ruike Wang (BoD Chair), Pastor Jiang Wei

Elder Hung opened with prayer at 8:05 am.

  1. Monthly Update – Board of Deacons

Deacon Ruike recapped recent Stewardship efforts to repair the Sanctuary and Chapel HVAC systems and the parking lot surface, as well as efforts to establish a regular preventative maintenance schedule for the church property.

  1. Membership Committee Members

Four proposed new members to expand the current membership from five to nine members discussed. BoE accepted proposed new members by written ballot. Elder Chang to approach proposed new members to complete process.

Options for housing official membership database discussed; discussion tabled pending meeting with Information Technology Committee.

  1. Bylaw Revision Study Committee (BRSC) Members

Proposed members to comprise initial membership discussed. BoE accepted proposed members by written ballot. Elder Chu to approach proposed members to complete process.

  1. Deacon Nomination Committee Members

Proposed members to comprise membership for this cycle discussed. BoE accepted proposed members by written ballot. Elder Chu to approach proposed members to complete process.

  1. Revival Conference Review

Sessions, logistics, scheduling and attendance reviewed. Satisfaction expressed with content and attendance at leadership training session as well as location at the home Lexington church facility. Concern expressed regarding demand on overseas speakers with such a tight schedule and large number of speaking sessions in light of potential jetlag. Decided to continue next Revival Conference at home Lexington church facility.

Discussed potential management of multitude of yearly church-wide events (e.g., Revival Conference, Missions Conference, evangelism meetings).  Discussion ongoing.


  1. MetroSouth Ministry Review

Pastor Wei expanded upon his proposal for continued establishment of MetroSouth church plant going forward. Ideal composition of core team going forward discussed; discussions ongoing.

  1. Streamlining of Ministries/Review of Major Annual Events

Desire for buy-in in principle of all ministries expressed. Expectation expressed that approach would be a long-term, multi-year process. Discussion tabled to Church Council meeting immediately following and future Pastoral Staff meetings, with potential recommendations and concerns to be addressed during the July BoE meeting.

Pastor Caleb closed with prayer at 9:35 am.

Translation in Chinese




出席:洪榮宗 (主席)、章開第牧師、蔡景輝牧師、張召斌、朱克潔、楊德禮 (秘書)、王瑞珂 (執事會主席)、韋江牧師。


  1. 每月新況 – 執事會


  1. 會友委員會成員



  1. 教會憲章修訂研究委員會成員


  1. 執事提名委員會成員


  1. 培靈奮興會檢討

檢 討場次、流程、調度及出席等事宜。一般對奮興會內涵、出席人數 (包括領導人員的培訓講座),和使用Lexington教會會場等,均表示滿意。至於對來自海外講員的要求,包括時差的克服,以及緊湊的行程和多次講座的 配合,則有待特加關切。決定繼續使用本教會作為下次培靈奮興會的場地。

討論教會多樣年度大型活動的全盤整合方針 (例如:培靈奮興會、宣教會議、佈道會)。  將在下次會中繼續討論。

  1. 南區事工檢討


  1. 精簡事工/檢討主要的年度大事

