Board of Elders (“BoE”) Meeting Minutes

        July 13, 2013

Present: Ming-Jer Tsai (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Liqin Chen (Acting Secretary), Ke-Chieh Chu, David Ho, Xinyu Li (representative, Board of Deacons), Howard Chen (representative, Board of Deacons)

Invited for Church Building Expansion Team review: Chiway Hsiung, Kiang-Tay Huang, Philip Sailer

Invited for special devotional sharing: Jason H., Ella H.

Elder Tsai opened with prayer at 9:00 am.

  1. Devotional Sharing

Jason and Ella H. are professional service people sent by CBCGB. They shared with us about their lives and ministry to a minority group and other people in Asia.

  1. Update on State of CBCGB

Pastor Caleb provided updates on:

  1. Ministry Review: Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) Project

Elder Chu presented a brief update, including background, team and design details.

The expected schedule for Phase I Part I:

Schedule for Phase 1 part 2 of the project:

Donations received since Dec 2012: $311k. If needed, church bonds will be issued in August 2014.

CBE Project Team needs prayers for:

  1. Chinese Ministry (“CM”) Fellowship Ministry Review Follow-Up:

Brother Xinyu Li provided update on CM fellowship leadership training and shepherding programs. Reviewed first draft of fellowship shepherding program guidelines; final copy to be distributed when completed. Discussed potential candidates for fellowship shepherds.

  1. Pastoral Staff

Pastor Caleb Chang raised urgent need for a CM Fellowship Pastor to provide leadership training and mentoring to CM fellowships. Discussed various proposals for ministry task reassignment among current pastoral staff; Pastor Caleb and other Elders to approach pastoral staff regarding proposals.

  1. Additional Topics

Reflections and actions on CC retreat and CM informational meeting:

Metro South Core Co-worker Team Leadership:

Sabbatical Report – Pastor Jiang Wei:

Status of Bylaw Revision:

Elder and Deacon Nominations:

Elder Chu closed with a prayer at 12:50 pm.



出席:蔡明哲(主席),章開第牧師,陳利欽(秘書),朱克潔,何明治,楊德禮,李新宇(執事會代表), 陳國榮 ( 執事會代表)。

為教堂擴建事工受邀參加者:熊起瑋,黃江泰,Philip Sailer

特別分享: Jason H. and Ella H.


  1. 靈修分享:Jason and Ella 是本教會差派的专业。他們分享了在亞地區的生活以及当地的少數民族和其他居民服和事工。
  2. CBCGB的現狀報告


  1. 事工檢討: 教堂擴建事工




自2012年12月,共計收到奉獻$311K. 如果需要,將會於2014年8月發行教會債券。


  1. 華語堂團契事工檢討的跟進


  1. 牧師團隊

開第牧師提出緊迫需要一名團契牧師對華語部團契提供領袖培訓和指導。討論了幾個在現任牧者中間重新調整事工任務的建議 。開第牧師和其他的長老們將就這些提議和牧者們討論。

  1. 別的議題



安息年年假報告 – 韋江牧師

Bylaw 修訂的進程



波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  |  Web: