CBCGB Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

中文翻譯在末後段落  July 9, 2011

Present: Jack Hung (Chair), Senior Pastor Caleb Chang, Ke-Chieh Chu, Terry Yang (Secretary)

Pastor Chang opened with prayer at 9:07 am.

  1. Monthly Update – Pastoral Staff

Senior Pastor Caleb Chang provided update on discussions regarding pastoral staff assignments, initial steps toward closer collaboration between the Missions Committee and Social Concerns Committee, scheduling of and planning for church-wide events, redesign of the Chinese worship bulletin, review of membership requirements to serve in ministry, initiatives toward a more seeker- and newcomer-friendly environment, and stewardship maintenance and facility usage concerns.

Comment made that timing is important for attracting attendance at church events from families with young children; for example, 4 pm – 6 pm may be an ideal time, with provided childcare, as that time period would be between toddler and infant naptime and bedtime.

  1. Scholarship Policy Revision

Pastoral Staff proposed amending the policy by adding the phrase “Up to one additional year of scholarship may be considered, on a case-by-case basis, for those students whose tertiary education was in a language other than English.” to the Ministry Scholarship section. Amendment to policy approved.

  1. Ministry Review Planning

Clarified process for completing annual ministry reviews; targeted completion date of September Church Council meeting.

  1. Deacon Nomination Committee Update

Proposed members of the Committee accepted appointment. Committee will consist of: Elder Chu (Chair), Senior Pastor Caleb Chang, Head Deacon Ruike Wang, Sister Sandy Teng and Brother Xinwen Wang.

  1. Bylaw Revision Study Committee Update

Proposed members of the Committee considering appointments.

  1. Church Building Expansion Team Update

Detailed architectural and structural drawings and schematics for the canopy over the entrance facing Route 2 have been completed and are under review; contractors are being solicited to execute the project.

  1. Membership Committee Update

Presented outcomes of recent membership survey. Elders and Pastoral Staff to work with fellowship coordinators to complete review of church membership roster.

  1. Elder Nomination

Discussed makeup of Board of Elders, including ideal number going forward and potential candidates for nomination. Any active church member who wishes to do so may recommend a candidate through any Church Council member, who will bring the recommendation to the Board of Elders for consideration according to CBCGB bylaws (Article 5, Section 1).

Elder Chu closed with prayer at 12:47 pm.

Translation in Chinese






  1. 教牧同工月報



  1. 獎學金政策修訂

教牧同工提議在“Ministry 獎學金”項下,增加一段文字,作為補充規定──“對英語非其母語的學生,可依個別情形,考慮酌增至多一年的獎學金。”這項補充規定獲得通過。

  1. 事工檢討計畫


  1. 執事提名委員會近況


  1. 教會憲章研修委員會近況


  1. 教會擴建小組近況


  1. 會友委員會近況


  1. 長老提名

