Board of Elders (“BoE”) Meeting Minutes

        August 10, 2013

Present: Ming-Jer Tsai (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Ke-Chieh Chu, David Ho, Terry Yang (Secretary), Loren Shih (Chair, Board of Deacons [“BoD”]), Chunyi Hu (BoD Representative)

Invited for Social Concern Ministry (“SCM”) Review: Yang-Sheng Tzeng, Lance Pan, Mark Liu

Invited for Special Devotional Sharing: Zhong Xin Wang

Elder Tsai opened with prayer at 9:00 am.

  1. Devotional and Ministry Sharing

Zhong Xin shared background, purpose and current status of his ministry with Chinese scholars.  Buddhism and Christianity are two main focuses for religious research in many universities in mainland China, and Zhong Xin desires those professors to have correct views on Christianity to teach their students.

  1. Update on State of CBCGB

Pastor Caleb provided the following updates:

  1. Update from BoD

Loren Shih provided update on major BoD tasks (current and in planning), including purchase of Workers’ Compensation insurance; policy for personal donations to pastors; boiler replacement in Church office building; possibility of renting trailers for use during 151 building renovations; and training programs for fire and emergency management.

  1. Ministry Review: Social Concern Ministry

Yang-Sheng Tzeng presented brief update, including current status, goals, accomplishments, problems, difficulties and requests for support.


  1. Pastoral Staff

Discussed and approved position of CM Pastor with initial focus on Fellowship Ministry requested by Senior Pastor. Search Committee to be formed to select candidate; Human Resources Committee charged with assisting in selection and hiring process.

  1. Mid-Year BoE Self Review

Reviewed responsibilities/duties of BoE according to Bylaws:

  1. Elder and Deacon Nominations
  1. Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) Status

Elder Yang closed with prayer at around 1:00 pm.



出席:蔡明哲(主席),章開第牧師,蔡景輝牧師, 朱克潔,何明治,楊德禮(秘書), 施志寧(執事會主席), 胡中義(執事會代表)

受邀社會關懷事工的參加:曾陽生, 瀾, 劉茂欣



1. 靈修以及事工分享

王忠欣分享他帶領的中國學者宣教事工的背景,目的,以及現況; 佛教與基督教乃是目前中國大陸許多大學主要的宗教研究重點. 王忠欣希望這些學者可以用對基督教正確的觀點來教導學生.

2. CBCGB的最新現況




3   執事會的更新事項

施志寧提供執事會目前以及計劃中的主要工作,包括購買教會職員的補償保險, 關於個人奉獻給牧師的政策, 更換教會辦公室的暖氣鍋爐; 考慮151 裝修期間租用拖車的可行性;以及火災及危機管理的演習計劃.

4    事工檢: 社會關懷事工

曾陽生簡報, 包含近況,目標,達成事項,所面臨的問題以及難題,以及要求支援事項.

-    其他亮:North Grafton社區農場活動, 圖書分享活動, 參與1號公路事工.

5.  教牧同工

討論並通過主任牧師所要求的新增一名華語部事工牧師的職位, 該新增牧師起初主要負責團契事工. 將組成薦聘委員會以負責尋找合適的候選人;人事資源委員會負責協助選聘過程.

6.  年中長老團的自我檢討


7.  長老以及執事的提名

8. 教會擴建計劃(CBE)的現狀


波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  |  Web: