CBCGB Board of Elders Meeting Minutes

        September 8, 2012


Present: Ke-Chieh Chu (Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Chaw-Bing Chang, David Ho,

Jack Hung (by phone), Ming Tsai, Terry Yang (Secretary), Ruike Wang (Board of Deacons Chair)

Pastor King-Fai opened with prayer at 9:07 am.

  1. Senior Pastor Briefing (Pastor Caleb)
  1. preaching schedule on Revelation;
  2. a request for prayer for higher Sunday School attendance;
  3. proposal for an additional worship service, with a proposed start date of the last weekend of October (the 28th) at 2 pm for an experimental trial period;
  4. movement of MetroSouth’s Sunday morning meeting location to the First Baptist Church of Sharon as of last weekend and a request for prayer for this weekend, as Pastor Jiang will be serving off-site;
  5. Evangelistic meeting for which relay prayers are already underway and during which prayer watch will be in effect;
  6. Boston MetroWest Bible Church’s evangelistic meeting scheduled for the same weekend as CBCGB’s;
  7. pastoral staff review and difficulties in scheduling;
  8. lobby bulletin board revision proposal. Suggested use of audio/visual component to provide kinetic aspect to promotion effort.

  1. Board of Deacons Briefing (Ruike)
  1. childrens restrooms, currently under renovation; adults restrooms next;
  2. completion of church van labeling;
  3. Stewardship project process under the MAD (“ministry”, “approval/authority”, “doer”) workflow: requesting ministry leads the project with approval of the Stewardship Committee/Board of Deacons;
  4. clarification of doors to be closed per fire code under direction of Lexington Fire Department (BoE suggests clearly labeling fire doors to remind congregation that those doors cannot be propped open);
  5. resumption of illegal parking in the traffic circle in front of the church gate;
  6. Compass/Charis consolidating from carriage house into Chapel on Friday nights in deference to need for additional space for Chinese fellowships.

  1. Concert of Prayer Update
  1. Discussed format, focus and frequency of Concert of Prayer. First Concert of Prayer to not only focus on Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) project, but also on cross-congregational prayer items with a theme of “unity for growth”. Additional Concert of Prayers to follow with focus to be determined.

  1. Additional Sunday Worship Update
  1. Discussed potential postponement of additional Sunday service to a later date. Discussed logistics of preaching in the second Sunday worship service, whether to allow children in the worship service, and request to build a window between 216 and the Chapel for families that would like to watch the worship service while providing childcare. Pastoral staff and Chinese worship team committed to experimental trial period; decided to proceed as scheduled on October 28, with understanding of limited services and a three month review period.

  1. CBE Project
  1. Discussed use of bulletin board in lobby to promote CBE project. Reviewed project renderings for use in promotion efforts and current financial situation.
  1. Deacon Nomination Committee
  1. Elder Tsai reviewed status of deacon nomination process and proposal for leadership education program to give congregation understanding of role and expectations of Elders and Deacons; Elder Tsai to follow-up regarding leadership educational program. Decided deacon nomination process will continue until all seven open positions have been filled; conditionally approved all seven candidates proposed by the Deacon Nomination Committee.

  1. Annual Report/Annual Membership Meeting Agenda
  1. Decided to follow precedent set last year; provide soft copy online and limited hard copies upon request. Discussed and finalized agenda for meeting.

  1. Church Council Meeting Agenda
  1. Discussed and finalized agenda for meeting.

  1. Chinese Ministry Evangelistic Meeting Update
  1. Elder Ho provided update on planning for September evangelistic meeting.

  1. Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International Meeting 2013
  1. Elder Ho provided update on meeting targeted for Boston for 2nd-3rd week of September 2013; local churches requested to help with logistics. Tabled discussion on extent of CBCGB involvement until October BoE meeting.

  1. Bylaw Revision Review
  1. Tabled review until special meeting scheduled for September 23, 2012, 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm.

  1. Staff Contracts
  1. Discussed staff contract renewals.
  1. Donation to First Baptist Church
  1. MetroSouth requested CBCGB provide mechanism for MetroSouth members to give a one-time donation to First Baptist Church of Sharon to cover church renovation cost-overruns. Due to IRS regulations, suggested that MetroSouth members direct their one-time donations to First Baptist Church of Sharon, aggregated by MetroSouth leadership if desired.

Pastor Caleb closed with prayer at 12:51pm.

Translation in Chinese



出席者:朱克潔 (主席)、章開第牧師、蔡景輝牧師、張召斌、何明治、洪榮宗 (通話)、蔡明哲、楊德禮 (秘書)、王瑞珂 (執事會主席)。


  1. 主牧師簡報 (章開第牧師)
  1. 啟示錄的講道時間表;
  2. 請求代禱主日學有較高的出席率;
  3. 增堂敬拜的建議案,提議於10月的最後一個週末(28日)下午2點開始一段實驗期;
  4. 大南區上週日上午開始在Sharon的 First Baptist Church舉行主日敬拜,本週韋牧師要外出講道,為南區的主日敬拜禱告;
  5. 佈道會的接力禱告已經在進行,在此期間的守望禱告也要開始動員;
  6. 波士頓西郊聖經教會和本教會的佈道會,都安排在同一個週末;
  7. 教牧同工評鑑和排時間的困難;
  8. 大廳壁報的修改建議。建議使用視聽器材,提供動畫的宣傳果效。

  1. 執事會簡報 (王瑞珂)
  1. 目前正在裝修兒童洗手間,接著是成人洗手間;
  2. 教會交通車的標識已完成;
  3. 理事會的計畫是在MAD(“事工”,“批准/授權”,“實做”)的工作流程下進行:要求事工所領導的項目,要經過理事會/執事會的批准;
  4. 澄清勒星頓鎮消防部門防火規範指導中的關上防火門事宜(長老團建議清楚地標記防火門,提醒會眾這些門不可一直打開);
  5. 教堂大門口外的行車圈,不合法停車又重現了;
  6. 在尊重華語部團契需要額外空間的意願下,週五晚間,在馬房聚會的Compass/Charis 兩組團契移到副堂聚會。
  1. 合奏禱告的近況
  1. 討論禱告形式、重點和合奏禱告的安排。首先,合奏禱告不但有教堂擴建(“CBE”),同時以“合一的增長”為主、橫跨全體會眾的禱告事項,有關合奏禱告的重點將隨後確定。

  1. 增堂敬拜
  1. 討 論增堂敬拜推遲的可能。討論第二個主日崇拜的講道和配合事項,是否允許孩子們參與崇拜,並建議在216和副堂之間建窗型隔間,讓照顧幼兒的家庭,也可同時 觀看敬拜的過程。教牧同工和華語敬拜團致力於實驗期間,在有限的提供服事和3個月觀察期的共識下,決定10月28日如期進行。

  1. 教會擴堂
  1. 討論使用入門大廳的公告板來促進教會擴建計劃與會友們的溝通。檢視使用設計圖的推廣效果和目前的財務狀況。
  1. 執事提名委員會
  1. 蔡長老報告執事提名作業情形,並提出領導教育計劃的建議,使會眾明白長老和執事的角色和期望,領導教育課程的跟進,由蔡長老進行。決定執事的提名作業將繼續下去,直到七個空缺的名額填滿,就目前而言,批准執事提名委員會提出的所有7名候選人。

  1. 年報/年度會員大會議程
  1. 決定依循去年的先例,提供線上軟件年報和根據需求的限量印刷。討論並確定會議議程。

  1. 教會聯會議程
  1. 討論並確定會議議程。

  1. 華語部佈道會近況
  1. 何長老報告9月佈道會的規劃情形。

  1. 2013年唐崇榮國際佈道會
  1. 何長老提出於2013年9月第2〜3週針對波士頓舉行的近況;請求地方教會在人力和物力的幫助。本教會的參與程度,將在10月長老團會議上提出討論。

  1. 教會憲章修訂
  1. 定於2012年9月23日晚上7時30分至10時召開特別會議討論。

  1. 職員合同
  1. 討論職員續約。

  1. 給第一浸信會的捐款
  1. 南 區請求本教會協助運作,讓南區會員作一次性捐贈給Sharon的 First Baptist Church,以補償教堂裝修費用的超支。礙於國稅局規定,建議南區會員直接把一次性捐款,給Sharon的First Baptist Church,如果需要的話,由南區領導來彙總。


波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org  |  Web: www.cbcgb.org