CBCGB Church Council Meeting Minutes, Q1 of 2013

        March 16, 2013



Board of Elders (“BoE”): Ming-Jer Tsai (Chair), Liqin Chen, Ke-Chieh Chu, Terry Yang (Acting Secretary)

Board of Deacons (“BoD”): Joshua Chang, Howard Chen, Chunyi Hu, Lance Pan, Wensong Pan, Philip Sailer, Loren Shih, Ji-yong Wang, Ruike Wang, Xinwen Wang

Pastoral Staff: Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor Steve Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Pastor David Eng, Minister Jennifer Lin, Pastor Chuck Lowe


BoE: David Ho

BoD: Emily Cheng, Xinyu Li

Pastoral Staff: Pastor Sandy Liu (sabbatical), Pastor Jiang Wei (sabbatical)

Elder Tsai opened with prayer at 9:00 am.

  1. Reports from the Pastoral Staff

Pastor Caleb provided short summary of the overall state of his ministry involvement and the Chinese Ministry (“CM”). Pastor Chuck provided an overview of the overall state of the English Ministry (“EM”), EM Leaders and important events in each major ministry, as well as the implementation of the EM focus over the next year. Pastor Ju-Ta provided an overview of the overall state of the City Outreach Ministry (“COM”), vision for COM, important events and initiatives over the past year, and plans for the next year, including COM’s own Gospel Camp and investigating the potential for an English-speaking ministry for oversea-born Chinese who immigrated to the United States in middle or high school.

  1. Report from the BoD

Head Deacon Loren provided an overview of the overall state of the BoD as well as specific updates on the transition of information technology responsibilities to Joshua from outgoing Secretary Patrick Lin, implementation of procedures governing discussion to address inefficiencies of the large size of the BoD, renovations to bathrooms throughout the main building, and initial discussions on how to prioritize capital expenditures.

  1. Report from the BoE
  1. Ministry Reviews

Elder Tsai provided an overview of the results of the BoE planning session this past winter, including the status of the ministry reviews, church visioning process and the investigation into the potential for bylaw revisions. Elder Tsai also outlined the topics the BoE would like investigate this coming year: community outreach opportunities, utilization of the additional space gained by the Church Building Expansion (“CBE”) project, necessity and function of church-wide information sessions, how to attract young professionals (in particular those with previous affiliations with CBCGB), and cross-ministry opportunities.

  1. CM Tuesday Prayer Meeting

Elder Chu provided short summary of the overall state of the CM Tuesday prayer meeting, the challenges faced by the ministry historically, and new initiatives that have been implemented since the ministry review with the BoE in February, resulting in a 50% improvement in attendance over the past few weeks, with a future goal of 10% of the CM in attendance.

  1. PM Service

Elder Tsai provided update on the overall status of the experimental 3rd service in the afternoon, including struggles with low attendance and overburdening of co-workers who serve double duty in both the morning and afternoon. The BoE and PM Service Team agreed to reduce the goal of the PM service to reducing congestion during the morning Chinese service and launch a campaign to encourage the CM to attend the PM service instead of the morning Chinese service. The BoE and PM Service Team will conduct a final review during the April BoE meeting, and recommend the Chapel audiovisual improvement project be completed as soon as possible.

  1. CM and EM Fellowship Ministry

Elder Tsai, Pastor David and Deacon Xinwen provided update on the overall health of the fellowship ministry in both the CM and EM. In the CM there are currently approximately 20 fellowships, which are still growing but encountering some pains, including the needs of the growing AWANA program placing pressure on individual fellowship functions (especially the smaller fellowships) and the danger of fellowships becoming “social clubs” instead of focusing on growth in faith. To address some of those issues, church leadership is currently investigating providing a training program and a mentoring program for fellowship co-workers (utilizing expertise across the church) as well as the potential for moving the Chinese Young Professional Fellowship meeting time from Friday to Saturday. In the EM there are currently 8 small groups meeting in the Chapel (with about 75 people on a Friday night) as well as 2 Compass (30-something) home groups, 1 Charis (20-something) home group and 4 other home groups meeting on other days of the week. The non-Charis/Compass home groups are facing the constant challenge of providing childcare during gatherings, while Inter-Collegiate Fellowship (“ICF”) has found success targeting the four college campuses closest to church: Olin, Brandeis, Bentley and Wellesley. During the fellowship review in the March BoE meeting, the CM and EM fellowship leaders agreed to meet once a year to learn from each other and the different focuses of each congregation.

  1. CM Retreat/Revival Camp

Elder Tsai commissioned ad hoc committee (comprised of Deacons Wensong, Ji-yong and Xinwen and former Deacon Haiguo Wu) to study possibility of resuming Memorial Day weekend CM-wide retreat (aka Gospel/Revival Camp) in response to numerous CM fellowships holding retreats in the absence of a CM-wide retreat last year. Deacon Wensong provided brief history and pros and cons of retreat. Committee unanimously recommends resuming in 2014 with focus on spiritual revival rather than evangelism, citing numerous beneficial aspects of past retreats including team building among members and ministries while acknowledging heavy resource and financial investment and lack of complaints resulting from the absence of a CM-wide retreat last year. Committee recommends formation of planning committee led by pastors and elders and consisting of at least one office staff member as soon as possible; study and committee recommendations passed on to pastoral staff for decision.

  1. Highlights of Ministry Reports

Questions pastors’ written quarterly reports raised and answered.

  1. Church Building Expansion Update

Elder Chu provided update on status of CBE. Architectural design for first part (renovation of 151 Spring Street) of Phase I and initial meeting with City of Lexington for construction permit application completed; site plan (including drainage) and search for land survey engineer in progress. Elder Chu reiterated BoE decision to move project’s financial tracking from pledge amount to actual donations received and reported on current campaign to raise $1 million in donations by end-of-year 2014 and issue additional $1 million in bonds by end-of-year 2013. Deacons Ruike and Phil to develop monthly or bi-monthly CBE newsletter starting April 15, including Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQ”), which will also be posted on church website. Deacon Josh to create e-mail address for use by members wishing to direct questions to the CBE Team. Elder Chu indicates Team anticipates construction to begin September 2013.

  1. Strategic Planning

Elder Tsai led working session assessing CBCGB’s eight major ministries by Council in small groups, including evaluation of current status, needs and recommendations to promote further growth and improvement. Each small group reported to Council the results of the group’s short assessment.

  1. Financial Report

Deacon Ji-yong reported on CBCGB’s current financial situation, which includes an operating deficit in February, as well as the Finance Committee’s desire to protect CBCGB’s financial assets. Former Deacon John Cintolo has been tasked with drafting official Church Investment Policy to cover CBCGB banking and non-cash donations to minimize financial risk.

  1. Request for Budget Revision for English Ministry Retreat

Pastor David requested budget increase for English Ministry Retreat line item in 2013 CBCGB Budget to cover cost overrun of $373.49. Deacon Wensong moved to approve request, Pastor Caleb seconded; motion passed.

Pastor Pan closed with prayer at 12:32 pm.

波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org  |  Web: www.cbcgb.org