CBCGB Church Council (“CC”) Retreat Minutes, Q2 of 2013

        June 15, 2013



Board of Elders (“BoE”): Ming-Jer Tsai (Chair), Liqin Chen, Ke-Chieh Chu, David Ho, Terry Yang

Board of Deacons (“BoD”): Howard Chen, Emily Cheng (Secretary), Chunyi Hu, Xinyu Li, Lance Pan, Wensong Pan, Philip Sailer, Loren Shih, Ji-yong Wang (Treasurer), Xinwen Wang

Pastoral Staff: Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor Steve Chang, Pastor David Eng, Minister Jennifer Lin, Pastor Sandy Liu, Pastor Chuck Lowe, Pastor Ju-ta Pan, Pastor Jiang Wei

Past BoE Members: Chaw-bing Chang, Windsor Sung

Past BoD Members: Joseph Chiu, Chun-Wen Huang, Timothy Lu


BoD: Joshua Chang, Ruike Wang

Pastoral Staff: Pastor King-Fai Choi

Location: Groton Wood Christian Conference Center

Minister Jennifer Lin opened with worship at 9:37 am.

  1. General Fund Report May 2013 - Ji-yong Wang

Deacon Ji-yong provided an overview of the state of the general fund in May 2013.  Currently, offering exceeds budget, financial situation is healthy and strong. Our total expense is at 84.1%, and our total offering is at 104.7% of the total annual budget. Most of the surplus from the 2013 fiscal year will go to the Capital Fund.  Deacon Ji-yong also gave an overview of the total offering summary from 2009 to 2013.
































*Capital Fund Note - If church main building re-roofing approved budget amount is subtracted, the available Capital Fund will be $30,105 on May 31, 2013.

  1. 2013 Budget Report, 2014 Budget Approval

Deacon Ji-yong reviewed 2013 Fiscal Year budget items that were not fully utilized - Job Transition Ministry, Church-wide Conference (no speaker for 2013, so fund not used), Church Directory, and Church Annual Report funds.  CC considered reducing budgeted amount for some budget items, but agreed to leave proposed amount as is for these items.

Review of new and increased budget items for 2014:

  1. Young Professional Fellowship (“YPF”)/Chinese Ministry Student Retreat - YPF would like to offer a subsidy to students who wish to attend retreat.  CC discussed need for coordination to consolidate this type of subsidy across all student ministries.  This is a one-time line item addition.  BoE plans to discuss/create a policy on how to use this particular line item fund and may devise coordinated budget support policy for all student ministries.  
  2. Dynamic Information System - This line item is primarily for new LCD projectors in the sanctuary hall and will include networking, switching, and rotating information display.  In addition, CC discussed how this system might be used in the future to include possible use of an information kiosk with touch screen functionality, CBCGB website interface, direction information, etc; however, this type of functionality will not be implemented now.   Since the money for the system will be a one-time charge before the end of June, this line item will not be included in the 2014 budget.  Instead, CC will amend the current 2013 budget and increase the amount for the Equipment fund for implementation of the Dynamic Information System.
  3. Church Cleaning - Stewardship Council would like to increase budget for this line item by $15,000 in order to account for floor waxing and carpet cleaning.  A review of 2013 budget indicated that only 75% of the Church Cleaning account with used in FY2013.  Only 75% of the budget was used because Stewardship Council did not call the cleaning company for some special events in FY 2013, but will call the cleaning company for special events in FY 2014.
  4. Staff Salary and Benefits - In order to be in compliance with Massachusetts State Law, Worker’s Compensation will be added to staff salary and benefits.  The Staff Salary and Benefits budget will increase by $5000 to $6000.

Total budget will increase by 3.69% in FY 2014.  In 2013, CBCGB used ~80% of total budget.  Next year, CC hopes to be able to spend ~90% of the budget to be more fiscally responsible.

Motion to approve the proposed 2014 budget as final by Deacon Ji-yong, seconded by Elder KC;  Motion passed.

Motion to amend 2013 budget to increase Equipment Fund by $1600 for Dynamic information system by Elder Tsai, Deacon Wensong seconded; Motion passed.

  1. Strategic Planning

CC retreat attendees broke into four small groups to discuss long-term strategic planning for CBCBG.  Two groups were focused on English Ministry, Children’s, and Youth, and two groups focused on Chinese Ministry, MetroSouth, and COM.  All groups reconvened after breakout sessions to present summary of discussions.  For next steps, the two EM groups will meet together and the two CM groups will meet together and present more cohesive strategic proposals at the September 2013 CC meeting.

Pastor Caleb closed morning session with prayer at 12:35 pm.

CC retreat continued in the afternoon with two special speaker sessions with Pastor Dana Baker from Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA.  Session topic was “A Relational Approach - Biblical , Theological and Practical Perspectives - Social Concerns Ministry.”

After dinner, CC retreat concluded with special sharing from retreat attendees.





長老團:蔡明哲 (主席) 、陳利欽、朱克潔、何明治楊德禮

執事會:陳國榮、劉安玲秘書)胡中義、李新宇潘瀾、潘文嵩、Philip Sailer、施志寧 、王繼勇(司庫)、汪新文

  師: 章開第牧師、張子義牧師、吳經權牧師、林珍妮傳道、劉梅碧儀牧師盧植德牧師潘儒達牧師韋江牧師








地點:Groton Wood 基督徒會議中心.

林珍妮傳道於上午9時3 7作會前禱告。

1.         王繼勇報- 20135月教會經常費
































*資產基金– 如果不計教會主樓屋頂修理核定預算,2013年5月31日的資產基金額為$30,105。

2.         報告2013年預算,通過2014年預算



a. 社青團契(YPF)/華語部學生退修會– 社青團契希望給參加退修會的學生適當經濟補貼。聯會討論了這類補貼對於所有學生事工實施的可能性。這是一個一次性的追加項目。長老團計劃討論並建立如何應用這個專項基金的政策,可能制定通用的預算政策,來支持所有的學生事工

b.  動態信息系統– 這個款項主要是指在教會大廳裝大屏幕液晶顯示器並與教會信息網絡相連以輪番顯 示教會有關信息。聯會進一步討論了這個信息系統今後的應用,包括建立有觸摸屏的信息亭,結合波士頓華人聖經教會互聯網站的界面,等等。總之,這些功能現在 還不能實施。因為這個系統所用經費將為六月底之前的一次性支出,所以將不被包括在2014年的預算。聯會將修正現有的2013會計年度預算並且增加2014會計年度有關實施動態信息系統的設備基金。

c.   教會清潔– 產物管理委員會希望在這個項目上增加$15,000的預算以包括地板打蠟地毯清潔。審查2013會計年度該項目的預算,只用了75%預算。原因是在2013會計年度一些特別活動沒有請清潔公司來打掃,2014年度的特別活動計劃要請清潔公司來打掃。

d.  員工的工資和福利– 為了符合麻州政府的法律,員工的賠償金將被增加到員工的薪水和福利中。員工的薪水和福利預算將增加$5000到$6000。

2014 財經年度的總預算將增加3.69%。 2013年,CBCGB大約用了整個預算的80%。下一個會計年度,聯會希望可以用到預算的90%,更能盡到財務責任.



3.         策略規劃



教牧長執聯會下午繼續。從Lexington Grace Chapel請來的特約講員Dana Baker 牧師有兩場演講。題目是:“關係取向- 聖經,神學和實踐社會關懷事工”。


波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org  |  Web: www.cbcgb.org