CBCGB Church Council Meeting Minutes, Q4 of 2013

        December 14, 2013



Board of Elders (“BoE”): Ming-Jer Tsai (Chair), Liqin Chen, Ke-Chieh Chu, David Ho, Terry Yang

Board of Deacons (“BoD”): Joshua Chang, Howard Chen, Emily Cheng (Secretary), Chunyi Hu, Xinyu Li, Lance Pan, Wensong Pan, Philip Sailer, Loren Shih, Ji-yong Wang, Ruike Wang, Xinwen Wang

Pastoral Staff: Sr. Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor King-Fai Choi, Pastor David Eng, Pastor Jiang Wei, Minister Jennifer Lin, Invitees:

Elder Elect: Yuguang He, Timothy Lu

Deacon Elect: Christopher Cheng, Liang-Shang (Lawrence) Gan, Haiguo Wu, Jimin Xiong

Previous Elder(s): Chaw-bing Chang


Pastoral Staff: Pastor Steve Chang, Pastor Sandy Liu (sabbatical), Pastor Chuck Lowe (sabbatical)

Elder Tsai opened with prayer at 9:08 am.

  1. Reports from the Pastoral Staff
  1. Pastor Caleb provided short summary of the overall state of CBCGB including concerns regarding the Church Building Expansion in the areas of planning, progress, and finances.
  2. Minister Jen provided a short summary of the overall state of the Youth ministry especially in light of Pastor Sandy’s current sabbatical.  Junior High has enough counselors and Senior High is currently running with significant support from counselors and Elder Terry.
  3. Highlights of pastoral ministry reports
  1. Pastor King-fai provided a short summary of the state of Children’s Ministry - There has been a stable 3% growth in children’s attendance, good response for more teachers.  There is still need for a few more co-workers.
  2. Pastor Ju-ta provided a short summary of City Outreach Ministry (COM) highlights - busy fall semester with new comer ministry and first gospel retreat over 120 attending.
  3. Pastoral David provided a short summary of Engligh Ministry.  Pastor Chuck is on sabbatical, EM is still working on our focus of glorifying God through our vocation.
  1. Special discussion regarding Pastor King-fai’s leave from the Children’s ministry and his transition. There are 3 options for transition of ministry in order of preference: 1) Hire a new children’s pastor and overlap with new pastor, 2) identify an interim pastor from CBCGB, 3) push responsibilities down to current Children’s ministry co-workers.  Third option is undesirable, because current co-workers have many responsibilities and would not be able to focus the big picture.

Pastor King-fai provided name recommendations for children’s pastoral search committee.

  1. Report from the BoD
  1. Head deacon Loren provided highlights and updates regarding the status of stewardship projects in 2014
  1. Review of completed projects - Children’s bathroom renovation, update of all bathrooms throughout main building, water fountain in the basement, junior chapel lighting, children’s ministry storage, fire escape for carriage house.
  2. Pending projects 2014 - Main building re-roofing, office boiler replacement, basement hvac, rebuilding office front and rear steps, create church property inventory control list.
  1. Report from the BoE
  1. Bylaws Revision Approval

Elder Tsai provided a short review of process and praise for adequate communication among church leadership.

CC had a discussion regarding the possible postponement of membership meeting due to weather forecast and concerns reaching quorum.  Special membership meeting will be postponed until 12/22.  Details TBD.

  1. Summary of the Quincy Fellowship Ministry review

Elder Tsai provided a short update regarding the new Quincy fellowship meeting review. 50-70 attendees, incl 10-25 kids, need among many single mom families, economic, spiritual, legal needs, etc.  Currently, 3 monthly meetings held at a sister’s house who is newly baptized, 5 new sisters baptized.

There may be a proposal to support this as a new cbcgb ministry in near future.

  1. Summary of BoE Ministry Review

The BoE also recently reviewed the Missions Committee and Metrosouth ministry during BoE meetings and plans to continue reviewing CBCGB ministries.

  1. LCD Dynamic Display System

A new LCD dynamic display team has been created with the goal of presenting important, essential church information in a brief, clear, and attractive manner to the CM, EM, and Youth congregations.  Content Display Operating Hours are CM: Sunday 9-11am, EM and Youth: Sunday 11-1p.

All ministry leaders are encouraged to utilize the LCD system to better communicate to the congregations.  All CBCGB ministries are welcome to provide information (content or slides.)  The team can also help generate slides.

  1. New Elder/Deacon Orientation

Elder Tsai proposes a possible new elder/deacon orientation with topics including Bylaws, Governance structure, various ministries and committees, policies, financial practices, and questions.

The Council Secretary will send out all official CBCGB documentation to new elder/deacon elects. The Treasurer would like to conduct a review of current financial policies for all CC members.

  1. 2014 Ministry Involvement of CC members and Ministry Matrix

CC members should submit a list of ministry coordinators and completed ministry matrix to CC chair by end of 2013.

  1. Review of Strategic Plans from CC Retreat in June 2013

Elder-elect Timothy Lu presented a possible church-wide discipleship plan case study in response a strategic plan from the CC retreat.  Case study identifies 5 areas including “Goals, What, Who, Where, How”.

CC asked questions regarding how this discipleship plan will relate to our current church ministries such as fellowship groups, Sunday school, shepherding ministry, etc.  This will requires commitment from participants.  Discipleship term can describe a broad range of activity.  The hope is to just help committed believers follow Jesus.  Perhaps it will be helpful to survey those who have participated in this type of discipleship training to see what the long term effect may be.

Elder-elect Timothy Lu and team will continue to discuss this possible plan and develop a more precise purpose, focus, implementation.

  1. Quarterly Financial Report

Deacon Ji-yong reported on CBCGB’s current financial situation.  He provided a short review to all CC members and CC elects regarding all the types of financial charts.  Ji-yong reminded CC to help enforce policy to only have line-item owners sign for expense requests.  Over the last 5 months, the expense and offering gap has been closing, but the general fund still has a surplus.































*Note: If subtracting church main building re-roofing budgets, the available Capital Fund will be $333,653 on November 30, 2013.

For the budget summary - up to November 30, our total expense is at 34.8%, and our total offering is at 40.1% of the total annual budget.

  1. CBE Status Update

Elder Chu provided a summary of the CBE project activities including updates:

  1. Review of phase I part 1 & 2 - Schedule will be delayed.  Contractor search will occur in Nov/Dec 2013, and construction will start March 2014.  
  2. Potential Re-design of Phase II and Phase III

Why do we want to re-design?  To try to 1) eliminate/reduce the construction impact to Sunday worship, 2) significantly expand the Sunday worship capacity (both CM and EM), 3) improve Sunday lobby congestion (both CM and EM), 4) improve cost control.

Possible design alternative include option  add a new chapel and new lobby for EM service.  This will allow double capacity by being able to offer two services if needed for both CM and EM.  May also re-consider types of new building materials.

These are just options - no decisions have been made.  

  1. CBE Project Donation review - just passed 50% of fundraising goal
  2. Questions/Concerns?  A special council meeting will be called to discuss CBET

Pastor Caleb closed with prayer at 12:04 pm.






長老團:蔡明哲 (主席) , 陳利欽, 朱克潔, 何明治, 楊德禮 

執事會:張子剛,  陳國榮,劉安玲(秘書),胡中義,李新宇,潘瀾,潘文嵩,Philip Sailer,施志寧, 王繼勇, 王瑞珂, 汪新文。

牧師:章開第牧師, 蔡景輝牧師, 吳經權牧師, 韋江牧師,  林珍妮傳道。




新當選執事:鄭嘉文, 甘良生, 吳海國, 熊繼敏




牧師:張子義牧師,劉梅碧儀牧師(安息年),盧植德牧師 (安息年)


  1. 牧師報告
  1. 開第牧師就全教會事工的概況,提出簡短的綜合報告, 其中包括對教會擴堂事工的計畫,進展和財務的一些看法。
  2. 珍妮傳道就青少年事工的整體狀況,特別是劉梅碧儀牧師安息年期間,做出了簡短的綜合報告。初中部有足夠的輔導員和高中部目前在輔導員和楊德禮長老的大力支持下開展。
  3. 牧師報告的重點
  1. 景輝牧師作了兒童事工的簡短報告-兒童參與率穩定3%的增長,有關更多師資的良好反應。仍需要增加幾個同工。
  2. 儒逹牧師就城區事工作了簡短報告。重點包括-繁忙的秋季學期的新人事工, 第一次福音退修會有超過120參加。
  3. 經權牧師提供個英文部的簡短報告。植德牧師 在休安息年。英文部事工仍然努力著重於透過職場呼召專心榮耀神。
  1. 特 別討論關於景輝牧師從兒童事工的離開和他的過渡。按照優先選擇順序, 為事工的過渡有3個優先選擇:1)聘請新的兒童牧師,並與新牧師重疊,2)從CBCGB中, 指定一位臨時牧師,3)把責任傳給目前的兒童事工的同工。第三個選擇是不可取的,因為目前的同工有很多的責任和將無法專注大局。

  1. 執事會報告
  1. 志寧執事主席就2014 理事會計畫作了報告和更新。
  1. 回顧已完成的項目 - 兒童衛生間改造,主體建築內各衛生間的改造,地下室的飲水機,青少年禮拜堂照明,兒童事工儲存間,馬房的消防逃生通道。
  2. 2014年的待處理項目- 主樓重新鋪屋頂,辦公室鍋爐更換,地下室暖通空調,重建辦公室前部和後部的臺階,建立教會財產的庫存控制列表。
  1.  長老團報告
  1. 教會憲章修訂核准

    短回顧, 並讚揚了教會領袖之間充分的溝通。

    聯會討論了鑒於氣象預報 ,可能推遲會友大會,和有關達到法定人數的考慮。特別會員大會將推遲至12/22。詳情待定。
  2. 關於昆西團契事工的回顧


  3. 長老團評估

  4.  液晶顯示屏動態展示系統

    一個新的液晶顯示屏動態展示的團隊已經創建了,目標是用一種簡短,清晰,有吸引力的方式,向中文部, 英文部和青少年部會眾來展示

  5.  新長老/執事培訓


  6. 2014聯會成員的事工參與以及事工負責矩陣名單

  7.  評估2013年6月的聯會退修會中提出的策略計畫



  1. 季度財務報告



































對於預算總計 - 截至11月30日,我們支出總額為34.8%,我們的奉獻總額是年度總預算的40.1%。


  1. 擴堂的報告

  1. 回顧第一階段的第1,2部分 – 計畫將被推遲。在2013年11月/12月尋找承包商和建設將於2014年3月啟動。
  2. 可能的第二,三階段的重新設計

    為什麼我們要重新設計? 為了1)消除/減少施工對主日崇拜的影響,2)顯著擴大主日崇拜容量(中文部和英文部),3)改善星期天大廳擁堵(中文部和英文部),4)改善成本控制。

    堂和一個新大廳。這將達到雙倍容量,如果需要的話, 可以提供中文部和英文部舉行兩場崇拜。也可能重新考慮各類新型建材。

    這些只是可能的選擇 –還 沒有作出決定。
  3. 擴堂項目奉獻回顧 - 剛剛超過籌款目標的50%
  4.  問題和關注召開一個特別的聯會會議來討論擴堂事項。



波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  E-mail:cbcgb@cbcgb.org  |  Web: www.cbcgb.org