Church Council Meeting Minutes, Q1 of 2012

March 17, 2012


A. In Attendance:

  1. Pastors (8): Steve Ziyi Chang, King-Fai Choi, David Eng, Chuck Lowe, Jennifer Lin, Sandy Liu, Ju-Ta Pan, Jiang Wei.
  2. Elders (5): Chaw-Bing Chang, Ke-Chieh Chu (Council Chair), Jack Hung, Ming Tsai, Terry Yang.
  3. Deacons (11): Howard Chen, Emily Cheng, Joseph Chiu, John Cintolo, Chun-Wen Huang, Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary),  Wensong Pan, David Tran, Jiyong Wang (Treasurer), Ruike Wang (Head Deacon).
  4. Absentees (3): Caleb Chang, David Ho, Loren Shih.
  5. Invitee (1): Liqin Chen (Mission Committee)

B. Location:            

In the basement classroom at church office building.

C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes: 

  1. Pastor King-Fai led us all to have a opening prayer @ 9:10AM.
  2. Financial Report (as of the end of this February) (Deacon Jiyong)
  1. General Fund - We have offering income of $115,952 and ministry expense of $105,249. The surplus is $10,703 and the cumulative surplus is $290,916 as of the end of this February.
  2. Mission Fund - We have offering income of $25,521 and ministry expense of $24,700. The surplus is $821 and the cumulative surplus is $183,466 as of the end of this February.
  3. Capital Fund - We have offering income of $93 and ministry expense of $53,105. The deficit is 53,012 and the cumulative surplus is $95,906 as of the end of this February.
  4. Church Building Expansion Fund(CBET) - We have offering income of $1,835 with ministry  expense of $0. The cumulative surplus is $190,273 as of the end of this February.
  5. SCM Fund -  We have offering income of $585 and ministry expense of $0. The cumulative surplus is $43,790 as of the end of this February.
  6. BMWBC Bond Interest Fund -  We have offering income of $570 and ministry expense of $0.  The total cumulative surplus is $4,446 as of the end of this February.
  7. For the budget summary - in the first 8 month of this fiscal year, our total real expense is at 57% of the total projected yearly expense, and our real total income is at 77% of the total projected yearly offering income.
  8. Treasurer should inform all ministry coordinators, to prepare for the next fiscal year budgeting, with all detailed information, guideline and timeline in advance.
  9. Financial committee member, Deacon John, re-emphasizes that the newly established “Expense Approval Procedure” should be applied starting from the upcoming fiscal year.
  10. During the discussion of this new policy, there are some questions raised upon the wording of approval requirement in this policy, which should be reviewed again by this council.
  1. Pastoral Report (Please contact pastors responsible for ministries to learn more about details).
  1. Regarding to the ‘visioning’ process occurred in EM,
  1. the Board of Elder would like to invite EM leadership to present it in more details.
  2. How to extend this process to the entire church,
  3. and to evaluate the impact of this process to the church,
  4. which seems to be crucial in the near future.
  1. There might be a short-term mission team formed and sent by COM this coming summer.
  1. It will be a pilot project to explore evangelical opportunities overseas,
  2. and collaborate with 3rd party Christian ministry for campus evangelism.
  3. More information about those 3rd parties are much needed.
  4. Mission committee should get involved to cooperate and facilitate this mission.
  1. Mission Committee Update (Liqing Chen)
  1. Update the latest status about Rev. David Ro, Rev. Morley Lee, & Albert Yu.
  2. Brief around short-term mission planning and prayer meetings.
  3. Healthy financial status reflects what congregation has been advocated of being aware of the financial needs of our church missions during the pledging period of mission fund last year.
  1. CBE Project Update (Elder K.C.)
  1. Having corporate prayers for God’s guidance and providential wisdom about this long discussed project is still an ongoing process.
  2. Presenting CBE project to our congregation has been held through meetings among many fellowship groups in CM so far.
  3. Many feedback and suggestions are well received throughout those informational tours.
  4. Elders and deacons should finish the presentations to all fellowship groups by the end of March.
  5. Time table is updated in high level with conditions, which will incubate project and mature plan to move forward only if prerequisite phase can be considered collectively and comfortably done.
  1. Ministry Coworker List (Elder K.C.)
  1. The church-wide “Ministry Coworker List is in need for update.
  2. It should be published and updated consistently to the church’s public Website.
  3. All ministry coworkers should rely on this matrix to work on budgeting related issues as well.
  4. The chair of BoE, Elder K.C., should take responsibility to maintain all dynamics and keep this list up-to-date; while secretary should help to publish the content over the Web.
  1. Church-Wide Directory Printing (Elder K.C.)
  1. Assigned directory related issues to Patrick to provide a proposal to the council.
  2. Some privacy and safety concerns about printing hard-copies of directory are raised.
  1. Deacon Nomination Preparation (Elder Ming)
  1. There are 7 of deacons with current term, which is going to be expired by the end of this year.
  2. And 6 out of 7 are eligible for the re-election of the 2nd term.
  3. Council motions, seconds, and votes for this status quo of maintaining 12 deacon seats to be kept the same for next year.
  1. Church Roofing Maintenance (Deacon Ruike)
  1. There could be three different options to enhance our aging roof.
  2. Elder Jack mentioned that roof leaking around the transitional area has been there since day one, which is not caused by the dilapidated roof.
  3. It is important to make sure leaking issue can be addressed and repaired.
  1. Pastor Chuck led a closing prayer at 11:52am.

D. Translation in Chinese:

教牧長執聯會會議紀錄, 2012年第一季




  1. 牧師(8):張子義,蔡景輝,吳經權,盧植德,林珍妮,劉梅碧儀,潘儒達,韋江。
  2. 長老(5):張召斌,朱克潔 (聯會與長老團主席),洪榮宗,蔡明哲,楊德禮。
  3. 執事(11):陳國榮,劉安玲,邱德肇,沈約翰,黃俊文,李新宇,林有洧 (書記),潘文嵩,陳祥光,王繼勇(財務),王瑞珂 (執事會主席)。
  4. 缺席者(3):章開第,何明志,施志寧。
  5. 受邀(1):陳利欽 (差傳委員會)





  1. 蔡牧師輝輝帶領我們大家於9時10分作一個開會前的禱告。
  2. 財務報告(截至今年二月底為止)(王執事繼勇)
  1. 普通基金 - 奉獻收入是$115,952美元,事工開支是$105,249美元。收支盈餘為$10,703美元,至二月底的累積盈餘為$290,916美元。
  2. 差傳基金 - 奉獻收入是$25,521美元,事工開支是$24,700美元。收支盈餘為$821美元,至二月底的累積盈餘為$183,466美元。
  3. 教會產物基金(原建堂基金) -  奉獻收入是$93美元,事工開支是$53,105美元。收支赤字為$53,012美元,至月底的累積盈餘為$95,906美元。
  4. 教堂擴建基金(CBET) - 奉獻收入是$1,835美元,事工開支是$0美元。至二月底的累積盈餘為$190,273美元。
  5. 社會關懷基金 - 奉獻收入是$585美元,事工開支是$0美元。至二月底的累積盈餘為$43,790美元。
  6. 波士頓西區聖經教會債券利息基金 - 奉獻收入是$570美元,事工支出是$0美元。累計盈餘是$4,446美元。
  7. 在本財務會計年度的前8個月的預算縱覽概要,實際總支出占預算總支出的57%,和實際總收入占預算總收入的77%。
  8. 財務應提前通知所有事工部門的負責同工,所有的詳細信息,指導原則和時間表,以順利完成在下一個財政年度提出預算的準備工作。
  9. 財政委員會成員,沈執事約翰再次強調,在下一個財務會計年度開始,應執行新設立的“教會事工費用審批程序”。
  10. 在這項新政策的討論中,有關在這項政策的措辭上所提出的一些疑問,應由本聯會再次審查,以致妥善。
  1. 教牧報告(請聯絡各事工負責牧師以了解詳情)。
  1. 關於發生在英文事工部的“遠景規劃”的過程
  1. 邀請英文事工部的領袖向長老團提出更詳細的簡報。
  2. 如何擴展這個研議的過程至整個教會,
  3. 和評估這一個議程對整個教會的影響,
  4. 這似乎在不久的將來對我們是至關重要的。
  1. 有可能在今年夏天由城區事工所差派和形成的一個短期的宣教團隊。
  1. 這將是一個試點項目,探索在海外傳福音的機會,
  2. 與第三方合作校園傳福音的基督教事工。
  3. 急需對這些第三方組織取得信息以作更多的了解。
  4. 應該邀請差傳委員會,並與之合作,以促成這事工。
  1. 差傳委員會更新(陳弟兄利欽)
  1. 更新有關李牧師秀全,盧牧師敬雄,俞弟兄培新的最新狀態。
  2. 簡短匯報短期宣教任務規劃和禱告會。
  3. 穩健的財務狀況的反映出,在宣教基金認獻的倡導下會眾對教會的宣教使命的認知與回應。
  1. 教堂擴建事工計劃更新(朱長老克潔)
  1. 齊心共同向神祈求禱告,求神引導和賞賜屬天的智慧。有關此項目仍持續在討論的過程當中。
  2. 教堂擴建事工計劃的推廣簡報,已經開始在中文部的許多團契時間舉行。
  3. 有許多回饋意見和建議,從各團契的推廣簡報之旅中取得。
  4. 長老和執事們,要在三月底以前完成所有在團契的推廣簡報。
  5. 此計劃的時間表仍是定位在有條件式的層次,嘗試將這計劃項目依序分階段撫育並成熟地向前推進,如果前期階段可以在集體認知下安然地完成,才有可能往前進展到下一個階段。
  1. 教會各部門事工負責同工名單(朱長老克潔)
  1. 現有教會事工同工分工合作表需要進行更新。
  2. 它應該公佈和更新在教會的公共網站。
  3. 所有各部門事工負責同工的事應該使用這個名單,來考慮預算的相關審批問題。
  4. 長老團的主席,應該負起責任,以維護所有名單的動態,並保持這個名單的更新。書記應協助在網上發布其內容。
  1. 全教會通訊錄的印刷(朱長老克潔)
  1. 指派林執事有洧,就全教會通訊錄的相關問題,向聯會提供可行性分析與建議。
  2. 聯會成員並就印刷全教會通訊錄的一些隱私和安全提出問題。
  1. 執事提名的籌備(蔡長老明哲)
  1. 有7位執事將要在今年年底屆滿本屆的任期。
  2. 其中有6位具有連任第二個任期的資格。
  3. 聯會提議案,附議,並一致通過,這12個最高執事席位,將可維持現狀,而不減少。
  1. 教堂屋頂維修(王執事瑞珂)
  1. 可能有三種不同的選項,來維修我們教堂已經飽受風霜雨雪而老舊不堪的屋頂。
  2. 洪長老榮宗提到,屋頂交接區域漏水問題是自有這建築就存在的,這不是破舊的屋頂所造成。
  3. 重要的是要確保漏水問題都可以得到解決和修復。
  1. 盧牧師植德帶領聯會成員於上午11時52分作結束禱告。

波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

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