Church Council Meeting Minutes

CBCGB, Q2 of 2011

June 11, 2011


A. In Attendance:

1. Pastors: Caleb Chang, King-Fai Choi, David Eng, Chuck Lowe, Ju-Ta Pan, Jiang Wei, Jennifier Lin.

2. Elders: Chaw-Bing Chang, Ke-Chieh Chu, Jack Hung (Chair of BoE), Terry Yang.

3. Deacons: John Cintolo, Howard Chen, Emily Cheng, TC Chi (Treasurer), Xinyu Li, Patrick Lin (Secretary),  Loren Shih, David Tran, Ruike Wang (Chair of BoD).

4. Absentees: Steve Ziyi Chang, Joseph Chiu, Chun-Wen Huang, Sandy Liu, Wensong Pan.

B. Location:            

The classroom in basement at the church office building.

C. Time & Date: 9:40 AM~13:10 PM, Saturday, 6/11/2011

D. Meeting Agenda & Minutes:                        

  1. Opening Prayers led by pastor Chuck
  2. Pastoral staff report briefed by pastor Caleb (Please contact each pastoral staff for detailed ministry reports)
  1. Some reports are helpful for us all to understand ministry development and situation in depth.
  2. Strongly encourage pastors to set ministry goals and review them more frequently.
  3. It is important to consider enhancing our facility & contents from time to time in general.
  1. Financial Report (T.C.)
  1. General Fund - We have income of $128,511 and expense of $112,729. The surplus is $15,782 and cumulative surplus at the end of May is $153,406. We will have surplus over $100 K this fiscal year.
  2. Mission Fund - We have income of $23,079 and expense of $24,858. The deficits is $1,779 and the total cumulative surplus at the end of May is $159,791.
  3. Capital Fund (old Building Fund) - We have income of $240 and expense of $0. The total cumulative deficits at the end of May is $5,334.
  4. Church Building Expansion Fund(CBET) - We have income of $6,565 and expense of $5,510. The total cumulative surplus at the end of May is $147,834.
  5. SCM Fund -  We have income of $2,585 and expense of $957. The total cumulative surplus at the end of May is $22,699.
  6. BMWBC Bond Interest Fund -  We have income of $1,350 and expense of $0. The total cumulative surplus at the end of May is $4,578.
  7. In General Fund, our total income are up 1.59% from last year.  Excluding BMWBC and include CBCGB-MS, our total income has increased to 5.01% from last year.
  8. We are truly grateful to celebrate the surplus.
  1. Updates on committees
  1. Membership committee (MC): Searching for more committee members to jointly serve at this membership ministry. Pastoral staff will be invited to this committee as well as the laity.
  2. Deacon Nomination Committee (DNC):  A five member Deacon Nomination committee will be formed shortly.  One member will be selected from BOE, one member from Pastoral staffs, one member from BOD and two members from congregation (one sister and one brother).  The candidates of the deacon Nomination committee members have been proposed,  discussed and approved by the BOE.  These candidates will be approached by elder KC.  Once these candidates accepted the role and responsibility the names of these Deacon Nomination Committee members will be announced.
  3. Bylaws revision study committee (BRSC): There will be a 5-member committee, including 2 from CM and 2 from EM, with a chair by elder K.C. All nomination have been proved by BOE, but names will not be announced until each individual can be approached to accept this role and responsibility.
  1. Budgeting of the fiscal year, which starts from July, 2011 to June, 2012.
  1. The total of 4% increase in the latest financial proposal will possibly yield up to 10% of deficits regarding to our projection.
  2. We need to justify spending carefully in general.
  3. One suggestion is to not rely on future projection of offering to control over our budget ahead.
  4. Another suggestion is to go through each item, and exercise certain disciplines and guidelines.
  5. By looking back to our history, there is a trend of our exercises of expanding to not reach 100% of our budget, but 10% less then the total budget. We could also take this trend into our consideration.
  6. If we focus on ministry priority, we need to tighten up our control over budget in number; if we only rely on budget as rough guideline, then we should look into the other direction.
  7. We may easily lose our focus on ministry vision, if we pay too much attention in number. We should be nervous upon spending, but could also bring up to our Lord and pray for our needs.
  8. Itemized Discussion:
  1. The total budget of Pastoral & staff salary will be discussed further within BOE, treasure and the head of deacons.
  2. Internship budget will be kept the same, even though, we don’t have candidates yet.
  3. Pastoral moving & search expenses shall be kept the same.
  4. Pastoral hospitality budget is passed to increase to $4,500 from $2,000 per year.
  5. Keeping computer & IT budget the same as previous year, due to the replacement of major upgrade for office servers have been replaced already.
  6. Spiritual formation budget is decreased 6.4% for no intention to move CM retreat outside of church campus.
  7. Fellowship budget has not been used that much yet, so even though this budget item has been kept, questions and concerns are raised.
  8. NEWS (New England Winter Student Camp) item needs to be discussed and formalized. This item has been added into the yearly budget to reflect council’s consensus to support this ministry for one time only. The financial support is capped at $5,000 upon written proposal. Consensus regarding accountability of this line item is yet to be reached.
  9. Stewardship budget is increased 5.45%.
  10. Worship budget is kept the same as previous year. Any possible major equipment upgrade for worship services can be considered spendings using general fund.
  1. Formally, council members, who are remaining presence, all voted for the approval of church’s yearly budget plan after those adjustment described above.
  1. Closing Prayers led by minister Jennifier Lin

F. Translation in Chinese:





1. 牧師:章開第、蔡景輝、吳經權、盧植德、潘儒達、韋江、林珍妮。

2. 長老:張召斌、朱克潔、洪榮宗(主席)、楊德禮。

3. 執事:沈約翰、陳國榮、劉安玲、季宗近(財務)、李新宇、林有洧(秘書)、施志寧、陳祥光、王瑞珂(執事會主席)。

4. 缺席者:張子義、邱德肇、黃俊文、劉梅碧儀、潘文嵩。







  1. 由盧牧師帶領禱告開始
  2. 由章牧師代表教牧人員作事工簡報(詳細報告請洽詢各事工負責牧師與傳道同工)
  1. 這些報告對我們了解各部門事工的深入發展是有幫助的。
  2. 更加鼓勵牧師傳道們更頻繁的審查回饋所定的事工目標。
  3. 一般來說重要的是要不時地考慮加強我們的設施和事工內容。
  1. 財務報告(季宗近)
  1. 常費 - 我們的收入是128,511美元,支出是112,729美元。該盈餘是15,782美元和在5月底的累計盈餘是153,406美元。本會計年度我們將有盈餘超過10萬美元。
  2. 宣教基金 - 我們的收入是23,079美元,支出是24,858美元。赤字是1,779美元,在5月底總累計盈餘是159,791美元。
  3. 建堂資本(舊建堂基金) - 我們的收入是240元,支出是0元。在5月底總累計赤字是5,334美元。
  4. 教堂建築發展基金(CBET) - 我們的收入是6,565美元,支出是 5,510元。在5月底總累計盈餘是147,834美元。
  5. 社會慈善基金 - 我們的收入是2,585美元,支出是957美元。在5月底總累計盈餘是22,699美元。
  6. 西區建堂債券利息基金 - 我們的收入是 1,350美元,支出是 0。在5月底總累計盈餘是4,578美元。
  7. 在常費上,我們的總收入比照去年同期高出 1.59%。不包括西區,但包括南區,我們的總收入比照去年同期高出5.01%。
  8. 我們為財務上的有盈餘真心感謝主。
  1. 委員會的更新
  1. 會友委員會:尋找更多的委員會成員共同承擔這個事工的需要。教牧人員以及平信徒將被邀請到這個委員會來一起事奉。
  2. 執事提名委員會:由五個會員所組成的執事提名委員會將在不久成立。成員中將有一名來自長老團,一名來自牧師,一名成員來自執事會和兩名成員來自平信徒會眾(一位姐妹和一位弟兄)。執事提名委員會的候選人成員名單已被提出,並由長老團討論批准了。這些候選人將由朱長老訪談,一旦這些候選人接受的角色和責任,這些執事提名委員會成員的名字將被公佈。
  3. 章程的修訂研究委員會:將有一個 5人委員會,其中包括2名中文部和2名英文部同工擔任,由朱長老擔任委員會主席。委員會成員名單也會在候選人接受角色和責任後公佈。
  1. 下個會計年度,從 2011年7月至2012年六月,的預算 
  1. 在最新的財務建議上的總預算額增加 4%,就我們的預測將可能產生高達 10%的赤字。
  2. 一般來說我們需要嚴議謹慎的開支。
  3. 一個建議是我們的預算控制不要太過依賴於未來的估計投影所提供作為一切定案審核的前提。
  4. 另一個建議是要經過每個項目逐條詳細審核,並行使某些規條和準則。
  5. 通過回顧我們的歷史,有一個趨勢,我們的真正花費,並未達到100%的預算,平均約略小於 10%的總預算。在我們的考慮預算中我們也可以善加利用這個趨勢。
  6. 如果我們專注於事工的優先次序,我們需要加強控制我們的預算,如果我們僅僅依靠預算成為大略的方針,那麼,我們應該從另一個方向來研究。
  7. 如果我們過多地關注數字,我們很容易失去事工的異象與重點。我們應該為花費感到緊張的同時,也要將需要帶到主的面前祈求。
  8. 逐項討論:
  1. 總預算的教牧同工及教會辦公室員工的薪酬,將在長老團,財務司庫和執事會主席間作進一步的討論。
  2. 實習生的預算將保持不變,即使我們還沒有候選人。
  3. 牧師搬家與聘牧費用應保持不變。
  4. 牧者愛關費用預算每年由2,000元增加4,500美元。
  5. 保持計算機和資訊部門預算與去年相同,由於辦公室伺服器已經作了重大升級更換。
  6. 靈命塑造預算減少 6.4%,中文部的退休會將在教堂內再試著辦理一年。
  7. 團契預算還有多處尚未使用,儘管這一預算項目已被保留,仍被提出問題和關切。
  8. 新英格蘭冬季學生營項目需要討論和正規化。此項目已被添加到年度預算,以反映聯會的共識,僅一次性地支持該項事工。書面建議提出的財務支持上限為 5,000元。關於責任制度的問題,聯會成員尚未達成共識。
  9. 理事會預算增加5.45%。
  10. 崇拜預算保持與上一年度相同。任何可能的崇拜主要設備升級開支可以考慮使用一般常費。
  1. 由於時間關係所留下的聯會成員,正式投票支持批准教會的下年度如上述調整後的預算計劃。
  1. 林珍妮傳道帶領聯會成員作結束禱告。