May 13, 2012
Church are considering add one more pastoral staff in the near future. It always takes time to search pastoral staff. Also, our church ministry expense projection should be exercising upon faith. It is not necessary to predict the future with a certain increasing rate on tieth offering. Our consideration is not all about the financial need and balance, but should focus more on how build up all to be rooted in Christ.
The current CBE project is expected to be done in 4.5 years. We are trying hard to plan this project and wish to shorten it within 4 years. The design phase and permission application is indeed taking time. We will send this request to CBET for better planning. Some of you may know that sanctuary is full recently and ushers are sending people to the chapel for overflow control. We have considered many different options and suggested this CBE project as one of solutions to accommodate more needs within our church family. If we move ahead to execute this CBE project, and issue church bonds, the interest rate is estimated to be 3.72%.
Since overflow-to-the-chapel has been the current plan to ease the tension of sanctuary, we will need to equip our facility to allow worshipers to have as similar experience as in the sanctuary. There is a dedicated group to study on possibility of multiple worship services and provide us a feasible plan. User team should be able to help with proper sitting density.
The Great Commission (Mt. 28:16-20) is our Christian’s vision, in general. The question is how to deliver it? EM team is working on this issue recently.
(Member) The Great Commission is not equal to our church’s vision. We need to know more concrete statement.
I would take this back to BoE for further discussion.
I've not heard anything about that. However, if there is a case with a decent price which can fit our needs, then we will consider about it, of course.
If there is a need, please do apply, case by case, to the mission committee. BoE will discuss this need and communicate with the mission committee. The mission committee will take any case into consideration and bring it up to committee meetings. We should consider about their parents financial situation as well.
Yes, we will consider it and talk about how to do this in the coming BoE meetings.
(Pastor Caleb) I’ve tried to control over the sermon time in between 45~50 minutes.
(members) This is just one of the opinions. We need to be careful when this type of topic is brought up for discussion. Another member stands up to support current liturgy configuration and time spending.
As some of you may know, all drafts proposed by ByLaws Revision Committee were not be accepted. There is a new (5) people committee established. This committee brought those drafts back, compared with current ByLaws, researched in depth, and provided a study report to the BoE. This report is reviewed by BoE right now. From time to time, there is always room for improvement, even through, our church ByLaws may not bring us all to be the better person and make this church to be the better place. The goal of improving ByLaws is for us to serve our gracious Lord better altogether.
Church planting and church expansion may not contradict to each other. Because one is demanding on human resource, the other is needed for financial support. I would encourage us all to be faithful to God, by following His guidance, and trusting Him more.
We don’t want to exclude any groups of people to participate the original worship services. BoE will consider what to proceed, if there is a 2nd worship services.
(Elder Chaw-Bing) I think we need both. For English congregation, they are desperately needed a multi-function Gym. We have many different needs in multiple aspects. This multi-purpose building, if you don’t want to call it a Gym, can be utilized for evangelistic meetings, revival camp, or many other different usages. We’re not limited its usage to sport events. All spaces can be used to bring more people from nearby communities to build up His Kingdom.
This CBE plan has been brought out for a long time. If we do it all at once, we can reduce the total cost. We may have many different opinions upon the priority and demands. We should consider one another and holding hands to work on this project altogether. We all know better about our needs within our own ministry, but we don't know too much about what else is needed for other people sometimes. I would suggest for most of you to try to understand more about the needs for all ministries, and also urge you all to pray for those needs. We've done so such as doing survey and collecting opinions. Perhaps, those actions are not well communicated. We need to take actions, not just stop in research and having thoughts.
Indeed, mission committee members have discussed this same issue. The surplus has been accumulated from the past. Mission committee should continue on with more details for better discussion.
Translation in Chinese
目 前教會擴建計畫盼望在4.5年完成,我們竭力去行,希望能縮短為四年。設計階段和申請建築許可,會需要較長的時間,我們會將這項請求交給教會擴建小組,作 較佳的籌算。你們可能注意到大堂的容量已滿,為了避免擁擠,招待要疏散一部份的人到副堂。我們考慮過許多不同的策略,認為擴建是較能適應教會大家庭眾多需 要的解決之道。如果我們繼續朝著教會擴建計畫來執行,發行教會債券,則利率大約是3.72%。
一般而言,大使命 (太28:16-20) 是我們基督徒的異象。問題是如何去行,英文部最近也正在研討。
(會員) 大使命並不等於我們教會的異象,我們需要有更具體的聲明。
(開第牧師) 是我把講道時間控制在45~50 分鐘。
(會員) 這只是一個人的意見,我們對這類話題的提出和討論,要很小心。另一位會
有 些人知道,教會憲章修訂委員會所提出的草案,沒有被接受。目前成立一個新的五人委員會,該委員會已把草案帶回,與目前的憲章作比較,作更深的研究,提出研 究報告給長老團。長老團刻正審查中,其中總免不了要時常修改。即便如此,我們的教會憲章,也不能使我們成為比較好的人,或使教會變得更好。改善教會憲章的 目的,是為了讓我們能更同心事奉我們恩慈的主。
(張 召斌長老) 我認為兩者都需要,對英文部而言,他們極需要多功能綜合大樓,我們要從各種角度,會看到許多不同的需要。我們也許不應該叫體育館,或應說是多功能綜合大 樓,可被用來作為佈道會,培靈會,或其他許多用途。我們不要僅限於運動方面,所有的空間,都可以吸引鄰舍更多的人來到,從而建造神的國。
教 會擴建已提出很久了。如果我們一次做完,可以省掉很多花費。我們可能根據迫切和需要,有很多不同的意見,我們需要為別人著想,攜手同工做這件事。我們都比 較知道自己事工的需要,但有的時候,我們不太知道別的人需要什麼。我建議大家試圖了解所有事工的需要,並且呼籲大家為這些需要禱告。我們在問卷和諮詢上, 已經花了很多的時間了。也許,這些行動或許沒有能全面的溝通,然而我們要採取行動,不要只是停留在研究和思考階段。
波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會
Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston
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