Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Special Meeting Minutes

        September 21, 2013


A. In Attendance:

  1. Attendees: Joshua Chang, Howard Chen, Emily Cheng (Secretary), Chunyi Hu, Xinyu Li, Lance Pan, Wensong Pan, Philip Sailer, Loren Shih (Head Deacon), Ji-yong Wang (Treasurer), Ruike Wang, Xinwen Wang.
  2. Absentees: None.

B. Location:

Conference room, church office building.

C. Meeting Agenda & Minutes

  1. Meeting started at 12:45 pm
  2. Opening Prayer – Deacon Loren opened in prayer.
  3.  Massachusetts Poster Requirements - MA requires organizations to post signs pertaining to employment, etc.  Referred to HR committee
  4. Playground Inspection & Improvement
  1. Howard will call Lexington building department and request playground safety inspection
  2.  Lance will informally coordinate with Pastor King-Fai about playground equipment
  1. Fire Drill Coordination
  1. Review of current practices and future improvements.  Stewardship council is responsible for Fire Drills.
  1. Future Improvements –
  1. BoD member needs to participate in coordination
  2. Improve communication between all parties involved
  3. Document fire drill procedure or checklist for future reference
  4. Evaluate whether a lock down drill procedure should be added to church practice.
  5. Improve transfer of knowledge when people change ministries
  1.  Joshua will be the BoD contact for fire drills.  He will document procedure, coordinate next fire drill, and consider adding lock down procedure.  BoD will discuss lock down procedure with Children’s Ministry.  Xinyu will speak to current coordinator.
  1. Special Conference Procedures Update
  1.  Clarify CBCGB’s responsibilities with the speaker team - Lance
  2. Create a detailed special event checklist by next week – Lance & Xinwen
  3. Coordinate Special Usher Team – Phil & Xinyu
  4. Friday & Sunday Capacity Issues – BoD will work closely with SCM/Missions committees to resolve and propose options for any possible capacity issues.
  1. Friday Night 151 Plan
  1. During Church Building Expansion project, 151 building will be unavailable to fellowship groups on Friday and Sunday.  
  2. CM fellowship groups are resolving this issue by moving to different days of the week and/or moving locations on and off campus.  
  3. Xinyu, Xinwen, and Howard will work out new fire drill plan for this situation.
  1.  Policy for Reimbursement Requests Update
  1. In order to improve fiscal accountability with CBCGB accounts, Ji-young will update the expense request form to include:
  1. Requirement that only line item approver’s signature (no substitutes)
  2. Names of the approvers on the back of the form
  3.  Include a “Print Name” line
  4.  Include request for receipts
  1. The Finance Committee will enforce this policy keep an updated list of approver’s signatures that will be updated during the yearly budget review.  
  2. The Finance Committee will consider sending out a monthly report to line item managers. 
  1. Increasing professionalism around financial & operational responsibilities?
  1. BoD discussed creating a vision/plan as the church grows in the areas of finance and operations.  
  2. BoD will discuss with BoE regarding the possibility of CBCGB hiring professionals in the areas of reimbursement requests and operations managers.
  1. Capital Fund Spending Strategy Proposal – Ruike
  1. Ruike outlined a proposal for CBCGB’s Capital Fund spending strategy including information on how to generate, approve, and implement proposals.
  2. Proposals to include a capital reserve for scheduled maintenance, intentionally spending down the fund with open proposals, and including an emergency reserve.
  3. Ruike will continue to work on this proposal to include project proposal submission timeframe, how to get the proposal requests, maintenance of requests, and decisions regarding how much money to reserve.  May consider creating a Capital Fund committee.
  1. General Fund Analysis - Analyzed general fund trends and discussed how BoD can be more fiscally responsible.
  2. Security Camera Update – Josh will buy and install some security cameras at all main building entrances.  Refer to February 2012 Board of Elders minutes for approval information.
  3. Closing Prayer - Loren
  4. Meeting adjourned at 3:08 pm

D. Translation in Chinese



A. 與會者:

  1. 出席張子剛,陳國榮,劉安玲(秘書),胡中義,李新宇,潘瀾,潘文嵩,Philip Sailer,施志寧(執事會主席),王繼勇(財務),王瑞 珂,汪新文。
  2. 缺席 

B. 地點:教會辦公室會議廳。


  1. 下午12:45開始

  2. 開始禱告-施志寧執事。

  3. 麻州有關公佈的要求- MA要求組織機構公佈有關招聘的信息。已通知人事部委員HR

  4. 兒童操場檢查及改進

  1. 陳國榮將給Lexington的建築主管部門打電話要求對兒童操場的安全檢查。

  2. 潘瀾會對操場設備與蔡景輝牧師協調。

  1. 消防演習

  1. 回顧當前的實施和未來的改進。理事會負責消防演習。

  1. 未來的改進-

  1. 執事會成員需要參與協調,

  2. 增強各部門之間的溝通

  3. 對消防演習過程清單備案,以供將來參考

  4. 評估是否需要增加鎖定式演習過程。

  5. 改進當同工變動時,有關知識的傳承。

  1. 執事會消防演習的聯繫人將是子剛。他將記錄演習過程、協調下一次的消防演習,並考慮增加鎖定式演習。 執事會將與兒童部討論鎖定程序。新宇將聯繫相關人員。

  1. 特別年會程序

  1. 與主講人員澄清教會的責任——潘瀾

  2. 下週之前開出一個詳細的特殊事件清單——潘瀾和新文

  3. 組織特別招待團隊——Phil和新宇

  4. 週五及週日教會的容量問題——執事會將與SCM /宣教同工密切合作,來解決一切可能出現的容量問題。

  1. 151房子星期五晚上的使用計劃

  1. 在教堂擴建過程中,151號房子暫時不能用於週五及週日的團契活動。
  2. 為解決這個問題,中文堂團契需要移到不同時間,和教會內外不同的聚會地點。
  3. 新宇、新文和國榮將負責準備一份針對這個情況的特別消防演習計劃。
  1. 報銷申請的政策更新

  1. 為提高教會財務的責任性,繼勇將準備一份包含下列新內容的報銷申請表:

  1. 要求有每項批准人的簽名(不能代簽)

  2. 在表格背後列出所有批准人的名字
  3. 加上一項:正楷姓名
  4. 要求附上發票
  1. 財務同工將貫徹執行: 保留更新批准人簽名的列表,并在年度預算總結時更新。
  2. 財務同工將考慮把月度報告發送給每項負責人。
  1. 提升財務及運作的專業性?
  1. 執事會討論了,隨著教會的發展,建立一個在財務及運作方面的異象/計劃,。
  2. 執事會將和長老團討論,有關教會雇用財務報銷和運作的專業管理員的可能性。
  1. 資本基金支出策略提案——瑞珂
  1. 針對教會資本基金支出的策略,瑞給了提案的大綱,包括有關如何產生、批准和實施提議。
  2. 提案包括,教會日常維護的資金儲備,有意使用開放提案從基金預支款項,及應急儲備。
  3.  瑞珂將繼續規劃這個提案,加入項目建議書提交的時間,如何取得提議請求,請求的維護,以及決定預留的資金數量。並考慮成立資本基金同工會
  1.  一般基金分析 - 分析一般基金,並討論執事會如何在財務預算上更負責。
  2. 安全攝像頭報告 - 子剛將購買并在教會所有主要出入口處安裝安全攝像頭。請參見20122月長老會會議記錄的有關批准信息。
  3. 結束禱告志寧
  4.  會議於下午308分休會。

波 士 頓 郊 區 華 人 聖 經 教 會

Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

149 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Tel: (781) 863-1755  |  Fax: (781) 674-2312  |  |  Web: